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Ancient Chinese women mix of French, of course, the fixed comb the hair is a wide range of accessories, making the headdress of ancient women of ancient civilizations to become an indispensable part. Headgear has a long history, varied shapes, materials rich in the production process is very sophisticated, fully demonstrates the exquisite ancient technology and high technology, has high artistic value, so that Chinese women have naturally become the head of a woman in full bloom as well as major decorative wonderful work in full bloom. Han and Tang Dynasty in Chinese history and prosperity of the same period a representative of the times the two women's headdress in the draw all sorts of advantages in design, materials,
Production techniques become more sophisticated and China and the United States, and has entrusted to their historical background and significance of the different features. In this paper, through the dynasties of the two women head their own patterns, styles, materials, production processes, the role of the area to clear to allow the two dynasties of women's headdress of the emergence of a more lively in front of us, and now wear is no longer as beautiful as the ancient and complex and diverse forms of headdress, but the decorative form of headdress is still handed down, the last hope as a dress headdress an important part of culture and heritage can continue to grow and become the brilliant Chinese civilization crown indispensable for such a shining pearl.

衡量一个国家的健康的平均寿命是有点像其公民的表现来看,仅仅通过伦敦地铁乘客的数量就不考虑:人们如何找到他们的经验,沿这就是为什么世界卫生组织(WHO)想出了一个新的人口健康、叫disability-adjusted寿命比估计只有戴尔)间多长时间能活到一个孩子,克里斯托弗·默里和他的同事在那些试图算多少孩子的生命将会花费很健康。 要做到这一点,他们进行了随机调查环游世界去看看禁用这些条款失明或者胸痛都被认为是。这些“严重”,不同权重很小,从国家,结合多年的标准流行病措施生病是因为特定疾病和扣除的总平均寿命达到产量的丰功伟绩。世界范围内,一般的健康


测量由它的公民平均寿命预期的国家的健康是象仅仅判断伦敦的表现地下由它搭载乘客的数量:它不采取帐户人们怎么发现经验,当他们去。所以世界卫生组织(世界卫生组织)出来与人口健康一项新的措施,称伤残被调整的估计寿命(山谷)。而不是估计孩子只有多久能期望居住,克里斯托弗・默里和他的同事在世界卫生组织设法计算多少儿童的生活在身体好将花费。要做此,他们举办任意surverys环球看使这样情况失去能力象盲目性或胸口痛怎么被认为是。 这些“严肃额外”,惊奇地少许因国而异变化,与几年标准流行病学措施比他们的总估计寿命结合不健康由于特殊疾病并且从总估计寿命被扣除产生DALE.Worldwide, 1999年婴孩平均健康估计寿命出生是7.5年较少。

To做此,他们举办任意surverys环球看使这样情况失去能力象盲目性或胸口痛怎么被认为是。 这些“severity weightings”,惊奇地少许因国而异变化,与几年标准流行病学措施比他们的总估计寿命结合不健康由于特殊疾病并且从总估计寿命被扣除产生DALE.Worldwide, 1999年婴孩平均健康估计寿命出生是7.5年较少。



I have enthusiasm, talk about life in the classroom to talk about ideal, to meet their own, do not take into account the impact on students. And he brought us a different world, a traditional kind and quiet the mind. Maybe in two years I will not teach, I need time to ...

“噢,Wang Ming,我从上海一回到天津就得了肺炎。现在我住院了。我感到浑身乏力,每一次呼吸都使我的胸腔肿胀沉闷。也许我还会住院好些天!能请你帮我告诉经理我今天无法去上班了吗?谢谢你。”人名的部分直接带入正确的写法就可以了,如果原文本身就这样,那就不要翻译,直接用就可以。




没有人在交谈,因为谈话只会变成了尖叫……情况就是这样,那我们到底该怎么办。注意Fall into place 不能望词生意。字典是:一目了然,有条不紊的意思。


Why is it? This is the logic of the system. And let us go back to some of the details of the film. In fact, in such a judicial system, the real reason to make the defendant guilty is to eliminate the reasonable doubt. In other words, as long as a normal prudent ...

