
作者&投稿:申影 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


you are the apple of my eye

三.课堂游戏教学的作用。The function of game to classroom teaching
1、 创设具有童趣的游戏活动,有利于激发学生主动参与的欲望。比如,我们在教学生打招呼用语时,常用的形式是教师问学生答。久而久之,学生就会感到枯燥、乏味。如果我们换换方式,用学生喜爱的卡通人物头像或者教师装扮成孩子们喜爱的人物形象,如“圣诞老人”,走到孩子们中间,说:Hello, I'm Santen Claus, who want to say something with me? 然后教师与学生打招呼,这时候,学生们都会非常乐意与“圣诞老人”打招呼,并且还会主动握握“圣诞老人”的手,进行对话,接着教师鼓励学生进行pair work。有的学生装成唐老鸭,有的装成白雪公主等进行对话练习。这样的游戏活动不仅操练了招呼用语,而且使课堂充满了愉快和谐的氛围,教师只需进行引导,学生便能主动地获取知识。
1. Creating game activities that meet the taste of children is favorable to stimulate initiative participant desire of the students. For example, the common forms when we taught the students to say hello language is the teachers asking students answering. As time passes, the students would find baldness, tedium. If we change of the manner, using the head portrait of cartoon that the students are fond of or teacher acted as the children’s favorite characters, such as “Santa Claus”, and goes among the children, said: Hello, I am Santen Claus, who wants to say something with me? Then teacher greet the students, this time, the students will be very happy to say hello with the "Santa Claus", and will also initiative shake hands with "Santa Claus", and practice for dialogue, then teachers encourage students to carry on pair work. Some students act as Donald Duck, some act as Snow White and put them into practice for dialogue. Such games not only practice the greeting language, but also let the course filled with a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere. Teachers only give guidance; the students will take the initiative to acquire knowledge.

又如,我们在教对话时,常用的教学形式是分组说、男女说或者pair work,长此以往,学生便会觉得这些活动形式陈旧老套没有新鲜感。那么我在教对话时,设计了“小羊过桥”的游戏活动。如果对话有三四句长的话,在游戏时就选三四个学生扮成小羊,张开双臂,跳过小桥,同时按顺序说出对话。如果其中的一名同学在规定的时间内接不上来,那么他就会掉入“水中”——放下手臂。这样的游戏极富童趣,有助于克服腼腆羞愧的心理障碍,提高并保持良好的身心愉悦状态,激发主动学习的欲望,课堂气氛热烈,学生们跃跃欲试。
Again, when we teach the dialogue, the common teaching forms we use are talking in groups, talking between boys and girls or pair work, if things continue this way, students will feel that these patterns of activity are outmoded along with old-fashioned. Then when I taught the dialogue, I had designed the activities and games of "lambs go across the bridge". If there are three or four sentences in a dialogue, when playing the game, we selected three or four students dressed up as lamb, with open arms, jumping over bridges, saying the dialogue in sequence in the meantime. If one of the students cannot continue in a specified length of time, then he would fall into the "water" -- to lay down his/her arms. Such games full of interest which meet the children’s taste, it would help to overcome the psychological barrier of embarrassed and shame, improve and maintain a good state of physical and mental pleasure. Stimulate their desire of active learning, classroom atmosphere was warm, the students were itch to try.
2、 游戏活动贴近儿童生活,有利于引起情感共鸣,创造有利于学习的心理状态——自尊、自信、愉快、惊喜等。教师要善于利用学生的生活体验,通过让学生交流,使他们对所学语言产生亲切感,从而引发学习动机。比如在学习who's he(she)?He(She)is my...语句时,我设计了如下活动:要求学生将家庭成员的相片带到课堂上来,互相问一问照片上那个不认识的人是谁,学生互问互答兴趣很高。又如在教单词hamburger, hot dog, sandwish...时,因为时逢圣诞节,我设计了游戏活动“圣诞大餐”。教师准备好单词卡,扮成服务员(waiter),学生点菜(order)。虽然学所单词较长或难念,但是这些事物对他们来讲太熟悉太具体太喜爱了,通过游戏的形式操练,学生一学就会。让学生在熟悉的环境中使用有限的语言,并赋予语言的实际意义,这样的活动形式有利于学生积极思维,有利于语言项目的掌握。
Games activities close to the lives of children, are favorable to caused sympathize on emotional, create a mental state that is favorable to learning--self-esteem, self-confidence, happy, surprises etc. Teachers must make good use of the students’ life experience of, allow them communicate, let them come into being a kindness feeling of the language which they have learnt, thus trigger a motivation to learn. For example, in the study of the sentences “who 's he (she) ?He (She) is ...”, I have devised the following activities :asked the students to bring photos of their family members to the classroom; to ask each other who is that person whom they don’t know in the photos, the students asked each other with high mutual interest. Another example is teaching words: “hamburger, hot dog, sandwish ...,” as it was the time of Christmas, I designed a game activities "Christmas meal." Teachers got ready with words card, acted as “waiter”, the students “ordered”. The words which they were learning are difficult to read or longer, but these things for them are too familiar too specific too fond of, through the practice in the form of the game, the students master it at once. Let the students use limited language in a familiar environment and give real meaning to the language. This type of activity is beneficial to student’s active thinking; and is favorable to mastering the language.

