
作者&投稿:呈朱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Party A agreed to lease a B X room, period of X years X months since the X to X years X months X days, monthly rent X yuan (currency name capitalized)
Two ways to pay rent:
(1) lump-sum payment: Total X yuan (currency name capitalized)
(2) installments, to pay once every three months, namely, X yuan (capitalized). Where X yuan deposit kept by the Party.
(3) The rent deposit X Yuan, X the next day the rent must be paid in advance, or deposit to subside and for breach of contract processing.
3, water, electricity, gas, telephone, cable, broadband, security, cleaning costs by B burdens.
4 B may not arbitrarily change the housing structure and facilities, room facilities, damage to Party A responsible for the maintenance of natural, man-made damage and loss from Party B to pay 100% of compensation, B, X yuan deposit. To the contract termination date of acceptance by the Party of water, electricity, coal, cable, and cleaning and other expenses after the closing of the deposit refund from Party B. B commits the room no more than X people resident population. Such as breach of contract, the other calculating rents.
5 contract expired, both sides can renew or terminate contracts are required to inform the other party one month in advance, such as the one halfway breach of contract, breach of contract payments to pay the other party's base rent amount, the contract expires, Party B have a prior tenancy.
Housing Facilities
6 Party without the consent of Party B shall not sublet a third party, or allow others to live, if default one month's rent to pay Party A liquidated damages.
7 intermediaries are responsible for mediating the process of renting problems that may occur, but do not assume any financial responsibility law, any matter can not be negotiated by the A and B reflect the two sides to the relevant departments, complaints by the relevant departments in accordance with laws and regulations to resolve.
8 B of the lease period shall not be room to engage in any violation of laws, regulations, security regulations matter, or because of water, electricity, coal, and other improper use, resulting in injury accidents of life. By the parties themselves bear full legal responsibility.
9 Supplementary Provisions: If Party A Party B shall not closing walked out, then three days later, Party A the right to open the door to enter, items deemed a waiver, the Party have the right to dispose of.
10 A, B and the two sides on a voluntary equality, consultation under the premise of the cost of the agreement reached, either party breach or non-performance of this Agreement, will assume the financial liability and legal consequences, but the experience of the objective factors, irresistible, the two sides can change the settlement negotiations or terminate the agreement.

Rental agreement
1: Party A Party B agrees to lease the intermediary, X Lu X, Lane X, X Room, Room X building area of X m², room card number: X-use housing, lease from X years X months X to X years X months X ended the monthly rent agreed for the X Yuan, three months to pay a total of X Yuan, X days in advance to pay the next rent.
The first X years X months X days, the second X years X months X days, the third X years X months X days.
2: lease period, water, electricity, coal, telephone, security, cleaning fees, cable fees borne by the X side, housing and repairs undertaken by the Party, decoration costs from X party.
3: house facilities:
4: B to the intermediary (or Party) the payment of house facilities for deposit X Yuan, and upon the expiry of an intermediary party and the Party by the non-destructive inspection, utility, telephone and other expenses after the closure of B recovered from. House facilities such as a natural damaged by the Party responsible for maintenance; in the case of man-made causes destruction of B by the Party B is responsible for repairs or compensation.
5: Party responsibility: 1 without undue recovery housing; two tenant shall not interfere with normal life; 3 to assist in providing relevant cost of living facilities; four facilities in the estates and normal warranty.
6: B Responsibilities: 1 shall not be secretly altered the building structure: 2 should not man-made destruction of house facilities; 3 not to use housing to illegal and criminal activities; 4 shall not damage the public interest; five houses shall not be lent a third party; six timely payment of rent, shall not be in arrears .
7: B as a result of special circumstances, require early termination of this Agreement, shall notify the Party one month in advance and intermediary parties, pending the consent of Party A before handling settlement procedures, whether by the loss of atrioventricular idle borne by the B.
8: Party To advance to recover the roof should be notified one month in advance Party B or an intermediary party, Party B agree that, by the intermediary responsible for arranging the B re-renting, during which the loss borne by the Party.
9: Contract period, A and B both need to seriously comply with this Agreement, in addition to municipal relocation, green transformation of the irresistible, the contract is automatically terminated, the balance returned to Party B, no compensation. Otherwise, without undue breach of contract, such as breach of contract, breach of a direction of the non-breaching party to pay liquidated damages the whole X yuan. Law-abiding, safe use of water, electricity, coal, if illegal peril.

10: intermediary is responsible for renting the process of adjustment problems that may occur in serious cases by the intermediary agency to the court counsel for the prosecution and the application for enforcement, but does not bear any legal and economic responsibilities.
11: Supplementary Regulations:
12: The People's Republic of China in this Agreement in accordance with relevant laws and the formulation, not entirely matters for a separate written agreement or by the interpretation of the Act apply, in triplicate, A, B and one each intermediary party, to enter into force upon signature is not notarized, with being equally authentic.

