
作者&投稿:系肩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


In the past years ,the disposable plastic bags were (was) used by people (to person) extensively, especially those (people) who buy(ing) things in
supermarket.There are many problems with disposable plastic bags being (was)
thrown away everywhere ,(and it will cause) thus causing the White Pollution
.And secondly ,plastic bags are not easy to decompose ,so they (it) will remain (leave) in our land a long time and pollute our groundwater.Lastly
,some people always choose to burn the disposable plastic bags when they have too (it is) many (1).

As the plastic bags created (takes) more and more problems,our government
made(make) a law to limit the use of disposable plastic bags(2).As far as
I am concerned (For my part), I think the action can bring (take) many benefits
to people (person) .To begin with ,it will reduce the production (product)
of disposable plastic bags and as the price increases (increased),people
will control their desire of using them (use it).In addition ,it can protect
better both our environment (better) and (ensure) our health.In short (a word),it is a beneficial thing that it can make our life better.

(1)或when there are too many.
As the plastic bags have created more and more problems,our government
will pass a law to limit the use of disposable plastic bags.

Nowadays,more and more people use credit cards instead of carrying a large AMOUNT OF CASH, 没有说a large of money的,后面也有 Firstly,the people use credit card without a large of money, 不过这句意思上也有点怪 我猜你是说拿了信用卡就不用带大量现金了 首先people 前不用the,when people use credit cards instead of cash,it's more convenient and safe,然后。。。more and more customers use credit cards can reduce...有问题,using吧, ...FOR the workers

1.每次涉及recreational activities这个词组时,请注意这是复数,所以句子的谓语应为复数,且即使后半句用代词代替,也应用复数。例如:第二段第一句There are many recreational activities in our life and it can make us so happy.前半句are是复数,后半句变成了单数it。这种错误几乎每句话都有,所以请仔细检查。代词的“他们自己”英语是"themselves",这是一个单词,不是两个。
2.语法方面还有一个严重错误是有几句话没有谓语,就是没有一句话最基本的动词,没有动词就不成句子的,请注意。例如:第一段第一句different kinds of recreational activities around our life缺谓语,也就是没有动词。
3。部分表达单词的用法不太对。例如:People who always in work缺谓语,另外若指上班族用office worker就可以了。再例如:we must study to limit the play times这里的动词用learn,因study不能这么用。
4。句子结束请用句号句掉。例如:For my part,we shouldn't work、study or stay at home all the way,we must take part in recreational activities to make our body relax,for example,we can invite our friends to travel on weekend,I think it is very interesting.这是四句话,不是一句。But everything shouldn't do excessively,we must study to limit the play times.这是两句话,请断开或者在一句结束后加个and。

Nowadays,different kinds of recreational activities() around our life .
For example,watching TV,singing,dancing ,playing chess,traveling,surfing on the Internet and so on.
1、注意:用了for example就不能再用and so on

2、surf the Internet

There are many recreational activities in our life and it can make us so happy.
People who always in work can take part in recreational activities to relax their self and people who stay at home all along can take part in it to enrich their life.
稍微改下,People who are always busy with their work can… to relax themselves(反身代词,注意了)and those who stay at home alone can also enjoy it to enrich their life.
But every coin has two sides,recreational activities is no exception and in another word ,it still has negative aspects.
可以稍微改下,But every coin has two sides,and recreational activities is no exception.后面的一些都删除。
To begin with ,the students who take part in many recreational activities may effect their study.
这里要表达的意思是太多,所以要用too many; 第二个,这句话语法严重错误,如果把修饰部分who take part in many recreational activities去掉,则句子就变成了the students may effect their study(学生影响他们的学习),主谓不一致。所以后面可改为,may be disturbed.
And in addition ,many people can't limit the times in play and it will reduce the times of rest.
呵呵,这句话的确是中国式英语。可改为people who spend too much time in playing will have less time to rest.