Three. Function of game teaching of the classroom. 1, found the game activity with children's interesting , help to excite the desire that students participate in voluntarily. For example, we, while teaching student's term of greeting, the commonly used form is that the teacher asks that students answer. As time passes, students will feel uninteresting , dull . If we change ways, are dressed up as the personages liking it of children image with the cartoon personage's head or teacher that students like, such as " Santa Claus " , go to the children, say: Hello, I'm Santen Claus, who want to say something with me? Then the teacher and student greet, at this time, the students will all be very willing to greet with " Santa Claus ", and will be shaking hands with " Santa Claus " voluntarily, will talk, then the teacher encourages students to carry on pairwork. The old duck of some school uniform Tang, some put an exercise into snow white ,etc. and talk. Such a game moved about not only drilled terms of greeting but also make the classroom full of harmonious atmospheres happily , the teacher only needs to guide , students can obtain knowledge voluntarily . And for example, we while teaching and talking, commonly used teaching form to divide into groups say , men and women say or pair work, if things go on like this, students will think that there is not feeling of freshness in these outmoded old stuff of activity form . Then I have designed the game activity that " the lamb passes the bridge " while teaching and talking. If the dialogue is three or four sentences long, would select three or four students to play the part of lambs while playing, open arms, jumped over the small bridge, said in order that talked at the same time . If a classmate among them can not connect within fixed time, then he will fall into it " in water " - -Put down the arm. Such a extremely rich children's interesting of game, contribute to overcoming the shy and ashamed psychological obstacle, improve and keep the good body and mind making the state , the desire to excite initiative study joyful, the atmosphere of the classroom is warm, the students are eager to have a try. 2, the game activity is closely related to children's life , help to cause the emotion sympathetic response, create the psychological condition which is favorable to study - -Self-respect , confident , happy , pleasantly surprisedding ,etc.. The teacher wants to be good at utilizing students' adventure in daily life, through letting students exchange, make them produce the cordial sense in language to learning, thus cause learning motivation. For example studying who's he (she )? He(She)is my ...Sentence hour, I designed the following activity: Require students to take kinsfolks' photograph to the classroom, ask each other who that person that does not know is on the photo, students ask each other that answers the interest very high each other. And for example teaching word hamburger, hot dog, sandwish ...When,because of when at Christmas Day,design I game activity " christmas dinner ". The teacher gets the word card ready, play the part of waiters (waiter ), students order (order ). Though study words longer or more difficult to read, these things are too familiar with for them so too concretly as to like very much, drilling through the form of the game, students are easy to learn. Let students use the limited language in the environment that is familiar with , and give the actual meaning of the language, such an activity form is favorable to student's positive thinking , help the mastering of project of languages.

