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词组搭配 用英语怎么说??~

翻译:phrases & collocations

Collocations are groups of words that are commonly used together

Analysis results show that in terms of ontological errors, vocabulary errors, especially errors of nouns and phrases, account for the major part of the errors in all

collocations. Collocations are groups of words that are commonly used together. Native speakers are so used to using them, they know what sounds "right" and what sounds "wrong. "


1.Keeps on happening (接踵而至)

2.Physical exercise and practice (体育锻炼与实践)
3.Worries about things at home,school or work (在家庭、学校或工作时为一些事情所担心)
4.Usual or common (通常的或共的)
5.Try to be the best or the first to finish something (尝试去做到最好或第一个完成事情)
6.Getting better or bigger (变得更好或是更强大)
7.Looking for differences and similarities between things ( 寻找事物之间的相同点与不同点)

  1. our youth.

    youth    英[ju:θ]    美[juθ]    n.    年轻; 青年,小伙子; 初期,少年(青年)时期; 〈集合词〉青少年们;    [例句]In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.我年轻时的抱负是成为一个发明家。[其他]    复数:youths    

  2. our youngsters

    youngster    英[ˈjʌŋstə(r)]    美[ˈjʌŋstɚ]  n.    少年; 年轻人; 小孩子;    [例句]Other youngsters are not so lucky其他的孩子则没有这么幸运。[其他]    复数:youngsters    

  3. our teenagers

    teenager    英[ˈti:neɪdʒə(r)]    美[ˈtinˌedʒɚ]    n.    十几岁的青少年; 十三岁到十九岁的少年;    [例句]As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高中。[其他]    复数:teenagers    

  4. our teens

    teen    英[ti:n]    美[tin]    n.    青少年(等于teenager); 伤害,损坏; 痛苦,悲伤; 愤怒; adj.    十几岁的; 13-19岁的;    [例句]Most people who smoke began smoking in their teens多数烟民从十几岁时就开始抽烟了。[其他]    复数:teens    

英文词组翻译~ 【英译汉】
1. 这本来就不是什么固定词组, 有啥好困惑的呢?How can source water assessments assist an interim monitoring relief program?水源评估如何促进一项临时性监控的援助计划?RELIEF在此处当成援助来理解, 就再合情理不过了. 如果你稍微了解过联合国的一些社会福利性机构, 援助机构的工作方式, 理解这个句子...

早操morning exercise.指向point.跳绳rope skipping.起立stand up.乒乓球ping-pong&table tennis.芭比娃娃Barbie.儿童节Children's Day.百货商店department store&bazar.对不起I'm sorry.直着走go straight.上学go to school.上班go to work.六点半half past six&six thirty.吃早饭have breakfast.吃晚饭...

英语翻译重点词汇词组 :fellow countrymen 同胞 militarist军阀 Chinese Communist Party 党组织 the Grand Canal (京杭)大运河 Industrial Revolution 工业革命 dawn to dark从早到晚 especially English 具有英国特征的 cottage industry 农村手工业 Indian summer 最后的余辉 stock-raising 畜牧业 Homestead...

turn短语翻译是什么?——答案:v. 翻 转;旋 转;转 动;转 向;轮 流;(使)变 得。n. 轮 流;转 动。turn 一、音标:英 [tɜːn]美 [tɜːrn]二、详尽释义:v. (动词)翻 转,旋 转,使 转 向,转 动,翻(书 页),转 使 变 质,使 变 酸 超...

1、意见反馈 韩语 의견피드백2、给我好评吧 韩语 나에게 호평3、清除缓存 韩语 제거 캐시4、新手指引 韩语 초심자 안내...


merci (词组翻译): 谢谢 形式变化:复数形式: mercis 短语搭配:Merci beaucoup: 非常感谢 Merci bien: 谢谢 Merci infiniment: 无限感谢 Merci du fond du cœur: 衷心感谢 Merci pour tout: 谢谢你的一切 含义解释:"Merci"是法语中的谢谢,用于表示对别人的感谢和 gratitude。语法详解:"Merci"...

