作者&投稿:紫娟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2、is heard all over the country
3、Any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called country music.
4、Students with cars buy large speakers and play the music loudly as they drive on the street.
5、No. They also listen to the news about sports, the weather, and the life of American people.
6、This was started by cowboys who would sing at night to the cows they were watching.



没有在这个学校读学位课程的成人可以申请读SAL。必须18岁或以上,取得高中或相当于高中毕业的学历。 SAL课程的学生在学位课程:1000-4000级别(应该是课程的代号)有位置的情况下可以读这些课程(我认为是指选课时读学位课程的学生比SAL课程的学生有优先权)5000级别的课程只有达到课程要求或者得到任课老师许可的情况下才可以读。SAL课程的学生不能读本科自学课程。如果SAL的学生在之后转成学位课程,那么最多可以转42个学分(5年之内取得的学分)。SAL学生不能注册Graduate Projects:这是为读MFA的学生预留的自学课程,同时SAL课程的学分是不能转为MFA的学分的。如果SAL学生在之前已取得研究生学位同时想要继续修有关职业发展的专业课程那么可以申请研究生级别的学分:2000或以上级别。要申请研究生级别学分必须获得任课老师或者研究院院长的批准。如果获批,那么老师和学生要商量研究生级别的课程的要求有哪些。研究生级别学分申请表在Registration and Records office可拿到,必须在这个学生入学前两周填妥并递交。

汾西县19212836636: The number of the students is very large in our school为什么用s,为什么student后加s?帮解一下 -
之锦清肺: 这句话翻译过来就是:我们学校学生的数量非常大. 所以,这句话的主语是数量,The number ,所以用is.而student后加s是因为学生肯定不是一个,所以用复数形式.

汾西县19212836636: 很着急的需要高中英语句子扩展的详细资料,谢谢
之锦清肺: 举例说来: for instance,the student 一个学生,名词加定语 the student of Harvard University 用of加上定语修饰,哪里的学生. the student, with a long hair, of Harvard University 加上同位语,修饰主语 the student, with a long hair which is ...

汾西县19212836636: at large less than either.肿么解释?
之锦清肺: 理解为:总之不比任何一方少. at large,在这儿理解为整个地; 一般地; 总地:(用于名词之后) 例: the opinion of students, voters, society, etc at large 学生﹑ 选民﹑ 社会等总的意见. less than either, 比任何一方少. 译:我保证它所表达他的感情,不会比我自己少,也不比我的同胞少,总之不比任何一方少. 如有问题还可以再找我!

汾西县19212836636: 表示某大学的学生是用in还是of? -
之锦清肺: 如果表示在校的大学生,就用in,比如: He's a student studying in University.如果表示某大学的学生,通常用at,比如: He's a university student at Queen's University.of 通常用来表示某个标志性的东西,比如楼上所说的:Bank of China, representative of Univesity of British Columbia,等等

汾西县19212836636: editor at large是啥意思editor at large表示一般的编辑,还是总编呢? -
之锦清肺:[答案] 总编

汾西县19212836636: - One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students后面是什么 -
之锦清肺:[答案] One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the class on two sheets of paper,leaving a ... That Saturday the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a 34 sheet of paper,and 35 what everyone else had said ...

汾西县19212836636: member at large是什么意思 -
之锦清肺: member at large多数会员双语对照例句:1.Large supermarket and children park are at the door family member courtyard.大型超市和儿童公园就在家眷楼门口.2.Says george gendron, a board member at initiative for a competitive inner ...

汾西县19212836636: at large 是什么意思?
之锦清肺: 自由的,未被捕的,逍遥自在的;详尽的;充分的;普遍的,一般的;笼统的;随意的,无的放矢的

汾西县19212836636: 新概念3第一课at large 到底有多少意思啊 -
之锦清肺:[答案] 新概念3第一课at large A Puma at Large 文章中在在逃的意思 其他意思如 1)自由,飘忽不定 2)随便地,任意地 3)无所事事地 4)详细地,全面地 5)全部,整个的 6)笼统地,不具体地,含糊地 ==抄自综合英语成语词典

汾西县19212836636: she is a student at the art collage怎样改一般疑问句 -
之锦清肺: Is she a student at the art collage?翻译:她是一名来自艺校的学生吗?希望能够帮助到您,满意的话,请采纳,谢谢.

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