compete with与compete against的区别是什么?

作者&投稿:井柏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

compete with与compete against的区别如下所示。


- "Compete with"表示与某人或某物竞争,试图取得优势或胜过对手。

- "Compete against"指与某人或某物竞争,努力击败对手,特别是在比赛或竞赛中。


1. 他们的公司正在与我们竞争。- They are competing with us in the market.

2. 我们正在向其他团队竞争冠军头衔。- We are competing against other teams for the championship title.


- "Compete with"通常用于描述与对手、竞争者或竞争对象的竞争关系,强调在相同领域、条件或标准下进行竞争。

- "Compete against"用于描述与特定对手或竞争者的竞争关系,强调在比赛、竞赛或个别对抗中的竞争。


1. 我们的公司正在与其他公司竞争市场份额。- Our company is competing with other companies for market share.

2. 他将在比赛中与世界冠军竞争。- He will compete against the world champion in the tournament.


- "Compete with"通常用于商业、行业或经济领域中的竞争背景,描述公司、组织或个人之间的竞争关系。

- "Compete against"更常用于体育比赛、选举、竞赛或对抗性的环境中,特别是在一个对一个或一个对多个的竞争中。


1. 这两家银行正在争相吸引客户,以相互竞争。- These two banks are competing with each other to attract customers.

2. 我将在下个月的比赛中与其他选手竞争。- I will compete against other players in next month's tournament.


- "Compete with"强调共存并争取共同的目标,即与对手在同一领域内竞争。

- "Compete against"强调直接对抗和试图击败特定的对手。


1. 她和她的同事们合作,共同与市场竞争。- She works with her colleagues to compete with the market.

2. 英国队将在决赛中对抗阿根廷队。- The English team will compete against the Argentine team in the final.


- "Compete with"表明与其他人或组织在同一领域内争夺相似的资源、市场份额或目标。

- "Compete against"强调对特定个体或团体进行竞争,通常涉及在比赛、评选或评比中竞争。


1. 这家公司正试图与市场上的其他竞争者争取更多份额。- This company is trying to compete with other competitors in the market for more share.

2. 这名选手将在奥运会上与世界各国的运动员竞争。- This athlete will compete against athletes from different countries in the Olympics.

五常市15356995408: compete in,compete for,compete with都各是什么意思?怎么用?区别是什么?? -
阎叶若能: compete in 再某方面竞争compete for, 为了什么 ...而竞争,compete with 与 某人 竞争

五常市15356995408: compete加什么介词 -
阎叶若能: compete[kəm'pi:t] vi. 1. 竞赛; 竞争2. 比得上, 媲美3. 参加比赛(或竞赛) 这个单词是不及物动词,可以加against表示比赛,对抗. 例句 The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool.孩子们互相竞争,达到游泳池的另一端. 另外vt是及物动词,记住t=true真的,就好了.

五常市15356995408: compete with,compete against,compete for 的意思及区别compete还有其他搭配吗? -
阎叶若能:[答案] compete with 与某人一同竞争,后加竞争者 compete against与某人对抗,后加对抗者 compete for为了什么而竞争,后加目地

五常市15356995408: competein,competefor,compete怎么用?区别是什么?如题 -
阎叶若能: to compete in sth. 参加某比赛Lewis will compete in both sprints in Stuttgart刘易斯将参加在斯图加特举行的两个短跑项目的比赛.He's hoping to compete in the London marathon.他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛. to compete for : ... 为…竞争...

五常市15356995408: 与…竞争的英语怎么说 -
阎叶若能: compete with例句: If you want to compete with someone, compete with yourself. 如果你想同别人竞争,先同自己竞争.

五常市15356995408: compete with与compete against有什么区别? -
阎叶若能: compete with 与某人一同竞争,后加竞争者compete against与某人对抗,后加对抗者

五常市15356995408: 与······比赛用英语怎么说 -
阎叶若能: 您好,翻译为: compete with...... 希望帮助你

五常市15356995408: 竞争的动词形式怎么拼? -
阎叶若能: compete with sb 就这样说,保证没错compete in the match就这些用法,快用把,呵呵

五常市15356995408: be+competitive+with是什么意思 -
阎叶若能: be+competitive+with be是系动词、competitive是形容词,with后面接的基本是名词整体意思与compete with差不多,“与...竞争”的意思,暗含有能力与xx竞争百度例句: We need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies. 我们必须更加努力工作以保持对其他公司具有竞争力.

五常市15356995408: 竞争与合作共存 的英语 怎么说 -
阎叶若能: competition coexists with cooperation.the coexistence of competition and cooperation.


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