结果用英语短语翻译是:at last 音标:英[æt lɑ:st] 美[æt læst]释义:终于; 卒; 结果;算是。例句:Look! It's snowing. Winter is here at last.瞧,下雪了。终于是冬天了。

单词 完全 quite\/complete 成功 success\/secceed 音乐家 musician 有才华的 intellegient\/gifted\/talented 音乐会 concert 作曲家 composer 天才 genius 听众 listener\/audience 绘画 draw\/drawing 二十世纪 the twentieth century 运动 sport 传统 tradition 词组 对。。有印象 have an impression on...变聋...

词组忘打了现补充1.不管怎样2.入睡3.查明,确实4.以```著名5.尽快6.参加1.slowdown2.gostraightahead3.beproudof4.cutdown5.beamazedat6.allowsb.todosth7.wakeup8.setoff9.speakhighl... 词组忘打了 现补充1.不管怎样2.入睡3.查明,确实4.以```著名5.尽快6.参加1.slow down2.go straight ahead3....

鄯善县17171723474: 用英语翻译词组 10个 -
干蓉宝咳: 1.long and beautiful hair 2.turn off the light 3.politness and kind person 4.take away them 5.three English girls 6.five chinese cars 7.one light green bag 8.a lot of old pictures 9.a lot of beautiful red suit 10.a little yellow dog

鄯善县17171723474: 英语翻译词组 -
干蓉宝咳: 1, for ball games2, singing English songs3 for the elderly, story-telling4, in the work of a university5, the elderly welfare6, to help them do the laundry7, the first day of the week8, in the computer room Internet access9, learn from each other10, started Morning Reading

鄯善县17171723474: 英语翻译词组 -
干蓉宝咳:[答案] set up a company

鄯善县17171723474: 翻译英语词组 -
干蓉宝咳: plan for the weekend计划周末 /tell me the way to告诉我去……的路 /ran out of the shop跑出商店 /work in groups小组合作 /lie on one's back 仰躺着

鄯善县17171723474: 翻译英语词组
干蓉宝咳: 1、参加一个竞赛 take part in a game 2、强健我们的肌肉 build up my muscles 3、最好的吉祥物 the best mascots 4、治疗病人 save patients5、多丢人 what a shame 6、大风 a strong wind 7、利用某某做某事 use sth to do sth8、试试看 take a try 我妈说的,,你看看写吧[我也不知道 对不对],,给我采纳分高些,5星我也不介意要采纳啊

鄯善县17171723474: 翻译英语词组
干蓉宝咳: worry about sb 2.检查 go over 3.没什么严重的nothing serious 4.吃药take the medicine 5.一次2片药two pills a day 6.一天3次three times a day 7.因某事而感谢某人thank sb for sth 8.遵循某人的建议follow one's suggestions 9.征求建议ask for advice ...

鄯善县17171723474: 英语翻译词组
干蓉宝咳: 1.欢迎到阳光镇来(welcome to the Sunshine Town) 2.住在一个现代化的城市(living in a moderate city) 3.乘地铁去北京中心(take a subway to beijing downtown) 4.最少的空气污染(the least air pollution) 5.我们中的大多数(most of us) ...

鄯善县17171723474: 翻译英语词组
干蓉宝咳:the Thames 2. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Guard change guard 3. Royal Guard change guard 4. Hyde Park 5. Speakers Corner 6. National Gallery

鄯善县17171723474: 英语词组翻译
干蓉宝咳: 1.尽全力帮助:do/try one's best to help (to) do sth/help sb 2,试穿:try on 3.让你久等:sorry to have you waiting for me for so long time 4..吵醒:wake sb up 5..获一等奖:win the first prize 6.算出:figure/work out 7.代我向...问好:please say ...

鄯善县17171723474: 英语词组翻译
干蓉宝咳: 由于due to/ thanks to/ owing to /as a result of/ because of 查字典to consult a dictionary/ to look up in the dictionary 允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth 警察局the police station 遵循某人的建议to follow one`s suggestions 参考 refer to 金发女孩a girl ...

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