
作者&投稿:锻咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It's been a month that the summer vacation went by. We have a long holiday, which is longer than the others. Most of us were plan to find a part-time job in order to kill the boring time while we got the news. So it was the same with me, of coz. I've been itching to take the part-time job when I was in the junior high school, more for getting some value experiences than for money.

Because lots of my friends have works experiences and have a more independent life. They are willing to share their interesting work experiences with me. In the work life, they met many difficulties; they would try to do something on their own. Different kinds of setbacks made them more strong and go easy on everything afterward. I felt somehow ashamed of myself ,I like to be independent, but it is difficult for me. I live under my parents' wings, then hide mine. My parents arrange everything for me,let me denpend on them for food and clothing.I know I can't go on like this. If I couldn't get rid of the protect from them ,I can't be independent.Their love will cut my wings.For this reason,I took the part-time job together with my friends.Our work was demanding, and if our speed was slowly ,we couldn't make much money.Sometimeswe felt disappointed,and made much complaints,even had the thoughts of coming back.But we kept on it.In the work life,we had something fun,something that made us felt sad.I almost forgot. There was a warm-hearted old man,he was a factory security. He took good care of us.And that made us felt happy in the other city.We were very gratefull to him. What a nice old man!Unfortunately,

I got a bad headache and a high temperature when I was planning to go back.That was because the roasting weather and the hard work.Thanks to my friends ,they looked after me ,as if my mother was around.Because of that ,I deeply felt the important of friendship . I just wanted to say,thank you!

When I took the first salary of my life,I knew it's very difficult to make

A new term began. Students all returned to school and met again. They were talking about what they had done in the holidays. I was much happier. I couldn’t wait to tell my story. Now it’s my turn. I told them I got a job in a restaurant. I worked as a waitress. They didn’t believe at first.

"Yes, it’s true. "I said," I really had a hard time at the beginning. But several days later, I could do a good job. I earned six hundred yuan this holiday. "They all looked at me with their mouths open.

3.Should students make friends on line ?

Some people say yes.The internet helps make many friends.Chatting on line,students can more freely express their feelings and opinions,and even get help with their foreign language studies .

Others,however,think students should not.They say making friends on line is a waste of time,which should be spent more meaningfully on study.Besides,some students get cheated on line .

It is my opinion that students should place their study,health and safety before other things.As for friendship,we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us .

We need vacations. They recharge us, allowing us to be more efficient all the other times. The trouble is, too many of the vacations we take these days aren't vacations at all.

We Americans are collectively suffering from vacation deficit disorder, insists Joe Robinson. And we don't even admit we have a problem. It gets so bad that workers often compete to see who has less of a life than the next guy.

Americans work more than anyone else. In fact, we work 100 hours per year more than the famously nose-to-grindstone Japanese. And we put in up to three months a year more than Europeans.

America is the only country that does not mandate paid vacation leave. China gets three weeks. Europe averages

Qingdao Tourism(青岛旅游)
Remember last summer vacation, I and my parents went to the Qingdao and Rizhao,where the scenery is beautiful, because it is summer, so there are a lot of people on the beach and pick up the be riotous with colour, shape is not a shell.On that day, the first time we went to Qingdao, to the famous Marine Museum, Qingdao was far away, I saw the sea at the eye-catching sign。
Each week I exercise我每个星期都锻炼
To every weekend I will exercise. On Saturday morning, I got up early. Eaten breakfast,I go to the park near the exercise to. The morning when not many people, is all someelderly people in the exercise. I circled the jogging in the park to exercise. I like to exercise.

I am a outgoing person我是个外向的人
I have a class at vigorous figure, to actively raise their hands to answer questions, a look will know that I am a very outgoing boy, always little not me, I am a outgoing boy.
In class I always the most active, most positive. I'm not classmates and noisy, so I toldall the students get along very well.I'm at the end of the class is a humorous person, always love and classmates make fun of.

whats the best movie theater什么是最好的电影院
The cinema is always one of the place I love the most. I think the best cinema should have good seats, the surrounding environment should be clean, second is to have a good projection environment, so as to let people down to watch a movie. These thingsa good theater have something.

I want to have a look of the show我想看的节目
I want to see is the news broadcast.I want to see is the news broadcast. Every night I finished dinner, will see a half-hour news broadcast. Watch the news has many benefits. From the news I can't get out of the house know outside events. It let us understand and know a lot of things. Watching the news can broaden their horizons.I like to watch the news.

One day, my mother and I entered a cake shop. Go in there after the cream rich stockperfume came to him. I feel the taste a bit like to know. Reminds me of a childhood friend, he also is a cake shop. I have been to his house to play, I was good friends with him. I have been to his house.His father always take the cake to entertain me. Until now, whenever I smell the smell of cake, will the aroma and I grew up in the play with friends.写的是蛋糕的香气,让我想起来一起的一个朋友

My “Cock” Clock

Hello! My name is Dongdong. Do you know I have a nice clock? It is a beautiful

clock. It is in my bedroom. In m\fact it is an alarm clock. The big and round body is

made of plastics and the clock is set in it. There is a red comb on its head. When you

want to adjust time, you just need to press the comb. Then “clock” will wake up on

time. At that time the “clock” will say: “WO! WO! WO!” It’s time for you to get up!

