at heart和by heart的区别

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by heart with heart in heart at heart分别是什么意思~

首先想说,任何翻译都是要根据上下文语境来翻译的。不能只凭一两个词 并且不是惯用词组的情况下翻译。

by heart 凭记性,牢记,凭记忆
with heart 例如with heart and soul热心地,全心全意地

in heart 情绪高涨,在心,在心中
at heart 在内心,内心里,本质上

我们的班长是个心地纯洁的人。by heart 记忆,背诵All you have to do is learn it by heart.你只要做的就是把它背出来。at heart 在内心里It is best to be young at heart.心中保持年轻是最好的。


1、by heart 意思是凭记性,牢记,凭记忆。

[例句] But I don't need to read them because I know it by heart. 


2、at heart 意思是在内心,在心里,本质上。

[例句] He always has the well-being of the masses at heart.



与 at heart、by heart 有关的词组:

1、with heart,意思是带着心。

[例句] I like the way you want to let their dough with heart pain and well-being of the sweet. 


2、in heart 意思是情绪高涨。

[例句] Few people knew that the popular clown who had been making people fall about with laughter was lonely in heart.


at heart un.1.志同道合;很合…心意;称心如意的
例句:Some will tell you they have your best interests at heart; they just want you tosee the reality of the situation.
At the heart of its future developments are the academic aspirations for its coreactivities of teaching and research.
by heart 的意思是背诵;牢记;凭记忆;熟记。
例句:Sam is really a walking dictionary. He looks as if he knows the whole dictionaryby heart.
He made sure that he knew every word by heart before he took the exam.

at heart,by heart
  At heart 的意思是“在心里”、“心底里”或“本质上”(from theheart,from the bottom of one's heart or essentially)。byheart 的意思是“背诵”、“熟记”(by rote;to learn so well thatone can remember it perfectly)。请看下面例句:
  That socialite is a rascal at heart.
  A councillor should have the collective interest of society at heart.
  At heart,Mr.Lin does not approve your proposal.
  Mr.Wang looks stem,but he is kind at heart.
  I know this poem by heart.
  I don't see the point of learning by heart all the dates in the history book!
  请注意下列短语的意思:(跟前例 have something at heart相近)
  in one's heart of hearts 在内心深处
  take something to heart 认真考虑/关注某事
  set one's heart on something 决心做/得到某事/物
  cut(or touch)sb to the heart 触及某人痛处
  one's heart is in something 把整个心放在某事上

明光市13620332312: at heart和by heart的区别 -
岛雷单糖: at heart un.1.志同道合;很合…心意;称心如意的2.心里,从内心来说,心甘情愿的;根本,本质上.adv.在内心里例句:Some will tell you they have your best interests at heart; they just want you tosee the reality of the situation.一些人会告诉你,...

明光市13620332312: in heart,by heart,with heart,at heart分别是什么意思?举些句子说明,谢谢 -
岛雷单糖: in heart 情绪高涨Our monitor is a person who is pure in heart. 我们的班长是个心地纯洁的人.by heart 记忆,背诵All you have to do is learn it by heart. 你只要做的就是把它背出来.at heart 在内心里It is best to be young at heart. 心中保持年轻是最好的.不好意思,with heart 我不清楚是什么意思~~呵呵

明光市13620332312: by heart with heart in heart at heart分别是什么意思 -
岛雷单糖:[答案] by heart基本翻译凭记忆,记牢网络释义by heart:牢记 | 凭记性 | 凭记忆With Heart网络释义With Heart:用心in heart基本翻译情绪高涨网络释义in heart:情绪高涨at heart基本翻译本质上,内心里网络释义at heart:内心里...

明光市13620332312: heart前面加什么介词? -
岛雷单糖: 要根据句子意思来定 加at,by 即 at heart 在心里,心底里,本质上 by heart 背诵,熟记.如 Mr. Green looks stem,but he is kind at heart.I know this poem by heart.

明光市13620332312: heart by heart什么意思 -
岛雷单糖: heart by heart 心连心

明光市13620332312: 英语中打某人某部位用bit+sb+prep.+部位 具体哪些部位用什么介词? -
岛雷单糖: 英语中身体部位名词前的介词使用总结 英语中身体部位名词前的介词,有些与汉语是相同的,但有些与汉语却截然不同.下面列举一些常见的用在身体部位名词前的介词. 1. in:表示在身体部位内部用in,这是较理解的,但在英语中,涉及身体...

明光市13620332312: by heart什么意思 -
岛雷单糖: 用心,比如:learn something by heart就是用心学习的意思

明光市13620332312: They threw themselves________into the project. -
岛雷单糖:[选项] A. at heart B. by heart C. in heart D. heart and soul

明光市13620332312: 请问 Heart by heart 是什么意思? -
岛雷单糖: heart by heart 心连心,心帖心都对 类似的还有:shoulder by shoulder 肩并肩 face to face 面对面

明光市13620332312: by heart是什么意思 -
岛雷单糖: by heart 由心 双语对照 词典结果:by heart[英][bai hɑ:t][美][baɪ hɑrt] 凭记性; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Can you say this poem by heart? 这首诗你背得出来吗?

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