
作者&投稿:彘冒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

如:there is nobody who/whom he can turn to for help.没有谁可以让他寻求帮助.这里引导词当宾语,who和whom都行,当然这里既可指人也可指物的that也可以。
但是:there is nobody to whom he can turn for help.这里引导词同样当宾语,但是位于介词to后,只能用whom,而不能用who(that同样不行)。

1、在限定性定语从句中指代物时,which 和that 一般可通用。
The new house that/which I has just bought is about six miles away.
They planted some trees that /which did n't need much water.
2、限定性定语从句中只用that 而不用which 的情况。A)先行词有形容词最高级修饰时 This is the best way that has been used against pollution. Polly is the most direct young woman that I have ever come across .
B) 先行词有序数词修饰时 This is the third time that they have met. The very first time that Lester saw the film, he made up his mind to become a doctor.


who、 whom可以引导定语从句, 修饰表示人的先行词, 在从句中分别充当主语和宾语(在非正式场合下, 除非紧跟于介词之后, who经常可以代替在定语从句中作宾语的whom)。例如:
1. The visitor who came yesterday is Tom. 昨天来访的那个人是汤姆。(who引导修饰visitor的限定性定语从句, 并且在该从句中充当主语)

2. His friends, who had tried to dissuade him from smoking, did not succeed. 他的那些已经尽力劝阻他抽烟的朋友们并没有成功。(who引导修饰friends的非限定性定语从句并且在该从句中充当主语)

3. First came Mary, whom few of us had expected. 首先来的是我们当中几乎没有人料到的玛丽。(whom引导修饰Mary的非限定性定语从句并且在该从句中充当宾语, 这里的whom可以被who所代替)

4. He is John to whom you ought to address the request. 他是约翰, 你应该向他提出此项请求。(whom引导修饰John的非限定性定语从句并且在该从句中充当介词to的宾语, 这里紧跟于介词to之后的whom不可以被who代替)

注意: that引导限定性定语从句修饰表示人的先行词时, 通常可以与who换用。不紧跟在介词后的whom和that通常可以换用(紧跟在介词后的whom不可以被that代替)。例如: The scientist who/that discovers a cure for cancer will be great. 发现治愈癌症的方法的科学家将会因此而伟大。// Jim is the man with whom she talked. 跟她说过话的那个人是吉姆。

〔考题1〕 Women ____ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those ____ don’t. (2006北京)

A. who; 不填 B. 不填; who C. who; who D. 不填; 不填

〔答案〕 C

〔解析〕 两个下划线处分别引导定语从句修饰表示人的women、 those, 并且在定语从句内部充当主语, 均应采用who的形式。

〔考题2〕 The famous basketball star, ____ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention. (2002北京春)

A. where B. when C. which D. who

〔答案〕 D

〔解析〕 Who引导非限定性定语从句, 修饰先行词star。

〔考题3〕 He is the only one of the students who ____ a winner of scholarship for three years. (2002上海春)

A. is B. are C. have been D. has been

〔答案〕 D

〔解析〕 被who所引导的限定性定语从句所修饰的先行词是表达单数含义的“the only one”(of the students是the only one的后置定语), 题干中的“for three years”意味着应采用现在完成时表示已经赢得奖学金的情况, 因此本题只能选D。

〔考题4〕 In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____ she could turn for help. (1992)

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

〔答案〕 D

〔解析〕 “turn to sb. (for sth.)”是表示“(就某事或某物)求助于某人”的固定搭配。介词to必不可少, 可以紧跟介词to后引导定语从句, 修饰表示人的先行词person的关系代词只能是whom, 所以下划线处应是“to whom”的形式。

〔考题5〕 I have many friends, ____ some are businessmen. (2005)

A. of them B. from which C. who of D. of whom

〔答案〕 D

〔解析〕 表示“在其中, ……之中的一部分”的含义, 应用介词of (from没有类似用法), 例如: several of my friends (我的几个朋友)、 one of them(他们中间的一个)。修饰先行词friends、 能够紧跟介词of表示“朋友中的一些(是生意人)”的关系代词只有whom, 所以本题只能选D。注意: 本题不选A是因为该形式不能引导定语从句, 填入下划线处会导致整个句子包含两个单独的、 缺乏连词连接的简单句(通常情况下这属于病句); 不选B是因为which通常不能引导定语从句修饰表示人的先行词; 不选C是因为of放于who之后与some连用导致整个句子的意思难以理解。

〔考题6〕 I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____ Chinese in the school, most ____ were from Germany. (2006辽宁)

A. study; of whom B. study; of them

C. studying; of them D. studying; of whom

〔答案〕 D

〔解析〕 第一个下划线处引导修饰students的定语, 不能采用动词原形而应用现在分词的形式, 据此直接排除选项A、 B; 第二个下划线处引导修饰students的定语从句, 用来补充说明students的情况, 由于them不能引导定语从句, 应直接排除C而选出D。

〔考题7〕 We saw several natives advancing towards our party, and one of them came up to us, ____ we gave some bells and glasses. (2006湖南)

A. to which B. to whom C. with whom D. with which

〔答案〕 B

〔解析〕 根据“give sth. to sb.”的搭配, 下划线处应以to whom的形式引导定语从句。Which不能引导定语从句修饰人, 所以A、 D应首先排除。


1. I hate Bob at whom i threw some stones.
2. I like Tom of whom I speak highly.
3. I am fond of PE lesson taught by MR. Li from whom i learnt to play the basketball.
4. I am keen on chatting with Jason to whom I send the only card last Christmas.
5. I 'm willing to answer any questions put up by the students from whom I meanwhile gain a lot.