Three. Function of game teaching of the classroom. 1, found the game activity with children's interesting , help to excite the desire that students participate in voluntarily. For example, we, while teaching student's term of greeting, the commonly used form is that the teacher asks that students answer. As time passes, students will feel uninteresting , dull . If we change ways, are dressed up as the personages liking it of children image with the cartoon personage's head or teacher that students like, such as " Santa Claus " , go to the children, say: Hello, I'm Santen Claus, who want to say something with me? Then the teacher and student greet, at this time, the students will all be very willing to greet with " Santa Claus ", and will be shaking hands with " Santa Claus " voluntarily, will talk, then the teacher encourages students to carry on pairwork. The old duck of some school uniform Tang, some put an exercise into snow white ,etc. and talk. Such a game moved about not only drilled terms of greeting but also make the classroom full of harmonious atmospheres happily , the teacher only needs to guide , students can obtain knowledge voluntarily . And for example, we while teaching and talking, commonly used teaching form to divide into groups say , men and women say or pair work, if things go on like this, students will think that there is not feeling of freshness in these outmoded old stuff of activity form . Then I have designed the game activity that " the lamb passes the bridge " while teaching and talking. If the dialogue is three or four sentences long, would select three or four students to play the part of lambs while playing, open arms, jumped over the small bridge, said in order that talked at the same time . If a classmate among them can not connect within fixed time, then he will fall into it " in water " - -Put down the arm. Such a extremely rich children's interesting of game, contribute to overcoming the shy and ashamed psychological obstacle, improve and keep the good body and mind making the state , the desire to excite initiative study joyful, the atmosphere of the classroom is warm, the students are eager to have a try. 2, the game activity is closely related to children's life , help to cause the emotion sympathetic response, create the psychological condition which is favorable to study - -Self-respect , confident , happy , pleasantly surprisedding ,etc.. The teacher wants to be good at utilizing students' adventure in daily life, through letting students exchange, make them produce the cordial sense in language to learning, thus cause learning motivation. For example studying who's he (she )? He(She)is my ...Sentence hour, I designed the following activity: Require students to take kinsfolks' photograph to the classroom, ask each other who that person that does not know is on the photo, students ask each other that answers the interest very high each other. And for example teaching word hamburger, hot dog, sandwish ...When,because of when at Christmas Day,design I game activity " christmas dinner ". The teacher gets the word card ready, play the part of waiters (waiter ), students order (order ). Though study words longer or more difficult to read, these things are too familiar with for them so too concretly as to like very much, drilling through the form of the game, students are easy to learn. Let students use the limited language in the environment that is familiar with , and give the actual meaning of the language, such an activity form is favorable to student's positive thinking , help the mastering of project of languages.

革新翻译体验:DeepL,人工智能翻译的佼佼者 1. 引领未来的翻译引擎 由德国人工智能先驱DeepL开发的翻译服务,自2009年以Linguee之名问世以来,凭借其卓越的技术革新,尤其是2017年推出的DeepL翻译器,已在全球范围内赢得广大用户的青睐。作为业界翘楚,DeepL不仅仅是一个机器翻译工具,而是集AI机器学习、神经...




我可以很荣幸地告诉你 不要太相信这样的事 现在找工作谁还要先交押金这一说的?骗完你钱了.他们可能就一走了之了吧 现在这样骗人的事都太多了.!真的.你还是慎重一些的吧.你要如果真的想试试 那就去工商局查一下它的资料.它的资质.符合不符合你的要求.是不实正规的 反正我觉得 相信这个交400...

才开始的时候翻译出来的东西要找人校对,这样是最好的,保证质量,有了质,你打出名声后,可以自己在网上挂名翻译,或者是生活中很多人知道后,别人也会主动找你。要专业,要质高。 还是一直都有在一个公司挂着名要好些,这样更多的人会知道你的翻译。工作也会相对的稳定些。 还有一个就是在...

那么这两个人在工作的过程当中所获得的酬劳就有很大的区别,在翻译的能力上也有差异。现在很多高材生,尤其是一些学英语专业的在校大学生经常会做一些英语翻译的兼职。2.英语翻译兼职有哪几种类型 做英语翻译兼职的话,也有几个类型选择,本身英语翻译这一行就有两种不同的翻译情况。一种是书面翻译,一...


