
作者&投稿:地荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 我十年后的生活60_80词~

Ten Years Later
I can not remember what's the date,but i'm sure that i have an exerciting dream that night.it's someday ten years later,erght roommates including me met at xinxiang international hotel.we sat in the large ,extravagant room,talking nothing and anything ,langhing and laughing ,too mush laugh,i think ,why?because all of us had carved our places inthe society,in the competitive society.
To hear here,perhaps you will laugh at my capacity of imagination .but wait,where there is a will ,there is a way .if we try our best ,we will really succeed in time and our dreams may come true one day ten years later.
I have seen some implication on you now,look at our mature freshmen brothers and look at our lively sophmore sisters,and juniors aslo strive hard while doing other things well perfecting themselves.we are the sun shining over head at 9:00or 10:00o'clock,once a great peaple said like that.
But i do know that ten years is a short time in the long life-route.i can remember clearly the day when i strode into the gate of henan normal university ,draging the heavy bags with curisity,and mr meng-panke helpped me...alas,it all passed ,time is a river of no return.that' true.but from now on .be realistic,make plan and put it into truth step by step.when we cherish the time and we'll suceed .blieve it!
Just think of matin luther king who had a famous dream and turned it into reality with sparing no effort.today i have a dream.
I have a dream that one day ten years later not only our eightbut aslo everyone of you,everyone of hnnu will live happily and reach high in scientific ,economics,or politics.we all have perfect families .your husbands gentle and handsome,and our wives pretty and nice.i have a dream.
I have a dream that one day ten years later our social work department will become mature and fully developed.our teachers become experts and schoolars .our sistersand brothers ,the same as other social worker ,will have little pressure and enjoy themselves.
As what's written in the song named gloryof love:
Just like a knight in shinning armor from along time ago
Just in time i will save the way you to my castle far away
I believe that
Now believe me ,believe yourselves and believe it!

In ten years,I think I'll be a reporter.I'll live in
Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I
think it's really a beautiful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet
lots of interesting people.I think I'll live in an apartment with my
best friends,because I don't like living alone.I'll have pets.I can't
have any pets now because my mother hates them and our apartment is too
small.So in ten years,I'll have many different pets.I might even keep a
pet parrot!I'll probably go skating and swimming every day.During the
week I'll look smart,and probably will wear a suit.On the weekends,I'll
be able to dress more casually.I think I'll go to Hong Kong on
vacation,and one day I might even visit Australia.

  After ten years of my
  My name is John, ten years after I changed a lot, I've now 25 years old, I have a wonderful family, my wife, children and my amiable parents, my family is very harmonious. Now I was a high school teacher, I very like children together, I love my job. I have many friends they are students. I like and students play basketball, playing games, etc. Had a holiday, I would read books at home, Internet chat, listen to songs. These are my hobby. I like living in the present.
  This is after ten years of me. How about you?

近年来我生活的家乡——广西桂平,正发生着日新月异的变化:路宽了,街道也整齐漂亮了,现在又在兴建“两门四路”工程,而 且休闲、文化场所也多了,……我的小家也在变,就这短短的几年里,不管从衣食住行各方面都在变,不要说每层楼都装有一台电视机,也不用说每人各一台电脑, 单说住房就有了很多大的变化,...

变,世间的万物每时每刻都在变。现在,让我来说说我家的变化。 我的家原来只有一间房,吃、住、学习都在一个地方;后来,爸妈为了使我上学方便,在学校附近租了一套两室一厅的老房子,窗户、门关不严,夏天有蚊子咬,冬天寒冷的北风吹得门窗乱响,总是把我和妈妈从睡梦中惊醒;现在我家买了一套三室两厅两卫的大房...

几年后家乡的变化作文 (一)日月如梭,时间像飞箭,转眼间暑假又溜走了。假期中令我感受最深的是一家人一起回家乡。这件事仿佛就发生在昨天。回到家乡,突然眼前一亮。还记得前几年回家乡时,我们走的路还是坑坑洼洼的泥路,下雨时泥土黏着鞋子,村民们走路个个都是左闪右避,以免踩到那大大小小...

