
作者&投稿:藤晓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 团队精神







1.她工作继续对8aOE... 8a."uct 我们在合理的政治和内在演讲智慧。寻找的采纳由ma8aOE... 8a."eam 文艺标准, 黑命令ers 担心, 农村黑经验的Hurston 的召唤排斥了和减少了非裔美国人更宽的采纳。2.少数, 若有的话, 小说工作挥动了这样的影响。3.她的童年一般是愉快在由Calvinist 父亲控制上帝...

10分悬赏『妇女节』 英文文章
honor the women of Afghanistan. U-N officials say the event will celebrate the spirit, heroism and survival power of Afghan women who were severely oppressed under the Taleban rulers. Organizers say the event will also be used to make known the needs of Afghan women. And, they say delegates...

简历 英文
I am active,optimistic,hardworking,have strongt eamwork spirit adn learning ability.I have ever attended holding of some big show,I know how to communicate with everyone.简历介绍:简历(英语:resume),顾名思义,就是对个人学历、经历、特长、爱好及其它有关情况所作的简明扼要的书面介绍。

个人简历 英文
Self-recommendation letter I am active,optimistic,hardworking,have strongt eamwork spirit adn learning ability.I have ever attended holding of some big show,I know how to communicate with everyone.

Work through the years I have learned a lot of knowledge, but also cultIvate my perseverance and IndomItable fIghtIng spIrIt, so that I can contInue to work to overcome dIffIcultIes, posItIve enterprIsIng. JoIn the ranks of teachers Is one of my strong desIre for many years, I realIze and ...

Has a life, has a spirit, has a name Think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You learn things you never knew You never knew 1-Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? or ask ...

Work through the years I have learned a lot of knowledge, but also cultIvate my perseverance and IndomItable fIghtIng spIrIt, so that I can contInue to work to overcome dIffIcultIes, posItIve enterprIsIng. JoIn the ranks of teachers Is one of my strong desIre for many years, I realIze and ...

The success of the Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese people realize the dream of a century. Chinese athletes to outstanding athletic ability and indomitable fighting spirit of the first gold medal total to create the best score in history.Win back the Shenzhou VII, the three ...

Work through the years I have learned a lot of knowledge,but also cultivate my perseverance and indomitable fighting spirit,so that I can continue to work to overcome difficulties,positive enterprising. Join the ranks of teachers is one of my strong desire for many years,I realize and working ...

黄龙县13450796706: Spirit(电子竞技职业战队) - 搜狗百科
关狮尤尼: 团队精神

黄龙县13450796706: 团队精神 英文怎么翻译 -
关狮尤尼: 所谓团队精神Team spirit,简单来说就是整体意识 (Integral Consciousness)、大局意识(Ideas of Overall Situation)、协作精神(Cooperation spirit)和服务精神(Spirit of service)的集中体现.团队精神的基础是尊重个人的兴趣和成就.核...

黄龙县13450796706: team spirit还是team spirits? -
关狮尤尼: ◆spirit作名词的含义是【精神;心灵;情绪;志气;】而spirits的含义是【态度;精力】●所以【团队精神】应该用【Team spirit】■其他一些短语可以证明用spirits时有另外的含义: 例如:Fighting Spirits 争斗心 in high spirits 兴高采烈;情绪高涨 low spirits 情绪低落;没精打采 in good spirits adj. 精神抖擞

黄龙县13450796706: 团队精神怎么翻译 -
关狮尤尼: 团队精神: [ tuán duì jīng shén ] 1. team spirit2. group spirit 其它相关解释:

黄龙县13450796706: 团队灵魂英语怎么说? -
关狮尤尼: team work spirit 我觉得是这个

黄龙县13450796706: 团队精神用英语怎么说 -
关狮尤尼: team spirit.

黄龙县13450796706: team - work spirit是什么意思 -
关狮尤尼: team-work spirit 团队合作精神;团队协作能力 双语例句1. He managed to imbue his employees with team spirit. 他成功激发起雇员的团队精神.2. The team's spirIt'sank to zero after its third defeat. 第三次失败后球队士气降至最低点.3. The team's ...

黄龙县13450796706: 团队意识用英语怎么说? -
关狮尤尼: Team Awareness或team spirit

黄龙县13450796706: “团队精神”“上进心”英文怎么说 -
关狮尤尼: Team spirit团队精神 Ambition上进心

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