at home 和 at work 的同类

作者&投稿:归虎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初二诗歌my mother at work and at home~

  My dad at home and at work
He comes home, has a shower.
And eats dinner, every day.
Now, he’s sitting in his favourite chair.
He's reading the paper
And watching television.
Soon he'll go to bed.
He's a boring man, my dad.
  And then one day I see him,
On the building site, at work.
He's high up, in the clouds, up in the air.
He's making a building.
He's fixing a crane, so clever.
He's working higher than the birds,
He's walking on a narrow plank,
Not scared, not scared like me.
He's a super man, my dad.

And nodding by the fire,take down this book,

at home 

at work

at school

at school

山阳区15670894162: at the work和at work区别是什么? -
浑疤咪康: at work 在工作 状态 at the work 在做那件工作 特指

山阳区15670894162: at home 和 at work 的同类 -
浑疤咪康: at school

山阳区15670894162: 英语48个字母在单词里的发音 -
浑疤咪康:[答案] 1.按发音规则记 首先记清什么是开音节,什么闭音节.以不发音的e结尾的单词是开音节;以元音结尾的单词是绝对开音节.... 如:at the bus stop,at the railway station等. 3) 中午,夜晚等前面用介词at. 如:at noon,at night,at home,at work,at school,at ...

山阳区15670894162: work home -
浑疤咪康: 不应该说,I work home. I work at home. home 在这里是名词,表示动作发生的地点. 当home做副词时,是表示动作的目的地.如,carry home 拿回家.He was ordered home. 他已奉命回国.

山阳区15670894162: work at home 与 work home -
浑疤咪康: 不可以.英语里很多都是固定用法,没哟为什么

山阳区15670894162: at与 home ,at与 work ,at与 school ,中间为什么不用the,at the fair ,at the bookstore 中间要加the -
浑疤咪康: 有加the是特指. home、work、school相对来说,大家都知道了,就好像你说自己at home,那就是说在自己家,不用特指了. 而fair也好,bookstrore也好,不加the就没有特指了,别人不知道你说的到底是哪家了,所以加个the特指.

山阳区15670894162: work at home和 work from home的区别
浑疤咪康: work from home的意思是,你可以在家完成工作,不必到办公室和公司去 work at home仅仅有在家工作的意思.

山阳区15670894162: work at,work on,work in的区别及用法 -
浑疤咪康: 在英语中, work at意为:在…工作;从事于…,致力于…. work on意为:从事于…;继续工作. work in意为:在…工作;插进;引进. 例句: I want to work at home on a Tuesday. We work on improving visual acuity. He's going to work in the ...

山阳区15670894162: home是可数名词为什么不加A或THE ?是地点副词为什么前有可加AT? -
浑疤咪康: Home是同学们非常熟悉的单词,几乎每天都想到和用到.但你们知道其具体用法吗?下面我将home的用法作简要小结,供同学们在学习中参考.1.home 表示动态概念.意思是“回家”,“到家”.前面不加介词.这里的home 是副词,表示目...

山阳区15670894162: Your work for a company form home via phone and internet. 为什么这里用from home,而不用at home ? -
浑疤咪康: 这里就是不同的介词表达的意思不同. at home表示在家里,比如我在家吃饭-I eat at home.而from home 表示从家里,比如,我从家里骑自行车过来,i ride here from home.此句的意思是讲通过电话和网络,你可以从家里为公司工作.

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