
作者&投稿:蓟褚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2010年东北三省三校第二次模拟考试英语答案 第I卷 (选择题,共115分) 第一部分 听力理解 1-5 AACCC 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 BCBAB 16-20 BBBAB 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 21-25 ADCDC 26-30 DBBAC 31-35 ABCDA 第二节 完形填空 36-40 DBACC 41-45 ADCAB 46-50 DABCB 51-55 CBCDA 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节 A篇 56-59 DCDA B篇 60-63 ADBC C篇 64-66 AAD D篇 67-70 BBAC 第二节 71-75 D A C E B 第II卷 (非选择题,共35分) 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错 Once, a man got on a bus to New York. Because he did not want to pay, so he hid in the toilet. But a passenger saw her. She tapped the person in front of her on the shoulder and say, him said “There’s a bum (流浪汉) in ^ toilet. Tell the bus driver.” The message was passing on from person the passed to person. But somewhere along the way, it was changed. The bus driver ^ told that there was a bomb was in the toilet. He immediate stopped the bus and telephoned the police. When the police came, immediately they told the passengers to get off the bus or stay far away. Then they closed the highway. As a and result, a traffic jam of 15 mile long was soon caused. In the help of a dog, the police miles With searched for two hours. Of course they found no bomb. 第二节 书面表达 Dear Tom, It is great to receive your email. Now I’d like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon we held a growing-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. At first we made an oath that as grown-ups we should have a sense of duty for our society from now on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who had gone through hardships to bring us up and teachers who have been educating us patiently. And our teachers also gave us cards expressing their good wishes to us. Finally, we put on wonderful performances, singing and dancing. We learned a lot from the activity. I think it’s very important for us. I will remember the day in my life. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 听力原文: 1. W: There seems no need to wait for them any longer. It’s 4:15 now. M: Be patient please, Alice! We can wait another 15 minutes, OK? 2. M: My son is studying in a boarding school, but I am considering changing one for him. W: I can’t agree with you much more. He may feel rejected if he can’t see his parents every day. M: Right. He isn’t used to the food there and often falls sick. 3. M: Yes, it looks good. I like the color. But I think you can make it better. I will give you enough expenses. W: Many young people like the color and the style too. More effort on the technical side would help. 4. M: Ouch, it really hurts terribly, because I fell over heavily just now. W: I think you need an X-ray. Shall I help you get to the hospital? M: No, thanks. 5. M: How do Jane and Bill like their new home? W: It’s really very nice, but they are tired of the noise of the planes going over their house. 6. M: Julia, I want to have an English name. You know, my Chinese name is difficult to pronounce and some foreign friends can’t write my name out. Can you give me some advice? W: Why not just stick to your Chinese name? Any name can be written in the English alphabet, so you don’t really need to have an English name! M: To be honest, some English names that people choose are rather strange, which are never used as names. W: In fact, you should demand that all your colleagues call you by your Chinese name. After all, it is a name with a lot of meaning and something that your parents have chosen for you with a lot of care! 7. M: Is this a picture of all your family members? W: Right, it was taken 13 years ago. M: You and your father are much alike. W: Thanks. But he has passed away. M: What a pity! Your mother must be very tired to support such a big family. W: Yeah, I must owe my success to my mother. M: You live with your grandparents? W: Right, in this way my mother can look after them. M: Hard to believe. After your dad left? W: Yeah, my grandmother has heart disease. M: Your mother is great. What is she? W: She is a doctor in Washington Hospital. M: No wonder you are so excellent. W: She is really a great woman. She works hard for the big family. M: Your grandmother looks like a teacher. W: You guessed it. She taught for 30 years and she retired five years ago. 8. M: I’m sorry about the accident, Mrs. Morris. W: No one was hurt, thank goodness. M: We need to send in an accident report. And I need to ask you a few questions. W: All right. M: What time did it happen? W: At five minutes after five. M: And who hit you? W: Her name is Mrs. William R. Crouton. She lives at 1645 Jefferson Street. M: Now, what happened exactly? Tell me in your own words. W: Well, I was driving along Jefferson Street. I wasn’t going fast at all. I saw that car. It was backing out of the driveway. It was Mrs. Crouton. She didn’t stop at all. She backed right into me. M: Very well. Now I need to look at your car. Where is it? W: It’s at Walt’s garage. That’s on Jefferson and Vine Streets. I’ll go along with you. M: Okay, fine. Let’s go, Mrs. Morris. 9. M: So Maria, what can you tell us about your plans for the future? W: Well, I’ve been considering taking a year out after I graduate. You know, maybe travel around the world and see some different countries. M: What do you hope to gain from traveling? W: It will give me a chance to experience different cultures first-hand rather than read about them in a book. But I also think that the experience I gain will help me find a good job when I come back. M: Can you explain why you think traveling will help you find a job? W: Well, the way I see it, the modern business environment is changing. Therefore, to be successful in one’s life, it is important to be able to accept changes. You should be willing to change your attitudes, and even working habits to suit the ever-changing environment. M: Er… It sounds reasonable. W: I also believe that traveling will teach me to be independent, as well as to value other people. M: Why do you believe traveling will help you to value other people? W: As you know, when you’re travelling you can’t get help from your family, so you have to depend on your friends, or even turn to unknown people. M: Oh, I see. You’re right, Maria. 10. I have really enjoyed my job, especially as it was my first suitable job in the UK. I had been working as a chef and kitchen porter before this but this is the suitable work. I found it through the Internet. The job has given me confidence with English computer terms and working with English people. They are quite different here to the people in Spain. People in England are much more logical. I already had a good knowledge of computers before my job, but I learnt a lot about the way that business works here. It’s always good to show that I’ve worked abroad in a company related to what I’ve been studying. It was nice that the atmosphere was relaxed. In Spain, you always have to wear a shirt to any computer job, but it’s not the same in English companies. If I had to give advice for you, I would say you should meet as many people as possible. I came here partly to learn English, but at first, the only people I met were Spanish people! Mixing with English people has made such a difference to my experience here.