And its eyes can also give out light at the same time. It is a very beautiful and useful

clock, so I like it very much.讲闹钟的






2.重病女孩靠网友捐助获救治 私吞10万捐款
今年5月身患脑瘤的山西女孩小娟得到网友帮助,网友两次上街募捐,最终筹到15万元善款。当时组织方和小娟口头协议,治疗小娟剩下的钱将转捐给其他更需要帮助的人。 6月,小娟手术成功,却把剩下的10万元带回了山西老家,小娟此举在网上引来不少非议。募捐组织者担忧,小娟事件后,还有多少人愿意为萍水相逢的人募捐。






















3.央行:物价上涨非偶然 通货膨胀风险上升























王小波诠释过“沉默的大多数”,那么这一类打着慈善公益大旗、对于富人的正当收入、遗产构成、支配方式虎视眈眈的群体,不如归纳为“正义的大多数”。而下面这一条新闻,也许会让这个群体更加遗憾和失望:“国内某高校教授花10万元葬爱犬 挽联上写‘人狗情未了’”(《华西都市报》7月23日)。








1.I want to have a penfriend,hopefully a girl in her early twenties,and with interests similar to mine.In my mind ,she is someone who is in traveling,swimming,and playing table tennis.Besides,it would be better fou her to have a pet dou as I have kept one at home for some time.With such a pen friend ,I hope I can share with her our experience in traveling,taking care of pets,or whatever we have in common,And I believe I will improve my English by doing so and learn more about her country.

2.What do I want to do when I’m older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sports. Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because they like teaching children.....
I like playing the piano and I good at it. So I want to become a piano player. Play the piano is very interesting. And you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. A lot of musician and singer are love playing the piano.
I play the piano when I’m ten years old. Now I’m in grand five. I hope when I’m sixteen years old , I can become grand eight. I’ll be harder and harder to practise.
Become a piano play is a hard job. But I believe I can !!

3.My ambition is to be a professor. I hope to be a famous professor. Why? So I will have too many students. I would be nice to my students. I would make them do homework on Sunday! I would be happy with my students. I think professor are rich and it would be fun. I want to stay in Beijing when I’m older. So there is a famous city. My mother and father will live here. I hope to have a good wife and a son someday. My mother and father will be very good grandparents!
Finally, I wish I will be very happy and will have many friends when I am a man.That is my dream future!

4.I like Jay zhou (周杰伦)very much . he is young , not handsome but so outstanding . he creats so much music ,and sing by himself ! so this the reason that many people like him .
especially chirdren .
In a word ,I admire him ! he is my proud forever !

5.My idol is Liu Xiang.(刘翔)He is a Shanghai native, was born on July 13, 1983. His height is 188 cm, weight 75 kg. Singing and computer are his hobbies.
At the Athens Olympic Games on August 27,2004,Liu won the men's 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, equaling the world record set and breaking the Olympic record.
He brings great surprise and glory to chinese people.As well,his backbone and patriotism deeply affect me. we all chinese people are proud of him.

It's been a month that the summer vacation went by. We have a long holiday, which is longer than the others. Most of us were plan to find a part-time job in order to kill the boring time while we got the news. So it was the same with me, of coz. I've been itching to take the part-time job when I was in the junior high school, more for getting some value experiences than for money.

Because lots of my friends have works experiences and have a more independent life. They are willing to share their interesting work experiences with me. In the work life, they met many difficulties; they would try to do something on their own. Different kinds of setbacks made them more strong and go easy on everything afterward. I felt somehow ashamed of myself ,I like to be independent, but it is difficult for me. I live under my parents' wings, then hide mine. My parents arrange everything for me,let me denpend on them for food and clothing.I know I can't go on like this. If I couldn't get rid of the protect from them ,I can't be independent.Their love will cut my wings.For this reason,I took the part-time job together with my friends.Our work was demanding, and if our speed was slowly ,we couldn't make much money.Sometimeswe felt disappointed,and made much complaints,even had the thoughts of coming back.But we kept on it.In the work life,we had something fun,something that made us felt sad.I almost forgot. There was a warm-hearted old man,he was a factory security. He took good care of us.And that made us felt happy in the other city.We were very gratefull to him. What a nice old man!Unfortunately,

I got a bad headache and a high temperature when I was planning to go back.That was because the roasting weather and the hard work.Thanks to my friends ,they looked after me ,as if my mother was around.Because of that ,I deeply felt the important of friendship . I just wanted to say,thank you!

When I took the first salary of my life,I knew it's very difficult to make

老子爽的再加分... what fuck man who u r,get out of here!!!watch your language!!!!!!!!!!!



