
作者&投稿:守念 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

China's largest island is also its smallest province, and an equally small population gives the place a much less hectic feel.

Hainan Dao (Hainan Island) tempts with all the trappings of a tropical idyll and the central highlands, with their thick canopies of forest, offer superb - if challenging - hiking. Listen not to those who grouse about tour groups crowding their stretch of beach: there's much that's unexplored here.

Hainan's climate is far more temperate than the rest of China. Even in winter, average temperatures of 21°C (69.8°F) prevail; the yearly average is 25.4°C (77.7°F). From as early as March through November, the weather becomes hot and humid. Typhoons usually descend on the island between May and October, and can cripple all transport and communication with the mainlan

Kunming (Chinese: 昆明) is a prefecture-level city and capital of Yunnan province, in southwestern China. Because of its year-round temperate climate, Kunming is often called the "Spring City" or "City of Eternal Spring" (春城).Kunming is the political, economic, communications and cultural center of Yunnan, and is the seat of the provincial government. It is also home to several universities, museums, galleries and other important economic, cultural, and educational institutions. The headquarters of many of Yunnan's large businesses are in Kunming as well. It was important during World War II as a Chinese military center, American air base, and transport terminus for the Burma Road. Located in the middle of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Kunming is located at an altitude of 1,900 m above sea level and at a latitude just north of the Tropic of Cancer. It covers an area of 21,501 km�0�5 and its urban area covers 6,200 km�0�5. Kunming has an estimated population of 5,740,000 including 3,055,000 in the urban area and is located at the northern edge of the large Lake Dian, surrounded by temples and lake-and-limestone hill landscapes.

My Hometown__by Zogcee(绝对自己写的,原创)  I live in Kunming which is a part of Yunnan.I am proud of my hometown,because of the food,the special local product,the sight and the people.  As for the food,there are many special things,such as crossing-over bridge rice noodles(过桥米线).It's really delicious,and I think you will remember it forever after you once taste it!  And what about the special local product?You may know drug ingredients which is very famous,the triratna(三宝) of Yunnan is Panax pseudo-ginseng var. notoginseng(三七) ,rhizoma gastrodiae(天麻) and worm grass(虫草) .  The sights are also pretty good!Dianchi Lake(滇池) is a good place for you to visit.While you are there,you will enjoy the fresh air and the beauty of the lake.  At last ,I would like to talk about the people there.They are really friendly.And whenever you have troble with you,they will help you at once.You can play with them,enjoy the beauty of the heart of human......  This is my hometown,what a good place!

云南省昆明市五华区翠湖西路22号 2、世界园艺博览园 简介 1999年昆明世界园艺博览会的主会址,是具有中国特色和云南地方特色的世界一流园林、园艺大观园,国家5A级景区。目前已发展成为集生态保护、园艺博览、园艺传承和园艺教育为核心,兼顾文化旅游体验、休闲度假功能为一体,展现生物多样性、传承世博文化基因的世界园艺旅...

昆明旅游景点介绍词:一、滇池 滇池是昆明的标志性景点之一,位于昆明市南部,是云南省最大的内陆湖泊。这里湖光山色相映成趣,美景如画。在滇池,您可以欣赏到美丽的日出日落,感受高原湖泊的独特魅力。滇池公园环境优美,是一个绝佳的休闲胜地。游客可以沿着湖边散步,感受微风吹拂的惬意;也可以乘船游湖...


1. 滇池 滇池是云南最大的淡水湖,是游览昆明的必去之地。湖面碧波荡漾,四周绿树成荫,景色宜人。这里可以欣赏到美丽的日出日落,尤其是在冬季,还可看到红嘴鸥在此翩翩起舞。附近的海埂公园更是游客喜爱的地方,在此可近距离观赏滇池美景。此外,西山、世博园等也是昆明的著名景点。2. 翠湖公园 翠湖公...

1、云南石林风景名胜区 这里的气候属亚热带低纬度高原山地季风气候,岩溶地貌,古生代岩溶地貌群落石林,喀斯特地貌演化历史较久远、分布面积较广、类型齐全、形态独特。这里的石头森林,千奇百怪,是大自然的鬼斧神工之作,让人流连忘返。 2、昆明滇池旅游度假区 包括度假别墅区、民族文化风情园、垂钓基地、水上娱乐中心、...


