急,求会西班牙语的大神帮我写一篇小作文:mi horario (我的时刻表), 110字左右,不要

作者&投稿:辉娥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Once thought, grow up is a kind of call cocoon courage; Once thought, grow up is a long line of slowly steadfast; Once thought, grow up is a piece of such as smooth and steady optimistic. Grow up, often lack of just a time.

In fact, grow up just a transient verbs, it is a moment of change. Luxuriant turned, maybe after coming is another plexus confused. This play, live in the tent in a person's life is in. One time, I get the unprecedented sense of accomplishment. Perhaps, that is to grow up in depositions of arrival. The curtain of the life will grow up to be converged, and is not lasting, harvest, but grew up, it is can a bit meet be remembered.

No, it just grew up defined many boundaries, and exist in different parts of the life. As things stand, as judge according to different right or wrong, just objective things more easily to be identity just. Calm down, meditate on "grow up", I think of childhood impressive things, I think of just into junior high school of the silk shy, I think of junior middle school three years of happiness and sorrow, and I'll think of himself in the teacher's encouragement to fight in the position in the course into high grade, I think of themselves now has a place oneself, I think of high school more needs to pay the sweat and wisdom, I think of three years later his which university will be entering, I think of...... This thinking itself is a sign of growing up, but also not likely need that shock of reason.

Entering the higher institutions, a level it should be a kind of external grow up! After all, we are now has not wear KaiDangKu joke around the child. Facing the eyes, have more difficult to clear the innocence and disconsolate, also have the most contains unknown means challenge. To find the path ahead, he first grew up across the other a bounds. I can't say that I take that because of growing up and to be kept in mind, because the story, the "grow up", is only once.

Grow up into ordinary feelings of the filial piety, compassionate and take pay; Will get the reward life growing up, or approval, or gratitude, or to the death of the heart.

Want to learn to grow up, learn more in grow up every bit of life harvest.

Mi sueño es leer 10.000 libros, viajar 10.000 millas, llevar a mi familia a viajar.Por lo tanto, estoy estudiando duro ahora, acumulando conocimiento, riqueza, con la esperanza de completar pronto el sueño de toda la familia de viajar alrededor del mundo.
Todo el mundo tiene sus propios sueños, algunos son difíciles de realizar;Algunos son muy planos, fáciles de lograr, estas son nuestras valiosas experiencias de vida.
Algunas personas dicen: "la vida tiene un sueño, sueño por sueño", "un poco de trabajo, un poco de cosecha", debemos esforzarnos por avanzar hacia el sueño, con la esperanza de que todos los sueños se hagan realidad.¡Vamos, vamos!¡Esfuérzate por realizar tu sueño!

每个人都有属于自己的梦想,有的难以实现;有的却很平淡,容易达成,这些都是我们珍贵的人生经验 。“人生有梦,逐梦踏实”、“一分耕耘,一分收获”,我们要努力向梦想前进,希望每一个人的梦想都可以实现。加油!努力去实现自己的梦想吧!


Me llamo Julia, soy una estudiante universitaria. Ahora voy a hablar de mi horario diario.
Todos los dias me levanto muy temprano, me cepillo los dientes, me lavo la cara y me peino a las seis y media, despues desayuno. A las siete y cuarto llego a la clase y empiezo a estudiar.
A las once y veinticinco salimos para almorzar y descansar. Volvemos a estudiar desde la una de la tarde hasta las cuatro. Despues, ceno con mis compañeros.
A las 8 de la noche vuelvo a la residencia de estudiantes para dar una ducha, a las 9 hago los deberes y a las 11 duermo.


——来自团队西班牙 如满意请采纳!



为什么会是嘴唇在动? 不知你用的方法和大家相同不相同。你要把舌尖顶在上齿龈(上排牙的后方),然后像发"特"的音吹气,没事就练。舌尖是轻轻的顶就好。很多人练会之前都花不只一年,所以别灰心!

西班牙语的大舌音一般人学多久能会? 谢谢专业人士回答。



1 uno 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 5 cinco 6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez 11 once 12 doce 13 trece 14 catorce 15 quince 16 dieciséis 17 diecisiete 18 dieciocho 19 diecinueve 20 veinte 21 veintiuno 22 veintidós 23 veintitres 24 veinticuatro 25 veinticinco 26 veintisé...

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意思还是指西班牙的一种舞蹈"bamaba“,“蹦吧”只是音译啦。“蹦吧”舞 想跳“蹦吧”舞啊,要跳“蹦吧”舞啊,还差一点点情趣。你少一点,我也缺一点。然后奔吧,蹦吧。我愿意为你助兴。我不是那水手,我不是那水手,我是船长,我是那船长。奔吧,蹦吧。奔吧,蹦吧。

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