以“memory corner”为题目写一篇英语作文

作者&投稿:敏良 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Memory Corner为题,写一篇100词的英语作文~

Treasured memories - 1 -

Time flies, and almost at once I had been on twelve years old this ladder. The twelve years, I on the way of life, leave a deep shallow footprint. A look, then nodded refute footprints, show myself multicolored life. In this step, one of the biggest, most in mind, lingering...

It is a sunny afternoon. I sang a song, and jumped up and down "jumped" into a swimming pool. The game there are several a water slide and an almost like lake as large swimming pool. At that time, though I can't swim, dare not go to the big pool of central, but a few water slide was enough to convince me excited.

I enter the swimming pool, % 26 # 39; s to run a water slide top, the body downwards sat slide down. Enjoying that copy of returning to the pleasant sensation, listening ear shout of wars, really untold time! When I slide knows dozens of times, satiny after, I walked along the edge of "lake" annular waterway walked a circle, see this waterway there is a gap to "lake" in the broad surface. I quickly in waist-deep water walked to the gap. Since then, I have stood in the gap edge.

I saw pool water depth and waterway in depth seems to be just about. I walked to the gap, ready to enter the "lake", suddenly feel depth up! My soul is startled, and behold a foot and empty, and I fell into deep waters.

I in the water sink dive below, and float, I found I was in "lake" central, namely the deepest waters! Ups and downs, my throat after a few choked lived. Unable to struggling I had to let their ups and downs in the water, eyes inky blackness...

I feel no longer ups and downs, but in the sink.

Suddenly, a strong hand took me, I mentioned the shore. I think it's ups and downs seconds like years as long.

I opened my eyes. Sight is a strange uncle. See me nothing, concern with me said, "are you ok, attention points safe" went away.

Originally, the uncle saw I in struggle, want to also did not think is struggling to swim saved me. In my this twelve years passed on the road, it always treasure the dearest memories, lingering aftertaste. Those who represent honor MEDALS, safflower city with the passage of time while I was forgotten. But, I will never forget this matter, also never forget this I don't know the names of the help benefactor -- it if I know what love is, what love is the most valuable.


Some people have very good memory and can easily learn quite long poems by heart. There are other people who can only remember things when they have repeated them again and again. The famous English writer, Charles Dickens said that he could walk down any long street in London and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed. Many of the great men of the world have wonderful memories. A good memory is a help in learning a foreign language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he was a small child, and some children----like boys and girls who live abroad with their parents----seem to learn two languages as easily as one. In school it is not so easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are very busy with other subjects as well. A man's mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but also what we feel,hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and is readyfor us to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our minds.

Memory is the diary we all carry about us. We keep things we have experienced in this diary.

There was a wind just now, and the flowers are falling down with the wind. Smelling the aroma of the tea, singing an old song, I can see so nice a flower rain. If you were here, you must be very happy.
I remember once you were sitting here, keeping a sun-shine like smile, as if all of the happiness could be anticipated. You hold my hand, in hope of that I accepted your true love. At that moment, everything seemed to fall in silence. I can hear your heart beating so quickly.
Flower season, though it will go with the wind, there’re the same scenery today and tomorrow. Love, I regarded as the beauty you have given to me, let me happy, let me crazy, for the nice view will always be in my life, just like the shadow that is by my side.
It’s a long time from then on that I can’t help missing you. Whenever I do so, I feel so depressed. Who can tell me whether you would leave me or not if I know how to cherish the true love at that time?
It was so late when I regretted. Things cannot go back, and I have no chance to tell you the words that were kept in my mind during these years. Nothing in the world can be as painful as this. Now, what I want to say is that I’m fine. But how are you, my dear boy?
As a saying goes that “Forgetting is just the time added to another man.” But the broken heart must take years to heal or will never do. There’s a time that I thought I have forgotten you, but one day when I turned over a book, I encountered a sentence “Love is like a dying ember, only memories remain”, I can’t hold back my tears.
I know tears are unnecessary, and it is too hard for me to laugh now, especially when I face the memory and the air. I hope I will feel more comforted after talking these words to myself, but I don’t know if you would listen word by word.

Treasured memories - 1 - Time flies, and almost at once I had been on twelve years old this ladder. The twelve years, I on the way of life, leave a deep shallow footprint. A look, then nodded refute footprints, show myself multicolored life. In this step, one of the biggest, most in mind, lingering... It is a sunny afternoon. I sang a song, and jumped up and down "jumped" into a swimming pool. The game there are several a water slide and an almost like lake as large swimming pool. At that time, though I can't swim, dare not go to the big pool of central, but a few water slide was enough to convince me excited. I enter the swimming pool, % 26 # 39; s to run a water slide top, the body downwards sat slide down. Enjoying that copy of returning to the pleasant sensation, listening ear shout of wars, really untold time! When I slide knows dozens of times, satiny after, I walked along the edge of "lake" annular waterway walked a circle, see this waterway there is a gap to "lake" in the broad surface. I quickly in waist-deep water walked to the gap. Since then, I have stood in the gap edge. I saw pool water depth and waterway in depth seems to be just about. I walked to the gap, ready to enter the "lake", suddenly feel depth up! My soul is startled, and behold a foot and empty, and I fell into deep waters. I in the water sink dive below, and float, I found I was in "lake" central, namely the deepest waters! Ups and downs, my throat after a few choked lived. Unable to struggling I had to let their ups and downs in the water, eyes inky blackness... I feel no longer ups and downs, but in the sink. Suddenly, a strong hand took me, I mentioned the shore. I think it's ups and downs seconds like years as long. I opened my eyes. Sight is a strange uncle. See me nothing, concern with me said, "are you ok, attention points safe" went away. Originally, the uncle saw I in struggle, want to also did not think is struggling to swim saved me. In my this twelve years passed on the road, it always treasure the dearest memories, lingering aftertaste. Those who represent honor MEDALS, safflower city with the passage of time while I was forgotten. But, I will never forget this matter, also never forget this I don't know the names of the help benefactor -- it if I know what love is, what love is the most valuable. 希望能帮助你

Time flies, and almost at once I had been on twelve years old this ladder. The twelve years, I on the way of life, leave a deep shallow footprint. A look, then nodded refute footprints, show myself multicolored life. In this step, one of the biggest, most in mind, lingering...

It is a sunny afternoon. I sang a song, and jumped up and down "jumped" into a swimming pool. The game there are several a water slide and an almost like lake as large swimming pool. At that time, though I can't swim, dare not go to the big pool of central, but a few water slide was enough to convince me excited.

I enter the swimming pool, % 26 # 39; s to run a water slide top, the body downwards sat slide down. Enjoying that copy of returning to the pleasant sensation, listening ear shout of wars, really untold time! When I slide knows dozens of times, satiny after, I walked along the edge of "lake" annular waterway walked a circle, see this waterway there is a gap to "lake" in the broad surface. I quickly in waist-deep water walked to the gap. Since then, I have stood in the gap edge.

I saw pool water depth and waterway in depth seems to be just about. I walked to the gap, ready to enter the "lake", suddenly feel depth up! My soul is startled, and behold a foot and empty, and I fell into deep waters.


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之邹洛斯: Treasured memories - 1 - Time flies, and almost at once I had been on twelve years old this ladder. The twelve years, I on the way of life, leave a deep shallow footprint. A look, then nodded refute footprints, show myself multicolored life. In this step, ...

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