
作者&投稿:岛豪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
功夫熊猫的简介 要英文,加中文翻译~

The story took place long ago in ancient China, but also from one likes to roll, roll to roll to start with the pandas on ... ...
That panda is a noodle shop as an apprentice, although clumsy-handed, can barely find an occupation, but I do not like
Think, every day he no restrictions of any kind to daydreaming, his dream of one day big figures in the world of kung fu star and was a
A peak of the war. Don't look at Po 's " peaceful Valley " thriving serene scene, is in fact a crouching. Tiger, hidden.dragon Feng Shui treasure,
Do not say first five kung fu master is based on this, a Masters level master in seclusion here, but in a special tournament
- winning people to represent the " peaceful Valley " will the evil dragon permanently away, what would not A Bo but after a series of Yin
Poor Yang wrong after screen finch choose, let all surprised.
" Five Kung Fu Master peaceful Valley" a variety of attitudes of the dramatic results: upright, brave and fearless master tiger
Be worthy of the name of A Bo as a joke; friendly, naughty but very kind-hearted monkey master is one sees gamesome interesting expression;
The crane is the master of the five most " Motherhood" that one, he was very sympathetic awa; own master of the snakes while giving people the feeling slightly frivolous,
But the attitude on this matter if there is she changeable character, is less clear; Mantis master is one of the most intelligent of several master, he o
The wave is a helpless situation, always secretly help ... ... Finally, to awa-jiaocheng " Kung Fu Master " Maestro " master " gorgeous
Lili in the game, but a good effort does not mean that is perfect, " master " because of an error committed in the past, to the present
In all entangled in no way shiran. At present, his task, is the weakness that, in addition to doing what noodles are not the Awa training as a
Martial arts have the sufficient skills, can defeat a powerful enemy of the top fighters. As for that let everyone be on one's guard for the dragon, is a
Only very narcissism of the snow leopard, waiting for his revenge on this day, has been waiting for 20 years, but he had never dreamed of, oneself to
Is actually a giant panda.
Behind the scenes:
[ Panda " roll " into the Hollywood ]
Whether the green monster to retrieve my own entitlement -- " Shrek ", or a misfortune transferred out of the zoo,
Animal people trying to find your way home, " Madagascar ", DreamWorks Animation Department has been committed to the production of this kind of all ages
The audience loved the " idiot become a hero " animation story, because everyone has had a similar experience, or similar dreams, and
This type of entertainment based animation blockbuster, just to let them have some empathy, at least can cause you the moral level
So, when you hear a panda dreams of one day can be a kung fu master, this story will bring you a
What kind of feeling? Yes, that is a round, lassitude, torpor, attractive black and white bear, was his life
Should be holding a bamboo leisurely, but his heart was with a dream of the infinite, and that is a quick
Speed, spiritual level of deterrence and expert rapid reflexes light fighting art ... ... This is an awesome to
Method, maybe some people would call this " be more brave than wise ", but the so-called heroism, not all started in such a demand? Director John
Stephenson said: " I and another director Mark Osborn have been a father, I have two daughters, Osborn and have children of my own.
So our intention is very simple, is to make a can let the children enjoy the happiness at the same time and works of education, center
That is the spirit of ' and be your own hero ', reason very simple, you can be interpreted as ' never '. Do the same
, don't take the hope in others, as long as the real hard, you can get everything you want, try to put their best
That part of the show. " Then Osborn said: " from the beginning, this film has a special significance for me and Stephenson,
" Kung Fu Panda " to create a story theme, convey a very positive, positive and we are willing to believe that the information, and then
Think of ways to use the interesting experience and funny, spectacular anomaly action scenes will be the theme to enrich. "
For John Stephenson and Mark Osborn, have a good story ideas have ready plans to meet a situation, the following things will be easier
More, Stephenson said: " basically, we have made clear to extension direction, a more but also have to face the
An important problem, is to use what kind of method can reach our desired good end? We really want for this film gives a permanent
The constant theme, so will the story background in ancient China, but the content is not that the era of particular products, because
Great story is not subject to time limits -- we know clearly what they want should possess such qualities, a
The classic heroes of the growth story. Of course, as a film, " Kung Fu Panda " must be that both entertainment and
Humor funny movie, but also very cool action duel scene, however, our aim is not only to make a summer
The kind of cheerful, file usually appear bright film, Po the panda and his experiences, and the other is interspersed with
Interesting characters and creative visual effects ... ... In fact, we have been trying to move beyond that established film types. "
[ ] with the myth of life