我们家发生了翻天覆地的变化。 我听爷爷说,在我出生前的家是这样的:进门以后有两间厢房,往里走有一片空地种满了蔬菜,还有两棵梨树。再往里走是正房,房子后面还有一片大空地,一间厕所和一个洗澡间。后面的地里也种满了蔬菜,还有一颗红果树。那时我家的一堵墙是用土做得,一堵墙是用石头做得,都不太结实。...

几年后家乡的环境 一转眼。十年过去了,我家乡的环境变化可大了! 柏油马路上干干净净,连一粒尘土都没有。马路两旁的树,枝繁叶茂。叶子挨挨挤挤的,没有留一点缝隙。草一年比一年更茂盛,草还夹着几朵艳丽夺目的花;那花吸引来了舞蹈家蝴蝶。 看着这些美丽的景色,我眼前立刻看见了十几年前的情景:那时,马路虽然宽...

现在河水可清澈了。破旧的房子不断减少,富丽堂皇的别墅有四层的,有五层的。有皮鼓高楼甚至有三十多层。村里还火车站,火车不用人驾驶,只靠指挥中心的一个程序操控,永远不会越轨。新农村大变样了。篇二:20年后的家乡 二十年后,我们的家乡又会变得什么样呢?我要回去看看。我回到家了,一看,...

家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化,让家乡变得更美丽,我们一定要保护环境,我爱我的家乡,我一定会再回来看的。 20年后的家乡作文400字四 光阴似箭,日月如梭。穿越时空,我长到了三十多岁,这时,我已是一位科学家了,由于在太空工作,二十年没回家,中秋节到了,我坐着宇宙飞船回到了故乡——万荣。 走在大街上,路旁的高...



20年后的家乡作文500字1 晚上,我迷迷糊糊地躺在床上,不知不觉,我就睡着了,竟然穿越到20年以后的家乡。 20年后的家乡发生了惊天动地的变化。我的家乡在一个偏僻的小村子,以前需要坐两个半小时的车才能到城里,可现在只需要十几分钟就到了,哇,这速度才叫快啊! 通往家乡的道路一尘不染,道路旁的树更多了...

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毛兴爱纳: After ten years of myMy name is John, ten years after I changed a lot, I've now 25 years old, I have a wonderful family, my wife, children and my amiable parents, my family is very harmonious. Now I was a high school teacher, I very like children ...

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毛兴爱纳: 题目:the chance I am 12 years old. Today I will tell the change about the function of my house between ten years ago and ten years later. Ten years ago, my house had a black-white TV, a old red table, a big old computer. Ten years later, we buy the new color TV, a new red table and a tidy new computer.

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毛兴爱纳: Ten years after the home remember at the age of seven, my grandfather took me back to a mountain home, living half a month, go to see a lot of places. Impressed me as "hometown of poor". Most people's house is a bungalow, building small; the...

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毛兴爱纳: Now,My hometown is beautiful.What will it be like in ten years?In ten years,there will be more people ,they are friendly and happy.There will be less pollution .There will be more trees and flowers.Air will be more fresh.The sky will be blue than now.And...

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毛兴爱纳: There would be many things changed in 10 years. People will be served by robots, I might become a robot designer. I like to design stuff. I would changed much, I will graduate from college, and find a job. Like I said before, I would become a robot designer. People maybe travel in air vehicle.

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毛兴爱纳: In recent years, my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has been built. Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several years ago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment ...

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毛兴爱纳: My future house is wide and spacious. It contains a lot of room such as swim pool, exercise room which contains a plenty of exercise machines, and a big play land so I can play inside the house no matter what time i play, it always open for me. ...

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连州市15967895006: 英语作文 家乡的变化 80词左右 初中水平 -
毛兴爱纳:[答案] 在过去,我的家乡不是很大,人们过着贫穷的生活.房屋破旧.污染严重,并有垃圾到任何地方的交通不是很方便,所以很少有人来这里发生了巨大的变化.现在,我的家乡发生了.环境变得更美好.山上都是绿色,河水清晰,天空更蓝了....

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