1、翻译 http:\/\/www.bilinguist.com 汉英论坛,高手云集,可上贴提问,回答率高。 (最好问比较难的)http:\/\/www.chinatranslate.net 中国翻译网,号称全国最大的翻译专业网站。知识全面,但更新较慢。http:\/\/gb.transea.com\/ 机器即时翻译,适合整体翻译网站及段落,但不够准确。适合一般人。http...


平川区13540221051: 有道翻译一点都不准 谁知道哪个软件比较准啊 -
闳玲涩肠: 都不准,翻译都很人性化的东西,靠一点都不智能的软件没用.软件是一个个单词来翻译的.涉及到各国语言的语法和句子结构顺序问题.任何一个软件都不可能准.不然翻译都失业了.你以为为什么要花四五千甚至上万来请一个翻译?

平川区13540221051: 哪个网站翻译句子最标准?谷歌,有道,金山词霸一点都都不准..
闳玲涩肠: 有道、沪江小D

平川区13540221051: 大神们,能告诉最牛的中英翻译软件,有道那些感觉不行啊,不准 -
闳玲涩肠: 什么时候人工智能真的出现了可能才会有很准的机器翻译,现在的话再好的翻译软件也还是需要加上你自己的修饰和变动才能变得更加通顺准确.有道来讲已经算是一个不错的翻译软件了!

平川区13540221051: 英语翻译在线翻译那样的不准, -
闳玲涩肠:[答案] 赛思杰应该有专门的翻译吧. technology development company limited.

平川区13540221051: 哪款翻译英文的软件最准确?RT,感觉谷歌金山词霸翻译的不是太准... -
闳玲涩肠:[答案] 同意,翻译软件翻译出来的,仅供参考,还是要人来修改的.词霸,灵格斯都可以的

平川区13540221051: 有关翻译软件的问题现在什么翻译软件最好,金山快译翻的不准啊!
闳玲涩肠: 目前市场上可以买到的翻译软件,著名的有金山词霸、金山快译,Dr.eye译点通等.由于目前的技术所限,很难拥有高度智能的翻译程序.从很多用户的实际反映情况来看,金山公司的词霸系列是水准较高的.你的翻译效果不理想,可能是由于涉及过多的专业术语,请在高质量全文翻译的设置中选择相应的词典以提高翻译质量.谢谢!

平川区13540221051: 什么软件把英语翻译的非常精准? 我英语基础不好,对于语法的运用和翻译方面很吃力,需要精准的英语工具网上有的在线英语翻译的软件就别推荐了、、、... -
闳玲涩肠:[答案] 其实说真的最精准的英语翻译工具就是人类了 和人工翻译相比,什么软件都弱爆了 谷歌尤其好笑,但是谷歌翻译那种硬邦邦的东西出乎意料地翻得很好

平川区13540221051: 谁有比较准确的翻译工具吗?
闳玲涩肠: http://translate.google.cn/translate_t?sl=ja&tl=zh-CN?sl=ja&tl=zh-CN# GOOGLE在线翻译

平川区13540221051: 毕业在即,外文翻译头痛中,请问哪种中译英工具最准确?
闳玲涩肠: 我们以前外文翻译都是用google的在线翻译的,根本就没最准确的翻译工具的,你应该一小段一小段用google在线翻译出来,然后再自己组织语言把翻译理顺.这是最好的办法了.

平川区13540221051: 有没有好一点的英语翻译软件,最好能准确的翻译出一句中文来 -
闳玲涩肠: 楼上的人不要拽了,我也经常翻译资料的,虽然说翻译软件不能翻译准确,但是它在一定程度上也辅助了我,你能说他一点用没有吗,关键时刻也是可以借用一下帮个小忙得,但是翻译东西确实应该自己动脑翻译的才好,否则想借助于软件翻译全文,那是不行的,因为它翻译出来的确实不精确,所以劝你还是自己翻译,或者借助于翻译软件翻译完之后,在校对,把错的改过来.这样也许快一点.但是我只是借助于单词,一般句子我是不会用软件的.我经常用的是爱词霸,他比较全,我发现她的短语很全.专业用语也比其他的软件全

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