求两篇时事评论 (每篇600字)
不仅如此,迪拜此前也曾遭遇高楼火灾,但很少造成人员伤亡。联想到国内一些大火动辄几十人上百人的伤亡,消防员屡屡牺牲,不免让人感慨万分。 迪拜干旱少雨,大量高层、超高层建筑林立,为何在消防安全上会有如此优秀的成绩单? 据新华社报道,主要原因有二,一是防火硬件设备完善,迪拜在建筑设计上对防火要求高,不仅每个房间都...

第一次真好 人生当中,你已经拥有了无数个第一次,而其他的第一次呢?它们正等着你去寻找。“第一次真好……”我不由的在心底大声呐喊着……记得那是一次校运会,因为我比较胖,劲又大,所以老师派我去参加五年级铅球比赛。当时我还小,不懂得什么人可以去参加丢铅球,我一看:“哇!全都是大肥...

老师带领学生到建筑工地参加劳动,看到脚手架上悬挂着一副标语:“百年大计,质量第一。”老师问学生:“这八个字有什么含义?我们从中得到什么启示?”范文示例 百年大计,质量第一 建筑工地上,我们常常可以看到这么一则令人信心百倍的宣传标语:“百年大计,质量第一”。(引述材料)

1.It's been a month that the summer vacation went by. We have a long holiday, which is longer than the others. Most of us were plan to find a part-time job in order to kill the boring time while we got the news. So it was the same with me, of coz. I've been ...

理和庄严的法律面前实现人人平等?最理想,省心的办法,是让那些无罪,无错甚至无限的“超人”,薇我们草民判定真理和住在法律.如果找不到,就需要假定存 在着这样的人,以便轻易地欺骗自己.善良的愿望胜于催眠的药物,使我们两千年大梦难醒,永远幻想着昏君之后的明君,**之后的清官.经历几千年苦难,终于 到了...



迎“春风”,入北大 娱乐圈明星李宇春到北京大学作演讲。一首歌,几句话竟然引起强烈的反响以致场面失控,人群骚动。不少人认为,大学的讲堂只能是教学和学术研究的圣殿。然而,在我看来,文化的形式是丰富多彩,分庭抗礼的。大学讲堂是传播文化的地方,自然应该海纳百川,切不可以有色的眼光去看待文化。...

玉树县19797115481: 读书笔记,时事短评,和英语作文.3篇读书笔记,500字左右(字多了要减分哈……)5篇时事短评,150字左右(字多了也要减分哈……)不要抄袭.在来10... -
和须信立:[答案] My parents and me live in city.My father is a worker.His work is hard.My mother is a high school's Chinese teacher,She take bicycle go to work at seven'clock.In the afternoon,she doesn't go home.In th...

玉树县19797115481: 求一篇300字的英语作文,要求关于春节的,还有十篇500字的语文时评,全都是高中水平的!!!急急急~ -
和须信立: How to celebrate the Spring Festival Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It's to celebrate the lunar calendar 's new year . Spring festival is normal, we celebrate it once a year. But, it's abnormal because it's unique festival by ...

玉树县19797115481: 600字作文10篇(语文,英语) -
和须信立: 此时,列车长立刻拨通了下一站点的电话,通知他们马上准备好烫伤药膏,在下一站等候. 乘客们纷纷拿出自带的药物给列车长和乘务员.虽然没有找到治疗烫伤的药物,现在的药物也都不是很管用,但大家的热情却让孩子母亲的心稍稍有了一...

玉树县19797115481: 急求10篇英语作文
和须信立: Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,have their hair cut,and buy new clothes ....

玉树县19797115481: 求一篇300字的英语作文,要求关于春节的,还有十篇500字的语文时评,全都是高中水平的!文采不用太好,简简单单就可以了~希望各位大哥大姐能帮帮! -
和须信立:[答案] How to celebrate the Spring Festival Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It's to celebrate the lunar calendar 's new year .Spring festival is normal,we celebrate it once a year.But,it's abnormal because it's unique festival by Chinese...

玉树县19797115481: 求10篇英语作文 带翻译 每篇 60词左右 !!!!小学 或初1上学期水平!!!! -
和须信立: My family I love my family, because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What's my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you're right! My mother is very kind and nice,...

玉树县19797115481: 10篇不同题材的英语作文 -
和须信立: For Carter was not dead or wounded. He was sleeping while on duty. Fortunately, no one could see him. He was hidden by some bushes, growing by the side of the road. The road Carter Druse had been sent to guard was only a few miles from his ...

玉树县19797115481: 写一篇电影的评论的英语作文60词左右 -
和须信立: Harry Potter series are my most favorite books. There are seven books in total. Last year, my father bought them for me as the new year gift. When I first read them, I liked them inmediately. The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and ...

玉树县19797115481: 求10篇60词左右的高中水平英语作文.最好种类丰富一点. -
和须信立: Qingdao Tourism(青岛旅游) Remember last summer vacation, I and my parents went to the Qingdao and Rizhao,where the scenery is beautiful, because it is summer, so there are a lot of people on the beach and pick up the be riotous with colour,...

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