edward hall是谁

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1976年,霍尔发表了他的第三部著作《超越文化》(Beyond Culture)。在书中,他详细阐明了“发展转移”的概念,即人类社会的进步取决于人们创造了多少(类似于生物学中的“发展”)。
Edward Hall是美国文化人类学家。他在、曾说过人与人之间有四种空间距离。
1、Public distance 公众距离 可以达到360cm之远。
2、Social distance 社交距离 大概由120cm到360cm。
3、Personal distance 个人距离 是由45cm到120cm。(可以伸手碰到对方,虽然认识却没有特别关系。)
4、Intimate distance 亲密距离 由45cm到零距离。(通常是亲人、很熟的朋友、情侣或是夫妻。)

Edward Mordrake是19世纪的一名英国病患,传说他的后脑勺上长了另一张脸。 那张脸不能吃东西也不能说话,但Mordrake坚称那张「魔脸」每晚都会哭、会笑,还会对他说些可怕的悄悄话。 原本他还希望有医师能帮忙把魔脸切除掉,无奈没有人愿意尝试,最后他在23岁时自杀身亡

爱德华·霍尔Edward Twitchell Hall Jr.


霍尔在他的《隐藏的维度》(The Hidden Dimension)一书中首创了空间关系学和私人空间的概念,他认为虽然空间距离是不能听出来的,但是空间的使用和语言一样能传达信息。

在《无声的语言》(The Silent Language)中,霍尔创造了“历时性文化”的概念,用以描述同时参与多个活动。与之对应的是“共时性文化”,用来描述有序的参与各种活动的个人或群体。在书中,他把正规清晰的语言交流和非正规形式的交流进行对比, 认为“注意观察对方的脸或其他肢体动作语言,有时会比说话得到更多的信息”。



1、Public distance 公众距离 可以达到360cm之远。

2、Social distance 社交距离 大概由120cm到360cm。

3、Personal distance 个人距离 是由45cm到120cm。(可以伸手碰到对方,虽然认识却没有特别关系。)

4、Intimate distance 亲密距离 由45cm到零距离。(通常是亲人、很熟的朋友、情侣或是夫妻。)



Edward Hall是美国文化人类学家。他在、曾说过人与人之间有四种空间距离。

1、Public distance 公众距离 可以达到360cm之远。

2、Social distance 社交距离 大概由120cm到360cm。

3、Personal distance 个人距离 是由45cm到120cm。(可以伸手碰到对方,虽然认识却没有特别关系。)

4、Intimate distance 亲密距离 由45cm到零距离。(通常是亲人、很熟的朋友、情侣或是夫妻。)

人类学家, 跨文化学者, 下面是他的详细介绍:
Edward T. Hall (born May 16, 1914) is a respected anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher.

Born in Webster Groves, Missouri, Hall has taught at the University of Denver, Colorado, Bennington College in Vermont, Harvard Business School, Illinois Institute of Technology, Northwestern University in Illinois and others. The foundation for his lifelong research on cultural perceptions of space was laid during World War II when he served in the U.S. Army in Europe and the Philippines.

From 1933 through 1937 Hall lived and worked with Navajo and Hopi on native American reservations in northwestern Arizona, the subject of his autobiographical West of the Thirties. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1942 and continued field work and direct experience throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia. During the 1950s he worked for the United States State Department teaching inter-cultural communications skills to foreign service personnel, developed the concept of "High context culture" and "low context culture", and wrote several popular practical books on dealing with cross-cultural issues.

Hall first created the concept of proxemics, or personal spaces. In his book, The Hidden Dimension, he describes the subjective dimensions that surround each of us and the physical distances one tries to keep from other people, according to subtle cultural rules.

In The Silent Language (1959), Hall also coined the term polychronic to describe the ability to attend to multiple events simultaneously, as opposed to "monochronic" individuals and cultures who tend to handle events sequentially.

In 1976, he released his third notable book, Beyond Culture, which is notable for having developed the idea of extension transference; that is, that humanity's rate of evolution has and does increase as a consequence of his creations, that we evolve as much through our "extensions" as through our biology. But, with extensions such as the wheel, cultural values, warfare, being technology based, they are capable of much faster adaptation than genetics.

Hall currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and frequently visits with family, students, and friends who live in the area.

Admirers of Hall's style of grounding anthropological theorizing in concrete examples would probably also like the work of sociologist Stanislav Andreski.


Edward Hall在1959年出版的《无声的语言》一书被看作是跨文化交际学的奠基之作。

松江区15141585813: peter hall是男的还是女的? -
汉军复方: 彼得·霍尔是男的. Peter Hall,1932年出生,著名的英国城市地理学家、英国科学院院士,是当前国际城市规划领域著名的学者.现任英国伦敦社区研究院主任;曾在英国剑桥大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位;并曾在伦敦经济学院授课.现为伦敦大学学院Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning之规划教授. 彼得·霍尔爵士(Sir Peter Hall)于2014年7月30日晚间去世.

松江区15141585813: 美国超模Jerry Hall究竟有什么魅力迷倒了默多克 -
汉军复方: 前超模.至少在我看来Jerry Hall远比前妻邓文迪有颜值、身材、气质、智慧,她是70-80年代欧美时尚圈最火辣的超模,与前夫、滚石乐队主唱手Mick Jagger生的两个女儿Elizabeth Scarlett和Georgia May都是时尚界达人、社会名媛.Jerry即便如今已经五六十岁了,依然有成熟自信的迷人魅力,身材也保养得不错,总之,我很钦佩欣赏她!反倒觉得默多克能得到她的芳心是荣幸.

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汉军复方: Matthew Lewis 饰演Neville Longbottom纳威 隆巴顿

松江区15141585813: ...are used to regulate privacy are the two closely linked concepts of proxemics and personal space.Proxem - ics,a term formulated by anthropologist Edward Hall... -
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汉军复方: 卡特尔(James McKeen Cattell):美国第一位心理学教授 爱德华·铁钦纳(Edward Bradford Titchener):在康乃尔大学创建美国第一个心理学实验室 查尔斯·斯皮尔曼(Charles Spearman):英国心理学家,发展了智力二因素理论,进行一些重要的统计分析 斯坦利·霍尔(G. Stanley Hall):儿童心理学运动之父和青春期发展理论家 维特莫(Lightner Witmer):创建美国第一个心理诊所 基德(Charles Hubbard Judd):芝加哥大学教育学院院长

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