
作者&投稿:大狐樊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Seasons (四季歌)

Spring is green, Summer is bright,

Autumn is gold, Winter is white.

Year in year out, We work and fight,

For a new world, Of red sunlight.





2、The seasons (四季歌 )

Robert Stevenson (罗伯特'史蒂文森)

Spring is gay with flower and song, Summmer is hot and days are long,

Autumn is rich with fruit and grain, Winter brings snow and the New Year again.



3、The four seasons (四季)

Flowers bloom in spring, It‘s hot in summer,

In fall leaves fall, Snow comes in winter.



4、Spring (春)

Spring is life, Spring is hope, So is love and happiness. 

Spring renews, Without spring, life is forlorn. 

Spring is dreaming, after bitter storm, Put spring in your heart.




5、Here It Comes (夏天来了)

Here comes summer, Here comes summer

Chirping Robins, budding roses 

Here comes summer, Here comes summer

Gentle showers, summer clothes 

Here comes summer, Here comes summer

Whoosh shiver there it goes







6.描写秋天的英语句子大全 1. 我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。 i think autumn ithe most beautiful season in a year. 2. 秋天时叶子变黄。 the leaveturn yellow in autumn. 3. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。 i feel a little cool in the autumnal night. 4. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。 the tree...

1.关于冬天的英文小诗 1.Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind Poem lyrics of Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind by Shakespeare. Blow, blow, thou winter wind, Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude; Thy tooth is not so keen Because thou art not seen, Although thy breat...

sweet lovers love the spring." ——William Shakespeare 在春天,在最美丽的结婚季节,鸟儿唱着。甜蜜的恋人喜欢春天。 5.关于春天的英语古诗有哪些 1、"April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." ——William Shakespeare 四月将勃勃生机注入万物。——莎士比亚 2、"In the spring time, the only pre...

冬天是个美丽的季节,尤其是下雪的日子。 雪花像玲珑剔透的小精灵,调皮地飘落下来。 它们落在树枝上,屋顶上和麦田里。很快整个大地都银妆素裹起来。太阳出来后,万物都闪烁着光芒。 7.求 几首 描写冬天的英文诗 中英文都有,谢谢 英文: Flower of Winter, Flower of Spring A Flower blooms In winter's chill ...

——William Shakespeare 在春天,在最美丽的结婚季节,鸟儿唱着。 甜蜜的恋人喜欢春天。——莎士比亚 7、"An optimist is the human personification of spring." ——Susan J. Bissonette 乐观主义者是春天的化身。 2. 关于春天的英语诗句有哪些 4、"No matter how long the winter,spring is sure to follow....

3.找一首有关秋天的英文诗 秋季的到来。 她是在一个黄色的衣服。 她是未来整个领域。 这个领域是一片金黄色。小麦都笑了。 也有一些农民,他们处理着小麦。 看树上,有许多鸟儿在树上歌唱。 动物是跳舞的树木。 它们是幸福! 天空是蓝色和清洁。 许多白云的天空。 他们看上去像许多帆艇。 深呼吸,然后你可能...

5.关于春天的小诗英文版4句 The voice of spring(春之韵)the puff of breeze comes abreast with the charming spring(柔风吹来了迷人的春天)U ought to cheer up as everytihng is gonna sing(你应该打起精神,因为抄万物都在歌唱)forget about the grief,tomorrow U gotta win(忘却忧伤袭,明天你一定行!)no...

4.关于夏天的英文介绍、英文诗句、暑期避暑方案 我找了2篇 <<;夏天的味道>>the smell of summer:the wind flows beside my feet and makes me yearn for the smell of summer I love your smile seriously the leaves are falling when autumn comes nobody can know my sadness without y...