For my part,we shouldn't work、study or stay at home all the way,we must take part in recreational activities to make our body relax,
适当修改:work,study or stay…… we should spare some time to enjoy ourself.
for example,we can invite our friends to travel on weekend,I think it is very interesting.
注意应该是travel with.
But everything shouldn't do excessively,we must study to limit the play times.
呵呵,we should make good use of time to learn as much as we can.
In a word,we should admit the advantages of recreational activities and also accept the disadvantages.
这里的and 应该可以换为but



第一句different kinds of recreational activities around our life 没有动词啊。。。。汗。。。印象分倍减。。。

There are many recreational activities in our life and it can make us so happy 前面是activities后面是it。。。不一致

.People who always in work can take part in recreational activities to relax their self and people who stay at home all along can take part in it to enrich their life. at work .themselves. 前面是activities后面是it。。。又不一致

we shouldn't work、study or stay at home all the way,we must take part in recreational activities to make our body relax情态动词用的有问题

But every coin has two sides,recreational activities is no exception and in another word ,it still has negative aspects.本来不说内容的。。。但是。。。这句全是模板堆砌的。。。记住,一句话可以有模板,但必须要包含主题考官才可以忍受。。。要是一句话都你这样,考官直接认定你堆砌字数

the students who take part in many recreational activities may effect their stud 参加啊娱乐活动的学生会影响他们的学习???应该是学生参加(过多的)活动会影响学习吧。。。

many people can't limit the times in play and it will reduce the times of rest. 前半句太中国英语了,后面times 。。。怎么有s???



speakers,Americans and other english,你发现了什么?还有标点问题,他说他们大部分不用标点,可是它的标点一个都不少,习惯不会轻易改掉,除非他说的是假的。最重要的一点,我没有发现他的这两段话里面出现任何美国俚语, 倒像中规中矩的,英语水平不错的国人写的。建议楼主慎重考虑他说的话。

我们可以赚到钱,但不能获得时间。时间一旦失去它,却永远不会回来。这就是为什么我们不能浪费任何时间。时光飞逝快速和时间我们有相当有限。我们要充分利用我们的时间。但是有许多人啊!不知道时间的重要性。他们浪费他们的时间抽烟、喝酒、打牌等等。他们没有意识到浪费时间就是浪费自己 不用点评了 ...

2. 高中英语教师及高手进,求英语作文点评 从这两篇作文来看,你的词汇量及句法的运用是不错的。 先说第一篇,提示的信息都已经包括在内了,但是我觉得句子用得有点生硬。给出的信息只是起到提示的作用,不一定要逐字逐句的翻译。 比如文中提到“学生的反应:喜欢该课外活动,能放松心情、校园生活更丰富充实”,而且...

我的 一个英语句子的结构分析---高手帮忙 Agooddealissomethingfewofuscanaffordtopassup.1、首先分析这个句子的结构,然后说affordsb.\/sth.todo还是affordtodo2、然后标注你翻译... A good deal is something few of us can afford to pass up. 1、首先分析这个句子的结构,然后说afford sb.\/sth. to do 还...

1. Big horse & sheep of paying a New Year call of animals representing each year in the twelve-year Chinese zodiac cycle: Horse, born with love ardently to run; They are unconstrained , the Jie good horse is impertinent. But, they are that human being's good friend , their...

英语高手英语老师出国留学人士请帮帮我,下面表达有语法错误吗?清华大 ...

Multimedia Courseware in modern teaching techniques and teaching more attention has been paid to the role of application are becoming increasingly widespread. Through pictures, animation, text, video, voice and other media is an organic combination can make good teaching results. Consequently...

一 要有大纲要求的词汇量,否则巧妇难为无米之炊。二 要知道基本的句子结构,如什么主谓宾,主系表之类。三 要知道基本的时态,用法和句子结构。四 要明白考查的是什么文体,是记叙文,还是议论文。从时态上说,记叙文,一般多用过去时,一般过去时或过去进行时。议论文,一般多用一般现在时。从文章...

以下是你的错误:1. (starded) to learn English in Grade 6 正确:started 2. And now I begin to listen to English radio (programs)正确:programmes 3. I also have some (trouble) in learning English,such as,vocabulary and listening.正确:troubles 4. I (believed) it will come ...

A lovely bear has began to doubt why jilljingchen(首字母需大写) did not write to it in a long time.(这是我的修改:There’s a bear, he had a friend named JillJing Chen. These days he is very astonished why his friend didn’t write back for a long time.)Did your ...