1-5 AACCC 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 BCBAB 16-20 BBBAB 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 21-25 ADCDC 26-30 DBBAC 31-35 ABCDA 第二节 完形填空 36-40 DBACC 41-45 ADCAB 46-50 DABCB 51-55 CBCDA 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节 A篇 56-59 DCDA B篇 60-63 ADBC C篇 64-66 AAD D篇 67-70 BBAC 第二节 71-75 D A C E B 第II卷 (非选择题,共35分) 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错 Once, a man got on a bus to New York. Because he did not want to pay, so he hid in the toilet. But a passenger saw her. She tapped the person in front of her on the shoulder and say, him said “There’s a bum (流浪汉) in ^ toilet. Tell the bus driver.” The message was passing on from person the passed to person. But somewhere along the way, it was changed. The bus driver ^ told that there was a bomb was in the toilet. He immediate stopped the bus and telephoned the police. When the police came, immediately they told the passengers to get off the bus or stay far away. Then they closed the highway. As a and result, a traffic jam of 15 mile long was soon caused. In the help of a dog, the police miles With searched for two hours. Of course they found no bomb. 第二节 书面表达 Dear Tom, It is great to receive your email. Now I’d like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon we held a growing-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. At first we made an oath that as grown-ups we should have a sense of duty for our society from now on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who had gone through hardships to bring us up and teachers who have been educating us patiently. And our teachers also gave us cards expressing their good wishes to us. Finally, we put on wonderful performances, singing and dancing. We learned a lot from the activity. I think it’s very important for us. I will remember the day in my life. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua

2010 年东北三省三校第二次模拟考试地理参考答案 选择题: 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 非选择题: 36.(1)地理位置优越,环境优美;气候宜人;(陆上运输、内河航运及海上航运在此相连)海、陆、空立体交通网络发达;市场广阔;科技和教育发达;(答对一项得1分,共4分) (2)对水系影响:①造成一些支流、湖泊消失;(1分)②河床淤积抬高,留下了废A(黄)河河床(2分)③B(海)、C(淮)河水系紊乱,排水不畅或水无出路,防洪压力大;(1分) 成为“分水岭”的原因:①A(黄)河此段为下游(由于流经华北平原河床宽坦,水流缓慢,泥沙淤积,使河床高出两岸3~10米)成为“地上河”(“悬河”);(2分)②(自郑州以下)几乎无支流汇入。(2分) (3)①临海地理位置十分优越(位于环渤海经济区);②丰富的海洋资源、能源和矿产;③(陆上运输、内河航运及海上航运在此相连)海陆空交通发达便捷;④工业基础、科技力量雄厚(人才密集);⑤实力较强的城市消费市场(市场广阔)。(政策支持)(答对一项得1分,共4分) 开发设想:①发挥交通优势进行港口开发;②海洋资源开发;③利用海洋资源,开展海产品加工;④发展滨海旅游。(4分) 37.(1)阿德莱德:1、2月份为夏季,受副热带高气压控制,炎热干燥。(3分) 加尔各答:6月份为夏季,西南季风推迟北进,雨季来得晚,炎热干燥。(3分) (2)农业地域类型:混合农业(2分) 社会经济条件:人口城市密集(1分),劳动力素质高(1分);海陆交通便利(1分);科技发达(1分)。 (3)印度煤、铁、锰等矿产资源丰富(2分);人口众多,劳动力资源丰富而廉价(2分);市场广阔(2分)。 (4)印度人口众多,人口压力大(2分),就业困难,社会福利保障差(2分)。(或答澳大利亚地广人稀,就业机会多,社会福利保障好。) 对澳大利亚的影响:带来大量劳动力(1分),促进经济发展(1分),增加人口对环境的压力(2分)。 41、选做题: A 题——旅游地理: (1)以欧洲为主,其次是北美(2分)。以发达国家和地区为主(1分)。近距离的游客多(1分)。 (2)伦敦塔、白金汉宫、大英博物馆、泰晤士河、格林尼治天文台旧址(本初子午线)、马克思墓、大本钟、伦敦塔桥等(答一项得0.5分,共2分)。 (3)旅游资源丰富;旅游资源集群状况好;交通发达;地处经济发达地区,客源市场充足;基础设施完善,旅游服务业发达。(每答一点得1分,满分4分。) B 题——自然灾害与防治: (1)冷锋;(2分)沙尘暴、(1分)寒潮(1分) (2)日期提前。(2分)影响越冬作物的播种。(1分)影响水稻、棉花等农作物的收割、采摘,导致农作物减产;(1分)但是降雪可以补充土壤中的水分,(1分)减少来年的病虫害,促进来年农作物的高产丰收。(1分) C 题——环境保护: (1)空气重度污染面积大幅缩小,以佛山缩小最多(2分)。植树造林、科学规划城市绿地面积(2分) (2)工业发达污染较严重(2分)人口稠密生活污染严重(2分)经济发达交通污染严重(2分) 2010 年东北三省三校第二次模拟考试历史参考答案 24.D 25.C 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.B 31.D 32.D 33.C 34.C 35.C 40 .(37分) ( 1 )①建立了比较完备的学校体系(有从中央官学到地方官学的学校体系);②学校教育重视以儒家伦理道德约束学生(以儒学教育为核心);③学校教育的目标是培养封建官僚(如答官僚贵族子弟享有教育特权、忽视科技教育等也可给分。)( 9 分) ( 2 )特点: 规定了各级各类学校的年限、课程设置及相互衔接 ; 引进西学,注重实业教育和实用教育(如师范教育和译书馆)。( 4 分) 社会原因:西学的传播;洋务运动,维新变法运动的推动;民族资本主义的发展。( 8 分) ( 3 )①学年大大缩短。使青年一代尽快成才。②重视师范教育。为教育的发展奠定基础。③取消儒家经学课,加强自然科学课程和生产技能训练。打破儒家思想的束缚,培养民主平等观念,培养科学知识与技能。④女子教育纳入学制。提高妇女地位(实现男女平等)。(答对一个变化与目的各得 2 分,该问得分不超过 16 分。) 42 .A题:(15分) (1) 特点:全面、系统(涉及人才培养、激励和约束、选取、使用的全过程);提出教养结合,从财、礼、法三方面鼓励和约束人才;强调德才兼备。(答出其中两点即可,4分) 实践:改革科举、改组太学、修订教材,培养改革人才。(2分) (2) 看法一:朱熹的看法是正确的。王安石确实存在用人不当等弊端,任用了一些有才无德之人,导致变法的失败。(5分) 看法二:朱熹的看法是错误的。朱熹抹杀了改革的功绩,把北宋的灭亡原因归结为变法的“祸乱”;不符合历史事实。