1、西山龙门景区位于西山顶部,罗汉峰的悬崖峭壁上,从龙门可沿栈道到达山顶,但那狭窄的栈道,却仅容两人来回擦肩侧身而过。 龙门迂回栈道的开凿,不仅增加了龙门出口,使游人如流水般畅通无阻,增加了安全感,而且增加了新的风景游览点。2、饱览了龙门精湛的石刻艺术,可穿过龙门隧道,沿石阶而上,即...

weboo爱旅行 2023-11-30 · 超过44用户采纳过TA的回答 关注 以下是我对昆明抚仙湖旅游景点的介绍:抚仙湖,位于云南省玉溪市澄江市、江川区、华宁县之间,湖水晶莹剔透、清澈见底,古人称为“琉璃万顷”。抚仙湖的主要景点有:1、湖畔圣水2、樱花谷3、太阳山国际山水度假地 抢首赞 评论 分享 举报 为你推荐:...

昆明旅游景点介绍及景区简介:一、石林风景区 石林风景区是昆明的标志性景点之一,以其奇特的喀斯特地貌和壮观的石头森林而闻名。这里奇石峰林,形态各异,雄奇壮观。景区内绿树成荫,繁花似锦,有着丰富的植被和野生动物资源。此外,还有彝族文化等人文景观,为游客呈现了一个自然与人文交织的美丽画卷。二...

1. 抚仙湖位于云南省玉溪市澄江市、江川区、华宁县之间,是中国第二大高原深水湖泊,素有“高原明珠”之美誉。2. 抚仙湖湖水晶莹剔透、清澈见底,古人称为“琉璃万顷”。湖面积212平方千米,仅次于滇池和洱海,为云南省第三大湖。3. 抚仙湖是中国最大蓄水量湖泊、最大高原深水湖、第二深淡水湖泊,属...

城步苗族自治县15360475719: 谈论昆明 英语作文 -
市南感冒: Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, is known as 'the City of Eternal Spring' for its pleasant climate and flowers that bloom all year long. With a history of more than 2,400 years, it was the gateway to the celebrated Silk Road that facilitated trade ...

城步苗族自治县15360475719: 昆明 英语作文一篇高中的英语作文 200词左右 关于昆明的桂林米线、博览会、一些景点介绍.3Q -
市南感冒:[答案] Kunming Introduction As one of China's most diversified provinces,Yunnan is certainly one of China's most alluring destinations.Yunnan is home to more than one third of China's ethnic minorities an...

城步苗族自治县15360475719: 急求介绍昆明的英语作文,请看问题补充,内容包括:①昆明位于中国西南部,四季如春,被称为春城 ②有22个少数民族和汉族生活在昆明 ③昆明的石林风... -
市南感冒:[答案] Kunming is a prefecture-level city and capital of Yunnan province, in southwestern China. Because of its year-round temperate climate, Kunming is often called the "Spring City" or "City of Eternal Spring" . Kunming is the political, economic, ...

城步苗族自治县15360475719: 昆明野生动物园作文英语 -
市南感冒: For a student ,we all know that wild animals are people's friends and they are valuable.So we should take good care of them and we shouldn't throw the trash in the zoo anywhere.As a student ,we must have a good habit not to throw the trash.We ...

城步苗族自治县15360475719: 我是元江人写一篇我和朋友去昆明旅游的英语作文80字
市南感冒: 上个月,我和我的妹妹去了昆明度假,我们玩得很开心,我们去了大观楼玩了很多好玩的东西如疯狂秋千,碰碰车···我们还去吃了很多好吃的东西,我们还拍了很多照片真是太开心.

城步苗族自治县15360475719: 求一片英语作文,写我的家乡昆明的80~100词,谢谢
市南感冒: Kunming Introduction As one of China's most diversified provinces, Yunnan is certainly one of China's most alluring destinations. Yunnan is home to more than one ...

城步苗族自治县15360475719: 我去昆明旅行?中英文作文60字 -
市南感冒: My Dream Yesterday,we had a discussion.the topic is.What is my dream?Every one has his dream.Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists.My dream is to become a doctor. My friends asked me why.I told them my story.When I was a ...

城步苗族自治县15360475719: 关于云南的旅游景点,特产,写一篇英语作文 -
市南感冒: 您好! 下面是我总结的,花了半个多小时,中英文都有哦,您还可以自己删减!这个分您要是不给我就太不够意思了.如果有不满意的地方,可以追问,分给我吧!!!!字数问题我可以追加!中文:云南省以元江谷地和云岭山脉南段的宽谷...

城步苗族自治县15360475719: 一篇关于去云南旅游的英语作文,急急急,谢谢 -
市南感冒: Last summer holiday, I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers are seen everywhere. Every year there are lots and lots of visitors. ...

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