Process of providing entertainment atmosphere and motivational information in decisions about a panda dream story whether can, two directors John
Stephenson and Mark Osborne's plan is to create a myth, especially the film relates to or " Panda" this creature, listen
It is like a story that happened in ancient china. Stephenson had previously as a TV serial story artist and illustrator has
Working for Jim Hansen, then in 1999 joined DreamWorks Animation Department, he said: " I have been at DreamWorks, and from there to
The director of an animated TV series " father of the pride ", I was the end of that season, do the preparatory work, when DreamWorks
Asked me if I wanted to make a film called " Kung Fu Panda " feature film ... ... When I was still in the growth of the last century 70's, kung fu films
Is I most loves, of course including David Carradine's TV series " Kung Fu ", I think this should be a very interesting
The challenge, so I answered without thinking: I would like to. "
John Stephenson said he has been in recent years from more conventional " talking animal " looking for a movie
New in order to be different, and around " Kung Fu Panda " concept of harmonious elements are derived in, also has affected his mood, because
For this he recalled from almost 10 years ago, in the depths of his heart agitated feelings, when he was part of the DreamWorks Animation
Product is busy, very few people pay attention to in the beginning, but later because the film 's creativity and recognized the film industry --
The rewrite the history of animated film " Shrek ".
Before " Shrek " has not officially opened, a man named Mark Osborne film on the film festival stop moving
Painting film " more " ( More ) created a very sensitive topic, " more " won the Oscar for Best Animated
Short film nomination at the same time, also created more chances, for this talented film director Osborn said: " one of those opportunities
From DreamWorks, I came here as a director, to find a suitable for their own movies, and worked on it for many years, do
Are generally chores, sometimes for a film written statement, sometimes when people don't determine what should be done, I help them.
Extension of the story. Later, I heard that the " Kung Fu Panda " news, I really think this story is a good idea, I wrote a for this film
Multiple annotations, soon after, when DreamWorks decided to take it on the big screen, let me also joined in. The time for this film
Tablets, we already have some distinctive character, and the site of the main story line, but they are still not sure to what
The development direction of it. I did have a " Kung Fu Panda " as a springboard, it not only helped me into the mainstream film industry, also will be the first time
Let me insight into the development of CGI technology. "
" The immortal myth story about Kung Fu Panda " in nature, is a panda as the central role of expansion, therefore,
DreamWorks spent a few years time, he wanted to film to find a reference point, but all the proposals have no way to let everyone involved.
Satisfied. Fortunately, the team with the help of ebullience, movie people finally mining to hide the very rich in the resources under the table.
Context, in fact, have to be inexhaustible point. With this wealth of material as the foundation stone, almost to the need to use the story
Show some characteristics of the.
Subsequently, two responsible for the exploration depth of content writers to join in, they are telling stories very talented Jonathan
Abel ( Jonathan Aibel ) and Glen Berger ( Glenn Berger ), Abel said: " I want to say is, we refine it in
Before, they do have a very great theme, Berger and I took a week, only to do their
Consultant, help them all with refinement: here are the need for what kind of scene? The role of the right place? How to make some
The details become the focus of attention for all? So, our job is to advise ... ... Then, a week of work a month,
And then extended to three months, finally turned into 19 months, we are totally immersed in it, identity from the consultant turned writer. "
Another writer Berger attention where you and Abel are not the same, he said: " the story itself can make use of the resources is too high
Rich, even a bit over the top, let people see things in a blur of fight scenes, many wonderful comic moment - we like cutting
At the leaves are too many forests, to find the core goals they have been targeted, in such a beautiful world, plus many
Interesting role, we come very naturally on the initiation of creation desire. "
Because of " Kung Fu Panda " revolves around the protagonist Po expansion, so the film people are gathered together several times, only to discuss
The story should be the direction of development: who is he? What does he want? How was he going to get what you want? What happened? How to end?
All of these are not only by a special scene, a joke or a fragment can be solved, they must maintain living about it
In the process of smooth things, once reached consensus, the thing is much more simple, Glen Berger said: " in the film
Each stage has problems may arise, so whether any time, as long as people put forward different views on some aspects, we are
Will carefully thinking, and then find a solution. " Jonathan Abel continued: " we most often discussed in general are: whether can
To make it more fun? More dramatic? Or the action scenes more exciting point? For an animated film, is interesting
Taste is a very practical significance. "