(5分) 看法三:朱熹的看法有一定依据。王安石确实存在用人不当等弊端,从而导致变法的失败。但这仅是改革的局部失误。而朱熹把北宋的灭亡原因归结为变法的“祸乱”,从而从根本上全盘否定变法,显然有失公允。(5分) (3) 用人不当是王安石变法失败的重要原因之一;用人是否得当关系到国家与改革事业的成败;人才的选用必须坚持德才兼备,防止无德的野心家掌握国家的大权等。(答出其中两点即可,其他符合题意、言之有理的观点也可,4分) B 题: (1)“病”:奴隶性;“药”:自由。(2分) (2)核心思想:兴民权,救亡图存。(4分) (3)方式:办学会、建学堂、创报刊、写文章。(3分,答出其中3点即可) 主要影响:促进思想启蒙;激发爱国热情;推动维新变法运动的发展。(6分) C 题:(15分) (1)焦点:苏联运到古巴的导弹是进攻性的还是防御性的,它们是否对美国构成了威胁。(4分) 说明:苏联军事力量还处于劣势,战略优势在美国。(2分) (2)内容:美国将恪守条约义务,但不再负起保卫世界自由国家的全部责任;美国鼓励盟国自己承担起国内安全和军事防务。(4分) 背景:美国实力地位严重削弱,国际战略地位下降。(2分) 目的:维护美国霸主地位,调整对外政策,实行战略收缩。(3分) D 题: (1)以国家和民族利益为重,不慕权势,坚决捍卫民主制度。(4分) (2)加冕称帝,建立法兰西第一帝国。(2分)对内:采取了政治、经济、法制和文化教育等一系列措施巩固了革命成果,维护了资产阶级利益,促进资本主义发展。(2分)对外战争一定程度上维护了大革命的成果。(2分) (3)独裁与否取决于各自的国情和不同的时势。(2分)其结果都巩固了资产阶级革命成果,维护了资产阶级利益。(3分) 2010 年东北三省三校第二次模拟考试政治参考答案 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.C 23.C 38 . (1) ①主权国家在国际社会中既享有基本权利,又必须承担相应义务。在解决世界气候问题上,发达国家理应承担更多的义务。(2分) ②国际关系是由国家利益决定的,国家间的共同利益是国家合作的基础,(2分)而利益的对立是引起国家冲突的根源。(2分)发达国家与发展中国家内部各有着共同的国家利益,而两类国家之间有着利益对立,因而各自内部较一致,相互间则分歧较大。(2分) ③我国的国家性质和国家利益决定我国的外交政策,(2分)我国从自身利益及世界根本利益出发作出判断,体现了我国独立自主的基本立场。(2分) (2 ) ①未来世界能源消费结构将呈现由常规能源向新能源过度的总体趋势。(1分)我国能源消费总量增长迅速,(1分)传统能源所占比例大,(尤其煤炭消费比重过大)新能源所占比例较小,(1分)不利于环境保护。(1分)与世界能源消费结构变化趋势来看结构不够合理。(1分) ②发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,建立健全社会主义市场经济体制,形成统一开放竞争有序的市场体系。(2分)拓宽国际市场,多渠道、多方式开展国际能源合作。(2分) ③加强国家的宏观调控,综合运用经济、法律、行政等各种手段引导市场行为,(2分)自主研发,开发应用新能源和可再生资源,循环利用;(1分)节约能源,提高能源的利用效率,转变经济发展方式;(1分)优化我国能源结构,实现资源的合理配置。(1分) (3 ) ①价值观对人们认识世界和改造世界的活动具有重要的导向作用。(2分) ②求“大”的购车行为,不利于节约能源环境保护,是一种不科学的价值判断、价值选择。(2分) ③因此,上述消费行为不应提倡,应提倡遵循经济发展规律和符合人民利益的绿色消费观念。(2分) 39. ( 1 ) ①矛盾的普遍性和特殊性相互联结。普遍性寓于特殊性之中,并通过特殊性表现出来,没有特殊性就没有普遍性。(2分)榜样属于矛盾的特殊性,但却包含着同类事物的普遍性、共性。抓好先进典型,可以从中总结出具有普遍指导意义的经验,发挥巨大的影响和示范作用。(2分) ②先进典型体现的是崇高精神和优秀品质,能够对人们起鼓舞和激励作用,注重发挥其示范引导作用,能够在全社会形成崇尚先进、学习先进、争当先进的良好风气。(4分) (意义部分言之成理,即可得分。但总分不超过4分。) (2 ) ①建立小岗村养殖示范区、“大包干纪念馆”,“红色旅游”等,立足于社会实践进行文化创新,坚持文化发展的正确方向。(4分) ②将历史悠久的花鼓戏发扬光大,是在继承传统的基础上的文化创新活动。(3分) ③带着“大包干”带头人、村干部、村民代表一起赴华西村、南街村等地取经,学习他们文化建设方面的成功经验,说明小岗村博采众长,在文化交流中借鉴、吸收有益文化成果,实现文化创新。(3分) ④村民集思广益,充分发挥了人民群众在文化建设中的主体作用。(2分)