I have a lot of homwork ( ) (do) today
to do 因为前面已经有动词have,一个句子不能出现两个动词,所以只能用动词不定式隔开。祝学习进步

they set up a help cent to help the hom
They set up a help cent that \/which can help the homeless people.


3. 本课文出现了较多的定语从句,还有生词较多(有些单词表没有而初中又没有学过),在这样的困难前提下,我引导学生通过 culture and background knowledge,结合课本内容丰富自己的知识面,拓宽学生对航天知识的了解,让学生了解航天英雄的成功之路,激发他们的民族自豪感。 (二) 学生分析 1. 组成情况职业高中高一学生年龄...

hom many people live in your home ?请问这句中怎么没有助动词?是对...
名词短语how many people 做句子主语,所以不需要调整语序添加助动词。how many 对主语的定语提问。假定5人,这样表达原句:5 people live in my home.真心希望有帮助(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

与楼上不同,请斟酌】『physics is the present-day equivalenat of ( )used to be called naturl philosophy from which most of the present-day science arose . 』这么长一句话说白了就是吓唬人的,(from which most of the present-day science arose )此句完全可以删去,是限制性定语...

he is a man of great knowledge,__much can be learned.a.in hom .b.about whom .c.from whom. d .of whom.应该选C,句子意思:从他那里可以学到很多东西。please pass me the dictionary__cover is black.a.which. b.its. c.whose. d. which of .应该选C,空白处在定语从句中...

a letter home课文中的定语从句
你好,很高兴为你解答 a letter home 英 [ei ˈletə həum] 美 [e ˈlɛtɚ hom]词典 家书 网络 一封家书;希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

太仆寺旗17325132355: whom引导的定语从句5个, -
元学鼻窦:[答案] 很乐意回答您的问题 1.I hate Bob at whom i threw some stones. 2.I like Tom of whom I speak highly. 3.I am fond of PE lesson taught by MR.Li from whom i learnt to play the basketball. 4.I am keen on chatting with Jason to whom I send the only card last ...

太仆寺旗17325132355: whom引导的定语从句5个,简单点就行 -
元学鼻窦: 您好,很乐意回答您的问题1. I hate Bob at whom i threw some stones.2. I like Tom of whom I speak highly.3. I am fond of PE lesson taught by MR. Li from whom i learnt to play the basketball.4. I am keen on chatting with Jason to whom I send the ...

太仆寺旗17325132355: whom引导的定语从句 -
元学鼻窦: who/whom引导的定语从句的用法 who、 whom可以引导定语从句, 修饰表示人的先行词, 在从句中分别充当主语和宾语(在非正式场合下, 除非紧跟于介词之后, who经常可以代替在定语从句中作宾语的whom).例如:1. The visitor who ...

太仆寺旗17325132355: 请用定语从句中的whom造几个句.谢谢跪求 -
元学鼻窦: 1.Do you know the girl to whom the teacher was talking just now? 2.He is the man whom they were looking for yesterday.

太仆寺旗17325132355: 帮我造5个定语从句 用who. whom. which. that. when. -
元学鼻窦: 1. Who is she?2. What is that?3.Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge?4.d like to know when they'll let him out.5.This book belongs to whom?哈哈,简单的!

太仆寺旗17325132355: whom引导的定语从句 -
元学鼻窦:[答案] who/whom引导的定语从句的用法 who、 whom可以引导定语从句,修饰表示人的先行词,在从句中分别充当主语和宾语(在非正式场合下,除非紧跟于介词之后,who经常可以代替在定语从句中作宾语的whom).例如:1.The visitor w...

太仆寺旗17325132355: 定语从句例句who ,whom ,whose 各十句. -
元学鼻窦: 1.who指人在从句中做e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333239303937主语(1) The boys who are playing football are from Class One. 在踢足球的男孩们是一班的.(2) Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way. 昨天,我...

太仆寺旗17325132355: 英语定语从句造句,简单点的,急用啊,3个用who,which,whom造定语从句,简单一点,初一级别的例如:This is the man whom I met yesterday -
元学鼻窦:[答案] The man whom you met just now is my father The boy who is playing football is my best friend The building which we are looking at is our library

太仆寺旗17325132355: Who 和 Whom引导的定语从句 -
元学鼻窦: 我不觉得WHO可以做宾语.WHO 代的是从句中的主语.WHOM代从句中的宾语.whom是who的宾格,在现代英语中一般只用于书面体,在口语中通常用who,但在介词后只能用whom.看缺什么成分,缺主语用Who缺宾语用whom 1.who指人,...

太仆寺旗17325132355: that和who还有whome如何引导定语从句? -
元学鼻窦: whom在定语从句中做名词定语 通常使用that:1. 当先行词是all, anything,everything, nothing,little,much,none, one时,大都使用that或省略作宾语的that(即零关系代词) Is there anything else that you want me to get?你还有别的东西要我去买吗?...

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