
作者&投稿:冀庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. A hard-working student
Li Lei is one of my best friend. He is in the same class with me. He is tall and thin. He is a hard-working student. He often listens to the teacher carefully in class and after class he ofter goes over the lesson and then does his homework carefully. He often prepare the lessons before class. He studies so hard that he doesn't go to bed until half past ten. He can always gets good grades at school and he often helps others so we all like him very much.

2. My school life
My school life is busy and interesting. We usually have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. Class begins at eight in the morning and one thirty in the afternoon. We have ten minutes rest between two classes. I often have my lunch at school. After school I have after-school activities. I like playing basketball very much so I often play basketball for about an hour with my friends. In spring and autumn we have sports meeting and sometimes we have other activities, such as English compation. My school life is so fantastic that I like it very much.

3. How to learn English well
I was weak in English before but now I am good at it. I think if we have good ways of learning English and work hard, we will make great progress. If we want to learn English well, In my opinion, firstly, we should be confident so believe ourselves is very important. Secondly, we should have our own good ways of learn English. Such as listening to the teacher carefully and take notes, reviewing what is learned regularly and doing our homework carefully, listening to tape and repeating after the tape, watching English films and TV programmes,reading English stories and newspapers and so on. Thirdly, learning English takes time so we should spend as much time as we can on English. "No pains, no gains". If we work hard, I am sure we will learn English well.

4. My great summer vacation
I really had a great and interesting summer vacation. I did my homework every day so I finished doing my homework ten days before the new term. I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends every day. I sometimes went to movies and went to the parks with my friends. I surfed the internet, read books and watched TV every evening. I visited my grandparents and helped them with the housework, too. I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals. I also take a tennis course and now I can play tennis very well.The most important was that my parents and I went to Hannan Island and we spent a week there. I really had a wonderful summer vacation.

5. My happy life
Happiness don't mean you are rich,such as a millionair. I think having a happy family is the basic of a happy life. My parents are great. They are not only my parents but also my best friends. When I have troubles and worries, they can always give me good advice and help me solve the problems so I can have a happy life. When I need money, my parents are my surporters. And they can treat my friends friendly and happy that makes me feel happy. I have lots of hobbies, such as, reading, playing table tennis, collecting stamps and so on. Having good hobbies can also make me happy. I have lots of good friends. When I don't feel happy they can always have good ways to make me feel good.So I think I have a happy life.

6. My pen friend Nancy
I have have some pen friendsfriends and Nancy is by best friend. She is fourteen years old. And her birthday is May 1st.(或者: She was born on May 1). She is from America and she lives in New York. Her favourite subject is music. She is pretty with long,curly hair and a pair of glasses. She loves sports and her favourite is swimming. She is friendly and kind. She is good at maths and she can get on well with others. She always helps others when they are in trouble. She is so kind that I love her very much.

7. An unforgetble trip
Last summer my parents and I went to Beidaihe. It was sunny and hot that day. My dad drove a car and it took us about three hours to get to the beach. There were thousands of people on the beach and in the sea that day. We walked along the beach and picked up beautiful shells for about two hours. Then we felt hungry and ate delicious sea food. After lunch we went boating with the farmer and we caught lots of different kinds of sea fish. We saw beautiful seagulls flying in the blue sky. Then we swam in the sea. It was really cool to swim and of course we had a good time. So that was un an unforgetble trip.

8. My birthday
Next Sunday is my birthday. I am going to have a birthday party. I want to invite my best friends to my home to attend my party. We are going to make/ eat a birthday cake. I am sure I will receive lots of presents. We are going to take pictures, sing and dance. Of course we are going to talk and play games,too. I am looking forward to my birthday party.

9. My mother
My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital which isn't far from our home. So she always goes to work by bike. She works hard and she is also very patient. So her workmates and the patients all like her very much. Although sometimes some patients are rude, she is very kind and she understands them a lot. She never shout to them. Sometimes she has to work at night. She likes her work very much.

10. My favourtie hobby
I have many hobbies, such as, reading books, listening to music, collecting stamps and so on. But my favourite is playing badminton. When I was six years old, my mother began to teach me how to play badminton. The white ball flew in the air and it was very beautiful and exciting. So from then on I liked playing badminton. What's more, I think playing badminton is one of the best way to make strong and healthy. It can also let me make lots of friends. I often play badminton with my friends after school. Sometimes I play it with my mother and my friends on weekends. When I play badminton, I forget all my worries and it brings me lots of happinesss. When I grow up, I want to be a badminton player. So I must play it very well. Now I am having a badminton lesson and I am making lots of progress now. I am sure I can play badminton very well and my dream will come true.

My dream job

When I grow up,I want to be an English teacher.Being a teacher is very great.The teachers are learned and can help students grow up.Well,my father is an English teacher with 30 years teaching,whose wish is I can become a teacher when I grow up.Besides,English are used widely in the world.In order to make my dream come true,I must study hard from then on,especially English.I must listen to the English broadcasting every morning,and keep diraries in English as well.After all,I will try my best.

NvWaBuTian introduction to the story
In the conceptions of time, the water nymph gong gong and fire ravaged by quarrels and fights, the last beat gong gong, ravaged by water nymph gong gong due to lost ashamed and resentful toward the west island not hit, which don't know that island is hold the pillars of heaven not island split, hold a big pillar broken between heaven and earth, day fell down half, there was a big hole, the land was turned into great a crack, mountain forest to burn up the fire, spewing out from under the ground, the flood dragon of snake came out to eat people. Mankind is faced with an unprecedented catastrophe.

Nuwa saw the human being is so strange, feel very painful, so determined to fill days, to terminate the disaster. She chooses a variety of colored stones, fiery they melt into pulp, with this kind of stone slurry will be incomplete hole fill in the day, then cut off a big turtle four feet, as the four pillars collapsed up half the sky. Nuwa killed also tackled a destroying people's black dragon, stopped a snake arrogance. Finally in order to block the flood



从教育的角 度看,由于深受“学而优则仕”的观念影响,封建时代办学的目的是“储才以应科目”,足见科举对教育的影 响之大。科举废除已近百年,其对教育的影响却弥漫并积淀为现实基因的一部分。探讨科举制下考试与教育的 关系,有利于我们今天的教育考试改革鉴古知今、趋利避害。


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