1。缔约方。本协议的各方是指公寓所有者K_______业主以下简称为“房东”和房客_______和_____以下称房客(如多于一个租户共同称为“房客”)。此处所述的前提只能属于上述被提到的人。租客已完成了租房申请,做为展示件A,房东根据其真实性、完整性、准确性,作为起因订立本协议。本协议是业主和各提名租客之间制定的,提名租客们共同及分别负责本协议项下所有义务,包括,但不限于,支付租金的义务。 2。前提。据此房东租给房客,而房客从房东租用本协议规定的,俗称的 地址
3。条款。 根据这项协议租赁应自12月通过K 和/或将继续在一个月至一个月的基础上直至任何一方发出书面终止通知表示有意终止租约,上述通知必须至少在终止日期的30天前。这段里所指的三十(30)天不限制房东服务租客的任何三(3)天,这是法律规定房东服务于租客的。
4。租金。租客同意每月支付租金,可提前,不迟于每月第一天。这里没有礼貌/宽限期,不允许租金迟于每月的第一天。每月支付的租金将是500美元,应按时付到K ,押金250美元在您的租约到期将退还给您。
5。使用费用包含: 暖气,水,电,水疗,洗衣机/干衣机,冰箱,煤气,烤面包机,烤箱和洗衣房,按件计费。

1。当事人。本协议各方业主的公寓K完全被称为“业主”,承租人,以下(如果多于一(1)条承租人共同称作“租”),所述场所应由上方的仅占命名。承租人有完成租赁申请,如a,房东不依赖于真理、完整性、准确性等信息,诱使签订本协议。本协议的房主和每一个名叫承租人之间。这个名叫承租人(s)共同和连带责任的义务,为充分表现,在此协议下,包括但不限于,义务支付房租。处所。此租金,承租人和业主特此聘用从房主租房屋俗称地址条款、条件和条款此处出发,所有这一切都是一个重要的一部分,该协议的考虑。术语。根据本协议规定的租赁开始于12月通过K和/或将继续在month-to-month直到一方终止后根据租约书面通知对方终止对他们的意图,通知说租必须至少30天前终止之日。在三十(30)天内通知本款所指的不限制房主主与佃户从服务的任何三(3)天通知房东有权在法律服务的房客。房租。承租人同意支付租金每月,事先不迟于第(1)天的,每一个月。没有礼貌/宽限期,租金是迟后收到这个月的第一天。每个月的租金数额将500美元的租金须支付说K保证金是$ 250and它将如数退还回你的租约。设施包括在内。热、水、电、水电、洗衣机、冰箱、气体机、烤面包机、烤箱、洗衣间的单位。每一个承租人连带负责全额付款的上述租金。如果租赁付款申请租用的单位是由一个人及/或实体不是本作为承租人支付;应视为已被指定为本的房客。房主接受任何该等款项不应被解释为创造租赁权在个人或实体付款了。再者,房主接受任何该等款项不应被解释为放弃任何权利的房主。

1。缔约方。各方的协议 公寓 K 代表业主以下简称为“房东”和房客_______和_______________________________,以下(如多于一个租户共同称为“房客”)的。此处所述的处所,应只能由占领上述被点名的人。租客已完成了租房申请,集展示一个出来,房东是调查真相,完整性为依托,并将这些信息的准确性,作为吸引订立本协议。本协议是业主之间和租客。租客们是共同及个别就本协议项下所有义务得到充分的表现负责,包括,但不限于,为支付租金的义务。
2。房址。特此房东租给房客 与租客从业主聘用 俗称的房址 地址
3。条件。 根据这项协议租赁应自12月通过 K 和/或将继续在一个月至一个月的基础其后直至任何一方发出书面终止通知,表示有意终止租约上述其他租赁,必须发出通知给予至少30天前的终止日期。三十(30)天通知本款所指不限制从服务租客与房东的三(3)天通知,房东是有权依法送达租客。
这是没有礼貌/宽限期和租金期和迟每月的第一天。每月支付的租金将500元应付到 K 押金250元在您的租约到期将退还给您。
5。什费包含。 暖气,水,电,水电,洗衣机/干衣机,冰箱,煤气,烤面包机,烤箱和洗衣房单位。


I don't want you to afford extra rent. Because you've got two children already and they will need much more money in the future. You should save money for them.Although I really want to have a place of our own, I have no choice but to be regretful....

翻译 phai nop phong tien

According to《contract law of the People's Republic of China》and relevant regulations of government of Ningbo, the two sides agreed on by consensus B made the lease contract terms are as follows:First, Hire out the property and is located place and facility situation:1.The owner ...