从010到1010,如果你是从蒙自到蒲呃自驾的话,建议你停在普墨江县北回归线标志公园尔市,然后继续开车去普呃。在普呃,你可以去梅子湖公园,洗马河和浦二太阳河森林公园,第二站是澜沧县景迈芒景景区,老大堡音乐镇,东至板里村,第三站是孟连县那云古镇,西盟县龙潭龙。 5.西盟县旅游景点介绍大全阿瓦山位于普洱市西盟...

请致电:TEL :010-8620-7045(24小时服务)请致电:TEL :010-8620-7045(24小时服务)...松鼠,是哺乳纲啮齿目中的一个科,其下包括松鼠亚科和非洲地松鼠亚科,特征是长着毛茸茸的长尾巴、匀称灵活的身体。根据生活环境不同,松鼠科分为树松鼠、地松鼠和石松鼠等。与其他亲缘关系接近的动物又被合...





习水县17168391229: 2010年东北三省二模联考答案
脂纨利美: 语文:1-6 CBCDCA13 `A 14`C15 ` 253146

习水县17168391229: 东北三校高三第二次模拟考试生物和化学答案
脂纨利美: 2010年东北三省三校第二次模拟考试化学参考答案 题号 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 答案 D C C B C A D 注:8题未标明是惰性电极 26. (15分)(1)①使两端液面相平,②恢复室温 (各2分) (2)O2 (2分) (3)Zn + Cu2+ = Zn2+ + Cu,Zn—Cu—稀H2...

习水县17168391229: 2010年东北三省三校第二次模拟考试文综参考答案
脂纨利美: 2010年东北三省三校第二次模拟考试文综参考答案 http://www.gaokaovip.com/sjxz/gszq/7497.html

习水县17168391229: 氢气 一氧化碳 能生成乙酸还是乙醇不?详情 见2010东北3省二模理综卷 -
脂纨利美:[答案] 都不行,楼上的甲醇也不行! 氢气和一氧化碳 俗称水煤气,用做燃料! 乙酸和乙醇什么的大多是植物工业提炼的,用乙酸乙酯水解也OK,产物是什么你自己明白,看来你也是10届高三吧,我也是!

习水县17168391229: 2010年东北三省三校第二次联合模拟考试理综
脂纨利美: 生物ADADDC化学DCCBCDD4332344物理10103010201340301 A A C A B ACD C A 零是空间!

习水县17168391229: 2010东北三省联考二模文综答案
脂纨利美: http://www.tesoon.com/ask/htm/15/72394.htm 特别好 相信我

习水县17168391229: 东北三省三校2010届高三联考二模理科答案
脂纨利美: http://www.hsdfz.com.cn/doc/2010/04/09/104408.html 真个网站里有

习水县17168391229: 2010年东北三省第二次模拟考试.英语答案
脂纨利美: 2010年东北三省三校高三第二次联合模拟考试 word版 试题+答案解析 免费下载 包括科目:语文、数学文、不断更新中... 下载地址: http://www.xk100.com/article/catalog594/15751.html 来源:找免费名校试题答案,上中国学考频道www.xk100.com

习水县17168391229: 东北三校2010年第二次模拟答案
脂纨利美: 到 http://www.hsdfz.com.cn/看

习水县17168391229: 2010年东北三省高三第二次联合模拟考试英语
脂纨利美: 没有听力!ADCDCDBDBCABCDADBACC 前二十.ADCBBDADABCBBDBDADAA #DBCAADBCDDCAEB我在给你打变数.你自己对下.14343424231234142133..14322414123224241411,...432114231443152

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