I think that for a scientist, the attachment is the most important. Dedication and love of science led them to the scientific efforts and sacrifices. Dedication to pursue their scientific dreams, no matter what difficulties and obstacles. Only in this way will be the last success. ...


陈仓区19289958273: 翻译一个英文语段
说婵康炎: The probably five years ago, she and he are share a table. Instinct amusing she, is very specially sinister deceitful she, this time certainly will play. That day, he and she cracks a joke, might incautiously make hers book bag breaks. Ya, the girl was girl ...

陈仓区19289958273: 翻译一些简单的英文片段. -
说婵康炎: She is determined to learn from good in the future to a well-known universities, it is the expectations of parents;s getting up early every day, the parents said: &quot. She likes to paint, learned at school and failed to learn. She'. She likes reading, in ...

陈仓区19289958273: 优美的英文段落+翻译 -
说婵康炎: Alone for a while I"ve been searching through the dark, 曾几何时我孤身一人在黑暗中徘徊 For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart, 寻找你留于我寂寞心中爱的痕迹 To weave by picking up the pieces that remain, 重拾残存的旧梦 ...

陈仓区19289958273: 英文翻译小段落 -
说婵康炎: I like drawing best , in the sky of the drawing, I can be like small bird to fly, be like fish to swim, be like a white horse to run, enjoy heartily among them of fun.参考一下吧~

陈仓区19289958273: 英语段落翻译
说婵康炎: Ruth Asawa Ruth Asawa是一个艺术家.她有时以电线创作,有时候用粘土.Ruth喜欢她的朋友,喜欢他们都在自己的房间.但是她的朋友不能一直在那里.这就是她为什么要做石膏面像.每个面像都像她朋友中的一位.这些面像挂在她房间的墙上.至今,她已经制作了100个面像了.“只剩下9000个了.”Ruth说. 皮特是他们班上最快的学生之一.

陈仓区19289958273: 英文段落翻译
说婵康炎: 我很感谢我的家长和老师的培养以及教育,他们教给了我勇气,给了我知识和做人的道理. I am very thankful to my parents and teachers and education, the training of they taught me the courage, gave me knowledge and be the truth.我觉得把贺卡送给他们能代表我的心意 I think the card to they can represent my own heart

陈仓区19289958273: 英语翻译翻译两个段落:In my opinion,you can do nothing with the greater opportunities if you are not equipped with such basic skills as reading and ... -
说婵康炎:[答案] 在我看来,如果你不具备阅读和计算等基本技能,当更重要的机会到来时,你什么都做不了.所以我们应该提高基本技能的学习,以使我们为进一步的创新做更好的准备.正当一位美国艺术家——盖尔Opp-Kemp在日本的毛笔画艺术展上...

陈仓区19289958273: 英语翻译段落1.i'm writing to thank you for those two wonderful days in Beijing.I will always remember this visit.Before i arrived,i was a little anxious.i didn't know ... -
说婵康炎:[答案] 段落1:我写这封信,是为了表达对北京两天的盛情招待的谢意.我会永远记住这次行程.去之前我有点紧张,我不知道有什么值得期待的事情.但是我本没有担心的必要.你给予我非常热情的欢迎另我很快就有了在家的感觉.我永远不...

陈仓区19289958273: 翻译英文短段落翻译或者直接给大意都可以 最好能把答案也告诉我吧A young girl was locked in a coalshed. She was crying. Through her tears, she noticed an ... -
说婵康炎:[答案] 一个年轻的女孩被锁在一个coalshed.她哭了.通过她的泪水,她注意到中间坐着一盏旧灯的碎片煤炭.她把它捡了起来,开始产生了一层煤灰.突然一个精灵出现了,说,“我将给你一个愿望.明智的选择,因为一个愿望是所有我能奖励...

陈仓区19289958273: ...并说出每一句的翻译意思,要分段落 段落不用翻译 如:我叫王思聪 Hallo,My mane is wangsicong 开始翻译 自我介绍 第一段 我叫王思聪,小名聪聪,英... -
说婵康炎:[答案] Hello everyone. My name is Wang Sicong, Ona Soshi, English named Aaron, heard the English name you Is it right? Feel very strange, ask: are you Chinese or American? In fact, I am not Chinese nor Ameri...

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