Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance. But in fact, a l...

作者&投稿:徵亭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译:Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appe~


Many people think that Americans love their cars.When ( American) people are fouteen years old,they ( may ) have their own cars. They do not want to ask for a car from their ( parents ).(quite )many of them work in free time during their last year from high school to buy a car.Learning to ( drive ) and getting a driver's livense may be one of the most exciting things in a young person's life.
Some people do not go to ( school ) when they are ill.But they ( drive ) their cars to a garage as son as they think there is a ( need ).On Saturdays or Sundays some people may ( spend )most of their time washing and repairing their cars.


天柱县18986273554: 很多人认为在生日的时候吃鸡蛋,能给过生日的人带来好运.Many people think (很多人认为在生日的时候吃鸡蛋,能给过生日的人带来好运.Many people ... -
潭邦轻朗:[答案] that eating bring luck

天柱县18986273554: 英语语法 -
潭邦轻朗: 不是进行时,是动词ing形式做定语.many people think that(后接标语从句) ATC(主语) consists of (谓语)a row controllers(宾语) (sitting in front of their radar screens at the nation s airp...

天柱县18986273554: 英语翻译Many people think New York is a noisy city,even inside the taxis (出租车).When you get into a taxi,you hear the voice (声音) of a well - known ... -
潭邦轻朗:[答案] 许多人认为纽约是一个喧闹的城市,甚至在出租车里.当你坐上一部出租车后,你会听到这样的声音,一位知名的歌手,体育明星或其他一些名人在发出指示.这些名人告诉你该怎么做.一位流行歌手提供了这样的信息“猫有九条命,但你只有一条,所...

天柱县18986273554: there be句型里的动词应该用什么形式比如说我想表达一个这样的意思“有很多人认为.”,那就会用到there are many people think...,这里的think具体要用什... -
潭邦轻朗:[答案] 很多人使用there be的句型造成出现一句句子两个谓语的严重错误,最好不要用 此处think用thinking

天柱县18986273554: many people think that homework is essential forstudents to keep in touch的完形填空, -
潭邦轻朗:[答案] with their parents. 很多人认为家庭作业对于学生和家长保持关联是必不可少的.

天柱县18986273554: 英语翻译Many people think that when they become rich and successful,happiness will naturally follow.Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth.The ... -
潭邦轻朗:[答案] 很多人以为,但他们变得成功和富有时,幸福便会接踵而至了.让我告诉你吧,那并不是事实.这个世界上到处都是生活痛苦的富人,就好像生活在地狱里.我们知道很多电影明星自杀或吸毒致死的故事.显然,钱并不能解决一切问题.通...

天柱县18986273554: many people think scientist are poeple in clean white coats who work in labs.怎么翻译? -
潭邦轻朗: Many people think (that引导宾语从句,可省略) scientists are people in clean white coats who work in clean white coats作后置定语,修饰people 后面who work in labs在从句中作宾语补足语 句子结构理清了,整句翻译就很简单明了啦:许多人认为,科学家就是那些穿着整洁白大褂在试验室里工作的人.

天柱县18986273554: 一篇英语作文many people think it is necessary to hold a test of spoken english,but still some have different opinions.Do you think this kind of exam is necessary... -
潭邦轻朗:[答案] A test of spoken English will be included as a component of College English Test.Many people consider it necessary to adopt such a test.For one thing,fluent speaking ability is badly needed in today's society,a society that is experiencing reform and ...

天柱县18986273554: 用“many people..."造句 -
潭邦轻朗: Many people think that they can do anything.或 He is stronger than many people.或 Many people cannot afford to buy a house. 又或 Many people in the world are very poor.都可以.很希望会对你有帮助.

天柱县18986273554: 用“many people..."造句 -
潭邦轻朗:[答案] Many people think that they can do anything.或He is stronger than many people.或Many people cannot afford to buy a house.又或Many people in the world are very poor.都可以.

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