Kung fu panda is an American action comedy film with Chinese kung fu as its theme.
The film is set in ancient China, and its landscape, scenery, costumes and food are all full of Chinese elements.
The story tells the story of a clumsy panda determined to become a martial arts master.
Directed by John Stephenson and mark osborne, the film is produced by merry schabbe.


In the quiet of peace and harmony ri, the leisurely life of a group of cute animals. Among them, fat as a wave of giant pandas in the Museum of Health Services, has been known to Haochilanzuo. However, he inverted good honest people are often the favourite. However, a ferocious evil of the snow leopard Tai Long entered, making peace ri people experienced an unprecedented threat. In order to, as soon as possible eradicate the evil leopard, and Pinggu residents prepared to convene the hero of all, to contest the General Assembly to elect the form of the most powerful person went to Yingdi. Panda-loving Cou lively illnesses, has to include raccoon Master, Master snakes monkeys, red-crowned crane Masters Masters, Tiger Masters, going equipped mantis master several skills, such as the master, that the panda is the wave of God for the people to save and Pinggu. Thus, Yonglantanchi days of full-day turnout was replaced by the practice of the Kucha. After a hard day and night Lianwu, Panda wave finally defeated the Tai Long, are all welcome to become a hero in Happy Valley.

还有这个.. Kung Fu Panda Cast & CreditsPo: Jack Black Master Shifu: Dustin Hoffman Tigress: Angelina Jolie Tai Lung: Ian McShane Mantis: Seth Rogen Viper: Lucy Liu Crane: David Cross Oogway: Randall Duk Kim Mr. Ping: James Hong Zeng: Dan Fogler Commander Vachir: Michael Clarke Duncan Monkey: Jackie Chan DreamWorks presents an animated film directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne. Written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. Running time: 91 minutes. Rated PG (for kung-fu violence). Opening today at local theaters. By Roger Ebert "Kung Fu Panda" is a story that almost tells itself in its title. It is so hard to imagine a big, fuzzy panda performing martial-arts encounters that you intuit (and you will be right) that the panda stars in an against-all-odds formula, which dooms him to succeed. For the panda's target audience, children and younger teens, that will be just fine, and the film presents his adventures in wonderfully drawn Cinemascope animation. (It will also be showing in some IMAX venues.) The film stars a panda named Po (voice of Jack Black), who is so fat he can barely get out of bed. He works for his father, Mr. Ping (James Hong) in a noodle shop, which features Ping's legendary Secret Ingredient. How Ping, apparently a stork or other billed member of the avian family, fathered a panda is a mystery, not least to Po, but then the movie is filled with a wide variety of creatures who don't much seem to notice their differences. They live in the beautiful Valley of Peace with an ancient temple towering overhead, up zillions of steps, which the pudgy Po can barely climb. But climb them he does, dragging a noodle wagon, because all the people of the valley have gathered up there to witness the choosing of the Dragon Warrior, who will engage the dreaded Tai Lung (Ian McShane) in kung-fu combat. Five contenders have been selected, the "Furious Five": Monkey (Jackie Chan), Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu) and Crane (David Cross). Tigress looks like she might be able to do some serious damage, but the others are less than impressive. Mantis in particular seems to weigh about an ounce, tops. All five have been trained (for nearly forever, I gather) by the wise Shifu, who with Dustin Hoffman's voice is one of the more dimensional characters in a story that doesn't give the others a lot of depth. Anyway, it's up to the temple master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim), an ancient turtle, to make the final selection, and he chooses -- yes, he chooses the hapless and pudgy Po. The story then becomes essentially a series of action sequences, somewhat undermined by the fact that the combatants seem unable to be hurt, even if they fall from dizzying heights and crack stones open with their heads. There's an extended combat with Tai Lung on a disintegrating suspension bridge (haven't we seen that before?), hand-to-hand-to-tail combat with Po and Tai Lung, and upstaging everything, an energetic competition over a single dumpling. "Kung Fu Panda" is not one of the great recent animated films. The story is way too predictable, and truth to tell, Po himself didn't overwhelm me with his charisma. But it's elegantly drawn, the action sequences are packed with energy, and it's short enough that older viewers will be forgiving. For the kids, of course, all this stuff is much of a muchness, and here they go again.

