
作者&投稿:宏治 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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If the industry were to manage inventory at the levels of its best performing publishers and booksellers, then it would enjoy a one-off reduction in inventory amounting to about $329 million. Assuming a cost of capital of 12 percent, this would translate into savings of approximately $39 million in working capital. Similarly, if the industry were to manage write offs at levels
currently recorded by its best performers, a saving of at least $9 million could be made each year.
The key to realising such reductions lies in two areas. First, visibility of network-wide inventory can be improved. At present, publishers are uncertain about their stock levels, the location of stock, how quickly it is moving and if, or to where, it should be reallocated. Inventory could be made visible across the supply chain, including stock in publishers’and booksellers’ warehouses, in stores and within channels of return. Second, publishers and booksellers could work together to bring greater transparency to the supply chain by leveraging continuous point-of-sale data.
Continuous sales data could be used in conjunction with inventory tracking so that stocks could be supplied to those outlets where sales volumes flag the need for stock. Initiatives such as these would also allow real-time information to assist with decisions on print-runs, replenishment and stock reallocation. The end result would be a better match between supply and demand, thereby creating greater ‘wins’ for all participating booksellers and publishers. Booksellers would receive more timely fulfilment, lower cost sales and altogether better supply of the right books, at the right place and at the right time. Publishers would have fewer returns, lower stock-outs, higher inventory turns, lower write-offs and more timely reprints.

帮我翻译一下(翻译成英文).. 谢谢.. 要急用
The declaration fulfills one of customs entry and exit procedures essential links. What refers to is the entering\/leaving country transport means' person in charge, the cargo and the goods consignor and consignee or its agent, when supervises the port through the customs, the ...

如果你想成功,与别人好好合作对你来说是很重要的。比如,在一场足球赛中,你得与你的团队队员很好地合作才能赢得球赛,因为你团队的每一位队员都有具体的角 色,并且每一位队员的表现对团队的成功都是至关重要的。这种团队概念不仅适用于体育也适用于学校和职场的成功。也许听起来这似乎又是老一套。...

妈妈不是神仙,而是凡人,只有凡人才会被时光磨出皱纹、染成白发 Người mẹ không phải là thần tiên mà là một người trần,vì chỉ có người trần mới khắc nh&...

谁能帮我翻译一下,翻译成英文,最好准确些。谢谢了!!急用呀!!_百度知 ...
Under our country's present economy system, the enterprise as a independent economic benefit main body, to maximize the profit is the essential target. A enterprise interests and influence of the biggest factors is taxes, so in recent years for pay tax to plan in tax planning and ...

they felt the trip joyous, too. I hope you come to my hometown in your spare time, I'm sure all of you will enjoy the trip!楼上的朋友,恕我直言,你的译文有些问题哦,比如"They all very happiness",这是什么句子?谓语呢?宾语呢?再如,"they be also very pleasing", 有这么用be...


谁能帮我翻译一下(翻译成英语) 谢谢
我想给大家介绍一下“咖啡”。 “咖啡”(Coffee)(一词源自埃塞俄比亚的一个名叫卡法(kaffa)的小镇,而在希腊语中“Kaweh”,意思是“力量与热情”。茶叶与咖啡、可可并称为世界三大饮料。咖啡树是属茜草科常绿小乔木,日常饮用的咖啡是用咖啡豆配合各种不同的烹煮器具制作出来的,而咖啡豆就是指咖啡...



eigo no mamadearu koto o negatte imasu. Watashi wa, shōrai no kyaria no tame no kyōkona kiban o kizuku tame ni watashi no nōryoku o kōjō sa seru tame ni, kenkyū to kenkyū no kono bun'ya ni chūryoku shite ikitai to kangaete imasu.这是我翻译的,望采纳,谢谢 ...

南皮县19743341153: 帮我翻译成英文啊、谢谢 -
咸张依芬: You have to take good care of themselves, 你要好好照顾自己、 Hope that, after 10 days, I will smile, look at your picture, he said, 希望十天之后、我会微笑的看着你的照片说 Love you, I have no regrets 爱你、我无悔

南皮县19743341153: 帮我翻译成英文,谢谢! -
咸张依芬: thanks, but i am very busy with my work in my shop so i have no time. can you tell me what kind of job it is.

南皮县19743341153: 汉语翻译成英文 帮我翻译一下. 谢谢,啊~~~ -
咸张依芬: 老Henry 长得有点矮,中等身材,有着白色的胡须和白色的头发.Old Henry grow a little short, medium height, with white beard and white hair.她有着黑色的长头发,十分矮,她good-looking.She has a black long hair, very short, her good - asked....

南皮县19743341153: 帮我用英文翻译一下 谢谢 -
咸张依芬: 我恨你1.i detest you2.je te hais3.i hate you4.ich hasse dich 我恨你!我恨你1.I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU 我恨你,我恨你……召唤我1.i hate you, i hate you... call me 我恨你,我恨你……(语1.i hate you, i hate you... call me 争我恨你1.let me love you

南皮县19743341153: 请帮我用英语翻译一下!谢谢! -
咸张依芬: 你好,翻译如下:I don't know how are you going,but I will pray all the time,praying god let us stay together,I believe the god could be affected by my empressement ,I believe that we are certain to stay together!I will wait all the time.

南皮县19743341153: 帮我翻译一段文字,翻译成英文!谢谢,急! -
咸张依芬: Dear Mr. Yue: I'm Zhang san feng ,a sales manager of XX company,we know from Zhang wuji,You want to know about our company YiTianJian source of stock.Attached is the import declaration form YiTianJian us, please have a look. If you feel the need to, we can at any time to meet with you and your company.

南皮县19743341153: 帮我中文翻译下英文 谢谢
咸张依芬: 楼上 你下面的那句thank you always be my side ,thank you! 中要加thank you for always be my side ,thank you!

南皮县19743341153: 英文帮我翻译一下 多谢了 -
咸张依芬: 百度——Really feel shy, I'm on vacation week, miss your mail谷歌——Really sorry, I leave the last week, missed your mail有道——Really sorry, my vacation last week, missed...

南皮县19743341153: 帮我翻译这句话成英语,谢谢大家! -
咸张依芬: To have you around accompanied me, I've been very satisfied, and I would like to take this happiness that we go on, this day is the happiest period of my life, than...

南皮县19743341153: 帮我用英语翻译一下,谢谢了!
咸张依芬: When building the MSN, want to improve English is now really had. I very thank him! He is Hong Kong people, so I won't because I understand word dictionary! Thank you!

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