
作者&投稿:荡陶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ "Downtown"一词的含义显而易见,它指的是城市的中心地带,这个区域不仅是商业、行政和文化活动的交汇点,更是城市活力与繁荣的象征。在城市规划中,它通常以市政厅为核心,周围环绕着商业区和重要的旅游景点,如高层建筑林立的商务区、繁华的购物中心、酒店、办公楼以及各类娱乐设施,它们共同构成了城市的地标和游客向往的焦点。



电影原声的《One Shot》 歌词
Make a difference in our own town?If we stay silent with our voices now The rocks will cry out Believers let me hear you shout All around the world Every boy, every girl's got one shot To prove what they're all about I'm gonna sing about my God And it doesn't matter...

Steve Mcqueen 歌词
Now I'm lost in my own town It seems like someone moved the streets around I was a teenage Steve McQueen My best performance escaping I was a teenage Steve McQueen My best performance escaped me Everything just as I left it But it wasn't me who left it The position had ...

Newsboys的《One Shot》 歌词
Make a difference in our own town?If we stay silent with our voices now The rocks will cry out Believers let me hear you shout All around the world Every boy, every girl's got one shot To prove what they're all about I'm gonna sing about my God And it doesn't matter...

急求ride with me中文歌词.nelly的
I got the title from my momma put the whip in my own name now Damn shit done changed now Runnin credit checks with no shame now I feel the fame now (come on), I can't complain now (no more)Shit I'm the mayne now, in and out my own town I'm gettin pages out of...

udden造句 uddenの例文 "udden"是什麼意思
Jan Udden of the Bohuslaen Museum on Sweden's western coast told The Associated Press.Udden currently leads his own band, Plainville, which performs regularly in New York City.Gravel is categorized by the Udden -Wenorth scale into granular gravel ( ) and pebble gravel ( )....

柳林县17652341860: downtown(MacklemoreRyan Lewis演唱歌曲) - 搜狗百科
溥和益气:[答案] Downtown: n.市中心区,市中心 a.市中心的 ad.往闹区 例句与用法: 1.We will go downtown tomorrow. 明天我们去市中心. 2.A central portion of a city,between uptown and downtown. 市中心区一个城市的中心地区,位于住宅区和商业区之间 乡下: ...

柳林县17652341860: downtown是什么意思 -
溥和益气: 应该是市中心

柳林县17652341860: downtown 什么意思 -
溥和益气: 市区的意思 市中心是downtown area

柳林县17652341860: downtown的准确意思是什么?千万别回答我大概意思,我要的是准确意思. -
溥和益气: 你好 downtown [,daun'taun] ad. 1. 在(或往)城市的商业区 a. 1. 城市商业区的[B] n. 1. 城市商业区,闹区

柳林县17652341860: 英语中downtown和uptown的意思及区别? -
溥和益气:[答案] downtown就是在市中心的意思,.uptown是住宅区.

柳林县17652341860: "Downtown"到底是城中心的意思还是乡下的意思?? -
溥和益气: Downtown"到底是城中心的意思还是乡下的意思?? 我记得是市中心的意思,但为什么总有人翻译成乡下呢??问题补充:翻译成"乡下"的人是不是有些望文生义呢??downtown 是'城市商业区'的意思,有一个词组:downtown areas 闹市区,还有一个词组:live/go downtown 在/去城市商业区 翻译成"乡下"的人肯定是望文生义!

柳林县17652341860: downtown什么意思? -
溥和益气: downtown : in or to the central part of a city: 市中心usage:用法1. downtown New York---> downtown 当形容词,前位修饰. 纽约的市中心.2. I work downtown, but I live in the suburbs. ------>downtown 当副词. 我在市中心工作,但住在...

柳林县17652341860: downtown是什么意思? -
溥和益气: adv. 往闹市区;在市区adj. 市中心的n. 市中心区;[篮球]三分线以外

柳林县17652341860: 为什么英文中"市中心"叫downtown?我们说乡下,是指远离城市的地方,而英文说“乡下”,却是市中心的意思?是欧洲来的?不是美国来的? -
溥和益气:[答案] 这个说来话长啦 欧洲一带以前是多山的 一般居民都住在山上 而市中心是建立在平原的 所以人们要去市中心就要下山downtown(下山到镇上去) 而上山便是uptown(上山离开镇) 其实英语很多是和他们自己的国家的历史文化有联系的 外语外语是...

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