
作者&投稿:员帝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


There is Huaguo Mountain in Aolai national sea of Dongsheng Shenzhou. A stone monkey is bred from an immortal stone on the mountain.


The stone monkey found the stone cave named "water curtain cave" at the source of the stream where he lived, and was embraced as king by the group of monkeys.


After another three or five hundred years, the stone monkey suddenly cried for the impermanence of his life.


According to an old monkey's instruction, the stone monkey went to Xiniu Hezhou via nanxunzhou, went to Fangcun mountain of Lingtai, went to xieyue Sanxing cave, and met the Grandmaster of xubodhi. He was accepted as an apprentice, and was named monkey king.


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