
作者&投稿:邓净 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This graduate design topic is a automation kind design topic, solar photovoltaic power of solar energy utilization, as a major conference 2010 world sun city is the main full use of sun power generation. Now commonly used solar cells have monocrystalline cells and polycrystalline silicon battery box of the silicon thin film cells.
Solar though is a kind of clean energy, and its application is rapid growth worldwide. Electricity is a USES sunlight is the way with solar energy, but at present the resume a solar power system cost or higher, from the present stage of solar power to see, they spent on the cost of solar cell module for that costs about 60 to 70 percent.
According to demand, through the design and field measurement and formula foundation in this article, we mainly discuss different direction and dust for solar panels, the influence of generating power from the nets power generation system low temperature on the influence of battery discharge performance in the square, and solar panels, etc. Problem
Keywords: photovoltaic power; Solar panels; From the nets power; Battery;








英语达人帮忙翻译一段话 谢谢
She is different from those who are not responsible. Some teachers even cannot pronounce correctly, and they speak so fast that even native speakers cannot understand them. Some even cannot corectly say the word "three".她总是告诉我们,学英语并不是为了考试,而是一种人与人之间交流的...

1, on the economic growth essential for the accumulation of physical capital.2、 引进国外的先进设备和技术诀窍。 2, the introduction of foreign advanced equipment and technical know-how.3、 占世界技术贸易总量90%的许可证贸易。 3, accounting for 90% of total world trade, technology ...

Friction and Lubrication 摩擦和润滑 In many of the problems thus far, the student has been asked to disregard or neglect friction.到目前为止,在许多问题的处理中,学生都被告知不计入摩擦力或者忽略摩擦力。Actually, friction is present to some degree whenever two parts are in contact and...

Here Is My Try. 我的试炼 It's just a feeling that i felt with you. 心中对你产生了某种感觉 I may relieve perphaps I do admire you[i feel a desire to you] 也许是对你起了那倾慕之情.[是吗, 真的吗] I might fall in love with you 0r i desired by you . 或许我会爱...

1.直到她摘下了墨镜,我才看出来她是著名影星。Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize that she was the famous movie star.2.我刚合上眼,电话铃就响了。No sooner had I fallen asleep than the phone rang.3.虽然她是一个妇女,但她能做那件事。Woman as she is, ...

It's been a year and I don't know how many months now 已经过去了一年和不知道多少个日月 Sitting here looking at the photos of what used to be 坐在这里看着以往的照片 Our memories, you used to be 我们的回忆,那时候的你 The motivation of my life 是我生活的动力 I don't ...

你好 In some developed countries, the average passenger locomotive traction by being light, fast train and light rail car replaced, mu trains, light rail is gradually become the main railway passenger transportation tool. Emu is between cities and provinces of passenger transport important...

1.More people than even before are participating the election for city council.(参加市议会竞选).2.She's a former ambassador to the U.S. (驻美大使).3.They are very chary with their good reputation. (爱惜自己的好名声).4.The organizers are hoping to arose youngster's interest....

RIM technology commonly used materials are PU, DCPD, NYLON, PET (Polyester), etc. Among them, PU, DCPD most widely used, but each has its advantages, I am the Secretary for use of PU (Polyurethane polyurethane) for materials, production of manufactured products widely used in ...

1. 美国钢材工业不景气,进口了大量廉价钢材,很多钢铁企业遇到困难。1. The U.S. steel industry recession, imports large amounts of cheap steel, many steel enterprise is in difficulty.2. 国内布什总统提高进口关税,国外钢材输出国如欧盟、中国、南韩,马来西亚,日本、俄罗斯、墨西哥等反对这样的...

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人帮忙翻译 -
恭鲁尤尼: She had been tough on me these last few weeks and hopefully it would pay off today.过去几星期里她都对我很严格,希望今天能得到回报.

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人翻译一下英语句子
恭鲁尤尼: NO.1 Here it will rain/rain here...... NO.2 Warm prompt: drink many cans of drinks bad to the body, so I suggest you drink boxes of fresh orange many, so to your body good some ~

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人翻译.
恭鲁尤尼: we are flying toward the dream let us fly together~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人帮忙翻译下 -
恭鲁尤尼: Sir: How are you doing! we already receive the post expense $102 you sent. we have already called FedEx to post the sample to you.

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人帮忙翻译下!!
恭鲁尤尼: 你好,这六个词组的意思分别是:一夜情,给某人打电话,响铃一次,挂掉电话,(为了)让我知道,你成功了. 第一个,不用多说了,字面意思. 第二个,固定搭配. 第三个,好像没有这个词组,硬要连起来就直接翻译了. 第四个,固定搭配. 第五个是不定式词组,直译就好. 最后一个应该有语法错误,或者是新出来的词组.

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人翻译 -
恭鲁尤尼: 露会议投票决定降低毕业年龄这一决议的时候我正好在场...那些灰烬和猛烈却温暖的火焰引起了我的兴趣,火焰的燃烧营造了一种可爱的情绪,滋生了我心中的浪漫感觉.自从他加入梦幻足球队,在大一到大二这段时间里他是个高产却独来独往的球员.我理解不了为什么称其为“美式足球”,英式足球

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人帮忙翻译几句简单的话 -
恭鲁尤尼: i went home for the Spring Festival, during this period i can not surf on the net ,so i read your email just now.请告知我们,什么时候可以安排付款.

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人翻译下...急用!!!非常感谢!!!!!!!! -
恭鲁尤尼: After a long period of contact, I find he is a man who is honest, full of determination and passion. He is a smart and curiousness student. He has a factual and realistic work style when he treat a problem. And he is also able to unite students.

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人帮忙翻译一下. 英文翻译:相遇 相识 相知 相守 尽量准确一些,印刷品上用的,在线等,谢谢.请英语达人帮忙翻译一下.英文翻译:相遇 相识 相知 ... -
恭鲁尤尼:[答案] Encounter Acquaintance Friend Companion/Partner 若有补充,看评论

麒麟区18818069963: 请英语达人帮忙翻译几句话 -
恭鲁尤尼: I have been contacted with the banks, and banks tell me that money is frozen, it normally takes three weeks to thaw, and if you can directly cancel the order, the bank can immediately unfreeze the funds, so funds can go back to my account on, so please help cancel this order, thank you

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