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评一下我的这篇四级英语作文,非常感谢(语法和用词)1:越来越多的人从事志愿者工作2:志愿者工作的社会意义3:大学生应该怎么做... -
池瑗嘉比:[答案] 第二段的第三行的时态用过去比较好,志愿者组织应该是过去就被建立起来的,所以把are改成were更好,后面的主语是they 所以starts的s去掉或用过去时started. 最后一段倒数第三行的disable是动词,要用disabled形容词.估计你是笔误.

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文,1:中国城乡之间的差距似乎有增大的趋势2:导致这种现象的原因3:怎样才能缩小城乡之间的差距Bridging the... -
池瑗嘉比:[答案] 值得肯定的是,没有错误的单词,但是病句很多,即句子结构错误严重.1.With the development of economy,the gap betwwen the urban and rural areas seems increased(前面那个动名词根本就缺少句子成分)2.The urban are...

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评一下我的这篇英语四级作文,不甚感激.1:各大学开设了各种各样的选修课2:学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课3:以你自己为例.... -
池瑗嘉比:[答案] 建议你注意用词和语法,比如单复数问题,你里面有很多语法错误,比如more and more worse,worse已是比较级,所以不要再用more,直接用worse and worse就可以了,注意你的连接词,比如最后一段, importantly,应用most importantly,in sum ...

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文,1:本社团的主要活动内容2:参加本社团的好处3:如何加入本社团Welcome to join the Sunshine volunteer club!... -
池瑗嘉比:[答案] 一,If you have a love heart.love是动词,不能做定语.换成If you are kind-hearted,二,you ought to join us表示建议把ought to 换成are supposed to 更委婉 三,We will look in the older those who live alone and...

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评一下这篇四级英语作文,非常感谢(语法和用词,如果总分15分,你能给我多少)1:据调查显示,现在大学生每月的花销越来越高,很... -
池瑗嘉比:[答案] 基本可以,我给10分.已经不错了.有一些语法错误和汉式英语.还有及物动词与不及物动词的错用,specially应该是尤其ESPECIALLY ,In a world ?这是什么意思》再看看 ,the difficulty of earn money?of后面是动词?有一些语...

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评我的英语四级作文(语法,用词)非常感谢1:越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么?2:也会带来一些问题3:你的看法Free ... -
池瑗嘉比:[答案] 1, 第二句中:are opened for free. 2,it has a purpose ? 此处最好用,There's a purpose 或者直接用状语从句:nowdays more and more museums are opened for free to attract the people ,especially the student...

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评这篇四级作文,1 现在电视上充斥着各种选秀节目2 选秀节目流行的原因3 你的观点Talent Show on TVNowadays,with the developing ... -
池瑗嘉比:[答案] [ ...]里面的是增加的单词、句子( ...)里面是更改过的单词、句子(语法或拼写错误) 里面是要删掉的单词、句子 【···】需要的时候,中文评论、解释我把1-2句话隔成了一个段落是为了我修改方便(眼睛看的不会...

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评一下我的四级英语作文(语法、用词)万分感谢1:越来越多的人使用信用卡,信用卡有哪些好处?2:信用卡的弊端3:你自己的观点... -
池瑗嘉比:[答案] Nowadays,more and more people use credit cards instead of carrying a large AMOUNT OF CASH,没有说a large of money的,后面也有 Firstly,the people use credit card without a large of money,不过这句意思上也有点怪 我猜你是说拿了信用卡就不...

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评我的这篇英语四级作文,万分感谢 -
池瑗嘉比: 值得肯定的是,没有错误的单词,但是病句很多,即句子结构错误严重.1.With the development of economy,the gap betwwen the urban and rural areas seems increased(前面那个动名词根本就缺少句子成分)2.The urban areas [are] developing ...

港闸区15612413821: 请英语高手帮我点评我的英语四级作文(语法,用词)非常感谢 -
池瑗嘉比: 1, 第二句中:are opened for free. 2,it has a purpose ? 此处最好用,There's a purpose 或者直接用状语从句:nowdays more and more museums are opened for free to attract the people ,especially the students to visit them ,which show the ...

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