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嵩明县15314578369: 用英语介绍《功夫熊猫》大概介绍1分钟就够了! -
官奚痰热:[答案] The is about a Panda named Po,(voice Jack Black),who is a sweet,but clumsy and has dreams of fighting with the legendary Furious Five and protecting the city against all threats.The only problem is that Po has no real life experience of kung fu,and his ...

嵩明县15314578369: 功夫熊猫的英文简介,初一水平的 -
官奚痰热: 片名:Kung Fu PandaIt's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill ...

嵩明县15314578369: 谁可以提供《功夫熊猫》故事简介的英译 -
官奚痰热: In the quiet of peace and harmony ri, the leisurely life of a group of cute animals. Among them, fat as a wave of giant pandas in the Museum of Health Services, has been known to Haochilanzuo. However, he inverted good honest people are often the...

嵩明县15314578369: 请问谁有功夫熊猫英文剧情介绍啊?急用啊!谢谢! -
官奚痰热:[答案] 片名:Kung Fu PandaIt's the story about a lazy,irreverent slacker panda,named Po,who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's ...

嵩明县15314578369: 功夫熊猫的英文梗概 -
官奚痰热: It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, ...

嵩明县15314578369: 功夫熊猫内容简介 要英文 初二水平 40词左右 -
官奚痰热: 楼主,您好! 根据楼主的意思,功夫熊猫英文介绍如下: It is a story about kungfu. A panda wanted to be a knight. Then he tried his best to become a student of a famous teacher raccoon During the hard training,he was accepted by his teacher ...

嵩明县15314578369: 功夫熊猫英语介绍200个词左右吧,英语的内容介绍,还要经典台词一句 -
官奚痰热:[答案] I Love it! The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city. This original story is one of the best since Shrek. And the meaning behind the story may be even better! The story is about Po, an overweight panda ...

嵩明县15314578369: 功夫熊猫主要内容(英文) -
官奚痰热: The Po (Jack Black) of the first Kung Fu Panda is still the same goofy panda with a strong spirit and unique karate moves, but in this movie he faces unanswered questions about his past. While the first movie was more of an origin story, the sequel ...

嵩明县15314578369: 谁能帮我写一篇关于功夫熊猫的英文简介呀?谁能帮我写篇关于功夫熊猫的英文简介呀?大概用语言来描述的话不超过一分半钟.最好把那中文意思给我带上! -
官奚痰热:[答案] I don't think you should copy this from online.I mean I can do it,but it's not good for you.It should be your own words,so you get some practise.You can't ask people for help everytime,it do no good f...

嵩明县15314578369: 功夫熊猫英文简介 -
官奚痰热: Kung Fu PandaCast & CreditsPo: Jack BlackMaster Shifu: Dustin HoffmanTigress: Angelina JolieTai Lung: Ian McShaneMantis: Seth RogenViper: Lucy LiuCrane: David CrossOogway: Randall Duk KimMr. Ping: James HongZeng: ...

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