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Thank you so much for everything you have done for me! But I can't pay you back indeed, therefore the only thing that I can give you is blessing.


翻译为:I really feel so sorry, because I can't do anything for you or help you.


thank you so much for what you did for me! i don't know how to express my gratitude. but i really hope you can have better life and be happy everyday! actually i'm so thankful about all the things you did and you don't need to do that much for me! you should think more about your family because the gratefulness is too much for me and what i can help is so little. let us be friends! i couldn't expect that much but i still hope you can use the name that i gave for qq name. : )

你好 du解梦博士为您细心解答



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I began studing English in Junior One. At first, I had to remember words by heart everyday. The gramma of English and the sentance order are quite different from that of Chinese therefore I felt that it was very difficult. I always forgot words and gramma and my grade was ...

我很烦 翻译为:I am very boring

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car.〔点评〕“拥有一辆汽车”大概是每个人的梦想,那么拥有汽车后都会有哪些方面的好处呢?本文做了具体的论述,包括“交通便利”“工作地点随意”“环境舒适”等,但是“the greatest advantage of the car”,就是一种感觉“independence and freedom”“想去哪儿就去哪儿”的那种自由感觉,很是受用!

最实用且常用的: Excuse me \/ Would you excuse me?(“请让,请抬脚,麻烦移动”都可以先说这句)“请让一下”=“劳驾,让我过去好吗?”Excuse me, could I get past?“请抬一下脚”Excuse me, can you please move your feet for just seconds?“可以移动一下(你的包)吗?

楼主,你好。本人现在在一外企从事翻译工作,我现在逐词逐句的跟你翻译一遍(纯手工的哦)- -,希望能让你满意。这是一段关于杰夫医生去纽约旅行的对话 This is a conversation about Dr.Jeff' travelling to New York.旅行中有很多搞笑有趣的事情 There were lots of funny things in this trip.他...

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The company was formally established in 2010 April, is a mobile Internet Co a focus on independent research and development of intelligent mobile phone."Born" to have a fever is millet product concept. Millet mainly by senior staff fromGoogle, Microsoft, Jinshan, MOTO and other ...

麻烦帮忙翻译几个句子(翻译成英文) 急
it was gifted to us by the Heaven 让我们一直拥有着它因为它属于我们两个 Let us stick to it, for it is ours 我爱你胜过我爱的一切 我们都不要放弃彼此 I love you more than anything of mine (Let's)Never give up each other (译者注:括号中的词是为了英文中的通顺而添加的。)...

请帮忙 英文翻译
1:True,there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.确实,有许多人乐意帮助你,但是不管你选择做什么,第一步总是需要你自己去走的(总是需要你开个头做的)2:She knew they were having the same ...

大邑县18972344667: 忙烦帮忙用英文翻译一下:非常感谢你为我做的一切!但我实在无法回报你,所以我唯一能给予你的只有祝福了 -
辟览迪之: thank you so much for what you did for me! i don't know how to express my gratitude. but i really hope you can have better life and be happy everyday! actually i'm so thankful about all the things you did and you don't need to do that much for me! you ...

大邑县18972344667: 帮忙翻译成英文,非常感谢! -
辟览迪之: 觉得你这个东西比较正式,写得多了一点,希望有帮助! We are very sorry. We tried our best to bring forward the delivery date, but 30th Dec. is the earlist day we can accep...

大邑县18972344667: 非常感谢你用英语怎么说
辟览迪之: 简单的话就是 thank you very much, 或者 I really appreciate your help (非常感激你的帮忙)

大邑县18972344667: 麻烦帮助翻译成英文,非常感谢,语气越客气越好,非常感谢 -
辟览迪之: I'm terribly sorry. The attachment in the last email was the wrong version. Pls see below for the updated one. I apologize for all the inconveniences caused.

大邑县18972344667: 英语翻译帮忙翻译成英文,非常感谢你来接我回家! -
辟览迪之:[答案] Thank you very much for taking me home

大邑县18972344667: 非常感谢你的帮忙用英语怎么说 -
辟览迪之: Thank you so much for your help!Thank you so much for your help!

大邑县18972344667: 请麻烦帮忙翻译成英文,急用!非常感谢!! -
辟览迪之: Dear Professor,I am sorry for the disturbing.I am not sure that you still can remember that I requested you to write a recommendation letter last semester. Now it is the period for the graduate student to submit the application documents, and it will help ...

大邑县18972344667: “非常感谢你的帮助”这句话的英文 -
辟览迪之: thank you very much for your help

大邑县18972344667: 非常感谢你的帮助 用英语怎么说
辟览迪之: thanks very much for your help

大邑县18972344667: 请帮忙把'非常感谢你'翻译成英语
辟览迪之: Thank you very much

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