4.关于冬天的英语作文(最少8句)跪求啊 一年中有四个季节,每个季节都有不同的风景,我喜欢冬天最好时,雪的壮丽景色。冬季大雪,似乎人来到一个幽雅和宁静的境界,来到了一个晶莹透剔的童话世界。拧松香水,冰雪甜,会给人一种凉莹莹的安慰。一切都在过滤,一切都在升华,连我的灵魂在净化,变得纯洁美丽。黄昏的雪,...

关于冬天雪的英语诗句  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 你知道哪些00后职场硬刚事件?星恩文化 2022-06-22 · TA获得超过183个赞 知道答主 回答量:122 采纳率:87% 帮助的人:74.8万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1.描写冬天雪景的英语句子 冬天是个美丽的季节,尤其是下雪的日子。 雪花像...

汉阴县13555873484: 关于季节的一首英语诗 -
巨娇烈爽: I like spring because it represents the beginning of life. I like summer because I love the hot and sticky feeling. Weird I know but I guess I love swimming and eating ice cream. I like autumn because I love the colour. I like winter because snow is just...

汉阴县13555873484: 关于季节的英文诗 -
巨娇烈爽: Poems in Honor of SpringFor winter's rains and ruins are over,And all the season of snows and sins;The days dividing lover and lover,The light that loses, the night that wins;And time remembered is grief forgotten,And frosts are slain and ...

汉阴县13555873484: 有关四季的英语诗 -
巨娇烈爽: Autumn Autumn's coming. She is in a yellow dress. She is coming across the fields. The fields are yellow now. The wheat is smiling. There are some farmers on the fields. They are processing the wheat. Look at the trees, there are many birds ...

汉阴县13555873484: 关于季节的诗(英文) -
巨娇烈爽: 面朝大海 春暖花开Face the sea with spring flowers blossoming海子从明天起,做一个幸福的人From tomorrow on, I will be a happy person,喂马,劈柴,周游世界Grooming, chopping, and traveling all over the world.从明天起,关心粮食...

汉阴县13555873484: 用英语写一个季节的诗句.带翻译,100个字 -
巨娇烈爽:[答案] 春: you bring the new sounds and lifes 你带来清新和新生命 giving us beautiful sunshine 给我们灿烂的阳光 you bring back the greens 你把绿色带回来了 spring!the season of a new start 啊!春天!一个重新开始的季节 夏: summer breeze 夏天的气...

汉阴县13555873484: 有关四季的英语诗有关四季的诗,哪个季节都行,大概5,6或6,7句就行,主要写景,稍带有点抒情,一定要带有优美的翻译>谢谢 -
巨娇烈爽:[答案] Autumn Autumn's coming.She is in a yellow dress.She is coming across the fields.The fields are yellow now.The wheat is smiling.There are some farmers on the fields.They are processing the wheat.Look ...

汉阴县13555873484: 描写四季的英文小诗 -
巨娇烈爽: 春天:Spring Spring is a delightful season. The temperatures are moderate, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors. This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors ...

汉阴县13555873484: 急求关于四季的英文诗歌 -
巨娇烈爽: Spring sigh I silently growth Collect the centennial dream You will only Can make a stare I silently The full of beautiful trees violet Butterflies fly into a drop In cold morning in heart Summer yinjuan Don't use your enthusiasm within me In your eyes ...

汉阴县13555873484: 关于春天的英语诗句有哪些? -
巨娇烈爽: 3、"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming" ——Pablo Neruda 你能砍掉所有的鲜花,但你不能阻止春天的到来.——巴勃罗·聂鲁达 4、"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ——Proverb 不管...

汉阴县13555873484: 关于[ 英语 ]季节的诗、初中生的文笔、写几个季节都可以、不要太深奥的哈~要带排比的那种、[ 2个季节 ] 速度吖~~!! -
巨娇烈爽:[答案] I Like Spring Of the four seasons,I like spring best.When spring comes,trees turn green and flower begin to come out.And the... it is the hope of a year.I love spring! 我喜欢春天 春天是四季中我最喜欢的季节.当春天到来,树木变绿,花儿盛开.天天很好...

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