一篇关于学校开展体育活动的英语短文 词数不少于60个

作者&投稿:鄂丹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

首先 我把你的大意稍微补充了一点,大致如下:学校每年秋期举办运动会,十分热闹,回想起去年运动会,我通过努力获得了跳远第一名。在运动会期间, 同学们上午锻炼,下午做眼保健操,课后打篮球或踢足球,时间安排的十分有规律。
School every year autumn period to hold the sports meet, very lively, recalled the last games, I through hard work won the first prize of high-jump. During the games, the classmates morning exercise, afternoon doing eye exercises, after class to play basketball or football, time arrangement is very regular.

According to some international surveys every 100 Americans read 47 books per year on aver-age;but every 100 Chinese read only 3.7 books per year.
For me,I don't agree with it.There are 3 reasons.
1. The books shouldn't be the tradditional book.We can read them in the computers and Mobil.
So,We can everybody are reading on the underground or bus stations.
2. The books should be classified in detail.Story or science.The story are read by chinese everyday.We can found the super stars like Hanhan.According to the request,I can't agreee with it.
3. Lots of students are reading lot of books.For example,a middles school student has to have 20 assistent books.
On the base of the 3 reasons,I don't agreee with results.But, normally,we should care about the goood and meaningful books.

My School Sport
My school holds sport meeting every year, and I won the first price in long jump last year. The students usually take exercises in the morning and do eye exercises in the afternoon. After class, they will play basketball or football. Doing sport is good for health, I will take more exercises .

My School Sport
My school holds sport meeting every year, and I won the first price in long jump last year. The students usually take exercises in the morning and do eye exercises in the afternoon. After class, they will play basketball or football. Doing sport is good for health, I will take more exercises .



我校在上级领导大力支持下,认真贯彻《学校体育工作条例》加强对学校体育工作的领导,逐渐改进办学条件和办学思路,结合本校实际情况,努力创新体育活动内容,以增进学生体质健康为指导思想,积极开展形式多样的体育活动。 一、领导重视 我校领导十分重视体育工作,把它作为学校工作的一件大事来抓。首先把它纳入学校整体工作计...

积极开展“游戏大比拼”等专题活动,鼓励学生积极参与体育活动,充分利用现有体育设施,逐步提升学生的体育运动技能和运动水平,促进学校体育工作再上新台阶。 校园阳光体育活动方案2 一、指导思想 全面贯彻教育方针,落实《中共中央国务院关于加强青少年体质的意见》和《学校体育工作条例》为全面贯彻落实教育部、国家体育总局、...

首先 我把你的大意稍微补充了一点,大致如下:学校每年秋期举办运动会,十分热闹,回想起去年运动会,我通过努力获得了跳远第一名。在运动会期间, 同学们上午锻炼,下午做眼保健操,课后打篮球或踢足球,时间安排的十分有规律。那么按照我补充的开始翻译的话,大致如下 School every year autumn period t...

4.突出特色建设学校着重加强体育特色项目的建设,充分发挥学校体育教师的特长,进一步完善校园舞蹈操,在原有基础上,创编新动作,加入个性化的`动作有一定难度的动作,激发学生兴趣,做好全面普及工作。 5.开展月竞赛活动每月学校将按照阳光体育运动竞赛活动具体安排开展丰富多彩的活动。 第二阶段(20xx年1月—20xx年4月) 以...

学校特色体育活动开展方案1 为了在20xx年度里更好地惯彻落实党的教育方针,落实学校《体育工作条例》,完成上级部门下达的特奥体育工作任务和学校工作计划;以安徽省第三届特殊奥林匹克运动会为契机;以德育教育为首,以体育教育为特色,以提高学生综合素质为根本,以发展学生的身心健康为指引,搞好学校体育工作,特制定20xx年度...

In my school.Soccer is a ball and goal game usually played outdoors, also called football. Played in more than 140 countries, it is by far the most popular international sport. Two opposing team of 11 players each compete on a field preferably measuring 120 yard by 75 yard. A...

以下是我收集整理的学校开展体育活动方案,希望对大家有所帮助。 学校开展体育活动方案1 一、指导思想 为认真贯彻教育部“全国亿万阳光体育运动”计划,积极响应“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子”的口号,为学生参加体育锻炼创造有利条件,丰富学生课余生活,增强学生的体质,培养学生参与体育活动的兴趣和爱好...


以下是我收集整理的学校体育活动方案(精选6篇),希望对大家有所帮助。 学校体育活动方案1 一、指导思想 为进一步落实教育部关于《中共中央国务院关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》的精神,以及学校提出的阳光体育计划,全面推动我校艺体活动的改革与发展,促进学校“大课间”活动的制度化和规范化,结合我校实际,让...

篇一:一年级阳光体育活动总结 阳光体育运动是由国家教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央为贯彻中央政治局会议精神而启动的全国亿万学生集体锻炼一小时的大型活动。我校积极响应上级号召,认真实施体锻一小时活动,吸引同学们走向操场、走进大自然、走到阳光下,积极参加体育锻炼,掀起校园内体育锻炼热潮,并取...

马边彝族自治县15763561220: 一篇关于学校开展体育活动的英语短文 词数不少于60个要求如下1、学校每年秋季举办运动会,你去年获得跳远第一名2、同学们通常早上锻炼,下午做眼操... -
虿潘龙胜:[答案] My School Sport My school holds sport meeting every year, and I won the first price in long jump last year. The students usually take exercises in the morning and do eye exercises in the afternoo...

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虿潘龙胜:[答案] Our school holds a sports meet every autumn. And I won the championship in the long-jump competetion last time.Students in our school do exercise every morning while they do eye exercises in the afternoon. Some of them may play basketball or ...

马边彝族自治县15763561220: 关于你们学校开展体育活动的英语短文 要点:1.学校每年秋季举办运动会.去年运动会上你获得跳远第一名;2.同学们通常早上锻炼,下午做眼保健操,课后打... -
虿潘龙胜:[答案] 1. The school has a sports meeting every year. You were the winner of long jump last year. 2. The students usually do exercises in the morning, do eye-protection in the afternoon and play basketball or football after class. 3. Sports are good for your health....

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虿潘龙胜: Sports in Our SchoolHello everyone,I am a reporter from the school newspaper,now I am reporting in front of the playground.Students in our school have had more time for sports since the activity started.Most students exercise for more than four ...

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虿潘龙胜: In my school.Soccer is a ball and goal game usually played outdoors, also called football. Played in more than 140 countries, it is by far the most popular international sport. Two opposing team of 11 players each compete on a field preferably ...

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虿潘龙胜:[答案] last week,our scholl have many sports ,such as ,play footbal &basketball ,running ,swimming,riding ,classmates held optimistic manner.they all like to take part in ,and encourge each other,although we...

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虿潘龙胜:[答案] Sports in Our SchoolHello everyone,I am a reporter from the school newspaper,now I am reporting in front of the playground.Students in our school have had more time for sports since the activity start...

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虿潘龙胜:[答案] Health is very important to us teenagers. Either study or work is based on strong body. Doing sports every day helps us keep healthy and energetic. And taking exercise can keep us strong, we won't ge...

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