
作者&投稿:汉屠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔十年磨一剑的作品,也是惟一的作品。小说以一个 种植 园为 故事 场景,描绘了内战前后美国南方人的生活。通过对斯佳丽与白瑞德的爱情纠缠为主线,成功地再现了林肯领导的南北战争,美国南方地区的社会生活。下面我为大家带来《飘》经典英语段落摘抄,欢迎大家阅读!

   《飘》 英语段落摘抄一:

  In spite of her choked-back tears, Scarlett thrilledto the never-failing magic of her mother’s touch, tothe faint fragrance of lemon verbena sachet thatcame from her rustling silk dress. To Scarlett, therewas something breath-taking about Ellen O’Hara, amiracle that lived in the house with her and awedher and charmed and soothed her.


    《飘》 英语段落摘抄二:

  He tossed the reins of his horse to a small pickaninny standing near and started up the steps.He had already forgotten Scarlett’s heartbreak and his mind was only on plaguing his valet.Scarlett slowly climbed the steps after him, her feet leaden. She thought that, after all, amating between herself and Ashley could be no queerer than that of her father and EllenRobillard O’Hara. As always, she wondered how her loud, insensitive father had managed tomarry a woman like her mother, for never were two people further apart in birth, breeding andhabits of mind.


   《飘》 英语段落摘抄三:

  She would have been a strikingly beautiful woman had there been any glow in her eyes, anyresponsive warmth in her smile or any spontaneity in her voice that fell with gentle melodyon the ears of her family and her servants. She spoke in the soft slurring voice of the coastalGeorgian, liquid of vowels, kind to consonants and with the barest trace of French accent. Itwas a voice never raised in command to a servant or reproof to a child but a voice that wasobeyed instantly at Tara, where her husband’s blustering and roaring were quietlydisregarded.



  They fervently hoped so, at any rate. And Stuart might have made the match, but Brent had not been satisfied. Brent liked India but he thought her mighty plain and tame , and he simply could not fall in love with her himself to keep Stuart company. That was the first time the twins’ interest had ever diverged , and Brent was resentful of his brother’s attentions to a girl who seemed to him not at all remarkable.



  Sunset and spring and new- fledged greenery were no miracle to Scarlett. Their beauty she accepted as casually as the air she breathed and the water she drank, for she had neverconsciously seen beauty in anything bat women’s faces, horses, silk dresses and like tangiblethings. Yet the serene half-light over Tara’s well-kept acres brought a measure of quiet to herdisturbed mind. She loved this land so much, without even knowing she loved it, loved it as she loved her mother’s face under the lamp at prayer time.


《飘》经典英语段落摘抄相关 文章 :

1. 《飘》经典段落摘抄

2. 经典名著《飘》英语段落摘抄

3. 《飘》英语段落摘抄

4. 《飘》经典英语段落赏析

5. 《百年孤独》经典英语段落摘抄

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中文名:飘 英语名:Gone with the wind 法语名:Autant en emporte le vent 导演:Victor Fleming 原著:《飘》(玛格丽特·米切尔著)出品:米高梅公司 主演:Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Hattie McDaniel等 1936年,美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔的畅销小说《飘》...

那个网站上有飘的原文 全英语的 谢谢了
全文 - 英文版《飘》http:\/\/www.wmmenglish.com\/Soft\/down04\/2005-08-04\/126.html 电子图书下载 飘Gone with the wind(中英对照版)http:\/\/down.sxxsw.com\/soft\/1563.htm 这个也可以:http:\/\/www.qyen.com\/club\/dispbbs.asp?boardid=5&id=243 这是中文版全集的,可以和英文的对照来看:...

两当县18722222526: 《飘》(乱世佳人)里的经典语句的英文 -
答哪易齐: I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken—and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

两当县18722222526: 求《飘》(乱世佳人)中经典句子 中英文对照!一定是要有中英文对照的哦~ -
答哪易齐:[答案] 我是个忠实的《飘》迷哎!一遍一遍读.我觉得最经典的是以下几句.1.After all,tomorrow is another day.--Scarlett.毕竟,明天又是另外的一天呢.2.A glamor to it --a perfection ,a symmetry like Grecian art.--Ashle...

两当县18722222526: 《飘》的经典英语原句 -
答哪易齐: 斯嘉丽说过,tomorrow is another day.

两当县18722222526: 《飘》上的经典语句 -
答哪易齐: 1.愿上帝保佑那个真正爱过你的人,你把他的心都揉碎了 2.Tomorrow is another day! 3.我从来不是那样的人,不能耐心的拾起一片碎片,把它们合在一起,然后对自己说这个修补好了的东西跟新的完全一样.一件东西破碎了就是破碎了,我宁愿...

两当县18722222526: 书虫2上的好句摘抄,要有中文,最好写明出自哪本书 -
答哪易齐:[答案] 最经典滴《飘》即英文的Gone With the Wind里面滴Tomorrow is another day.明天又是新的一天! 夜晚来临了,一轮满月从树顶升起挂在空中,照在这片土地上,到外都笼罩在幽暗的白光里.——《野性的呼唤》后面就没有来源了 .I love you not ...

两当县18722222526: 急需!《红与黑》《飘》《哈姆雷特》等,10段或者更多的优美段落!注意是!英文的!!英文!!! -
答哪易齐: Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to ...

两当县18722222526: 《飘》 和《傲慢与偏见》佳句 -
答哪易齐: <傲慢与偏见>:It is a truth universally acknowledged that is a single man in possession of a good fortune,must be in want of a wife.中文:凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理《飘〉Tomorrow is anthor day! 小...

两当县18722222526: 关于 飘 的经典字段
答哪易齐: 斯嘉丽最后经历女儿之死,丈夫离开,绝望中眼里盛开光芒,要回到家乡:After all ,tomorrow is another day!明天,明天又是新的一天.我只觉得这句经典.

两当县18722222526: 《飘》的经典优美语段摘抄 -
答哪易齐: 1,斯佳丽在回到被毁的家园后,在山头上说:“上帝为我作证,上帝为我作证,北佬休想将我整垮.等熬过了这一关,我决不再忍饥挨饿,也决不再让我的亲人忍饥挨饿了,哪怕让我去偷,去抢,去杀人.请上帝为我作证,我无论如何都不要再忍...

两当县18722222526: 《飘》 摘抄 -
答哪易齐: 至于怎么做,她还不清楚.她现在不打算考虑这些.她唯一需要的是有个歇息的空间来 熬受痛苦,有个宁静的地方来舔她的伤口,有个避难所来计划下一个战役.她一想到塔拉就 似乎有一只温柔而冷静的手在悄悄抚摩她的心似的.她看得见那...

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