帮忙翻译谢谢! 在付了房租和电话费和贷款之后,剩下的钱也不多了_百度...
Having those room-rent, telephone fee and loan paid, there is not much as for the rest money.Having paid room-rent, telephone fee as well as loan, I do not have much money left.

price1, postage included。包括邮资在内,价款1英镑。 the postage will be extra. 邮资另付。 rent (n. )土地、建筑物、房舍、机器等定期的租费。 如:the student owed three months’rent for my house。那学生欠我三个月的房租。 rent assistance。租金援助。 i have rented a house and paid the rent...

生产コスト、管理费、直接材料费、直接労务费、制造间接费、家赁 电気 减価偿却费 修复 机械材料の消费 赁金 従业员福利厚生 减価偿却费 事务所费 运行 修复 ビジネスホスピタリティ 年金 税金 车费 缲延费用 その他の费用 手数料 为替差损益 事务所费 Expressの作业の多くを 交通机関 ...

英语other tenants怎么翻译?
租金可以由房东和租户协商确定。The government is committed to protecting the interests of tenants.政府承诺保护租户们的利益。They hold the property as tenants in common.作为共同租赁人,他们共同占用这份房地产。Parts of the building are leased out to tenants.这栋大楼有一部分租出去了。

请懂粤语的人翻译一下许冠杰的 钱钱钱
你说要翻译我就给你翻译,括号里为歌词大意。成日要钱多〔整天---意为生活---要很多钱〕干水乜都涡〔没钱什么也干不了〕借钱最折堕 趴低「危」契哥〔趴下来求别人〕贫贱拗颈多〔贫贱时与人发生争吵的次数多〕生仔都谂过〔生孩子也想来想去〕阿女嗌肚饿〔小女喊肚子饿〕屋租都要拖〔房租都不...


伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: 英语翻译租房合同书甲、乙双方本着友好合作、平等互利的原则,就乙方租用甲方房屋事宜,经双方协商达成如下协议 -
策爱力特:[答案] Tenant contractPerson A and B comply with the principals of friendly cooperation,equality and win win.Due to person B's intention of renting person A' property,they concluded with agreement below

伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: " 租房合同"英语翻译,谢谢
策爱力特: tenancy contract 不动产租赁契约;佃契;房地产租赁合同;房屋租赁合同

伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: 英语翻译 -- 一份房租合同 -
策爱力特: 1.缔约方.本协议的各方是指公寓所有者K_______业主以下简称为“房东”和房客_______和_____以下称房客(如多于一个租户共同称为“房客”).此处所述的前提只能属于上述被提到的人.租客已完成了租房申请,做为展示件A,房东...

伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: 房屋租赁合同英文版 - 求英文翻译1.公寓的租赁合同已签.相关的房租,物业管理费及有线电
策爱力特: 先列出一些常用的词语: 房屋租赁合同:House Leasing Contract 物业管理费:... utilities 公寓的租赁合同已签.相关的房租,物业管理费及有线电视费由公司来支付.日常生...

伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: 请问“二手房买卖”和“房屋租赁”用英文怎么写? -
策爱力特:[答案] "房屋租赁"应该是:house rental "房屋租赁合同" house rental agreement "二手房买卖":second-hand house sale / Sale of second-hand house

伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: 租房合同中的英文,怎么翻译啊? -
策爱力特: 房客提出解约事项5.5 严格按照房东或中介先前书面协议并考虑房东将房屋再次出租所需的合理费用进行赔付.在本租房协议以其它方式合法终止之前,房客有权利提出解除或终止本协议.

伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: 房屋合同翻译 -
策爱力特: housing contract

伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: 英语翻译在翻译一份合同,请问小标题:end of terms和end of terms of contract在中文合同里一般怎么表达的?有对应的吗? -
策爱力特:[答案] end of terms和end of terms of contract翻译:对任期届满和年底的合同条款...不要乱在这里问,很容易猜出那是什么合同的

伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: “房东”“房客”“押金”“租约”等英文怎么讲 -
策爱力特: 房东”“房客”“押金”“租约”等 "Landlord", "tenant", "deposit", "lease", etc. 英 [ˈtenənt] 美 [ˈtɛnənt] n. 房客; 佃户; 占用者; 占有者; vt. 租借,租用;

伊犁哈萨克自治州13413312889: 翻译一下关于租房子的英文谢谢 -
策爱力特: 这是说一间卧室280欧元,是双人房,适于职业人员,舒适,布局宽敞,距市中心5分钟的路程,与另外两个人合租.--情况是一个房子里面有3个卧室,其中2个已经租出去了,现在有个卧室是个双人间,还没有租出去.

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