A re you live in China 哪个是错的?

作者&投稿:幸店 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
外语学习 英语考试~

1. They came to China in 1990.(变一般疑问句) ____Did______ they ___come_____ to China in 1990?
2. I was ill for two days last week? (同上) ___Were_____ you ill for two days last week?
3. The twins go to school on foot every day. (同上) ____Do_____ the twins ___go____ to school on foot every day?
4. She washed the clothes last Sunday. ( 变否定句) She ___didn't______ ____wash____ the clothes last Sunday.
5. She is going to shopping tomorrow. (变否定句)
____She isn't going to shopping tomorrow.
6. My mother likes her students. (变一般疑问句)
Does your mother like her students?
7. Do you watch TV on Sunday? (用last Sunday
Did you watch TV last Sunday?

这两道题的答案很明显分别是:b 和 c

vary from 表示随。。。改变。。。 固定短语

endure 表示忍受,忍耐的意思。




Do you live in China?

延长县13968082945: where do you live? 对?还是 where do you live in 对? -
战凌七厘: 前一个对,where 本身是一个副词,所以不用加in ,in+地点,就相当于副词

延长县13968082945: 你住在什么地方.where are you live in?是用do还是用are 后面用liv -
战凌七厘: Do you live somewhere.(你住在什么地方)下次再有不明白的语法,建议使用谷歌翻译!

延长县13968082945: 英语翻译你在哪个城市住翻译成英语是 which city do you live 还是which city do you live in 还是whichcity are you live? -
战凌七厘:[答案] Which city do you live?& Which city do you live in?也可以.

延长县13968082945: 关于live in还有live的现在进行时这个知识点很乱 主要是live in和现在进行时一起出现比如,是where do you live now还是where are you living now?回答是I live ... -
战凌七厘:[答案] i am living in 可以讲旅馆,饭店等外出场所.例如出差.例如:i am living in Hilton hotel. i live in ...可以表示状态.长期性的.如:i live in shanghai.

延长县13968082945: What place do you live要加in吗? -
战凌七厘: 要加的 live 居住 后面要接介词 再加地点 或 人物 live in a place live with sb如果what place 换成where , 就不要 in, 因为 副词where= in a place

延长县13968082945: what kind of home do you live in ?这一句怎么译?另live后面没有地址为什么还要加in 呢?两个问哦, -
战凌七厘: 翻译:你生活在什么类型的家庭?这句话是疑问句,如果是陈述句的话,语序是:You live in what kind of home.变成疑问句,疑问部分放在助动词前面,就变成了what kind of home do you live in? in后面的部分已经提到句子开头了,所以in后面没有地址了,还是要加的.

延长县13968082945: Could you tell me - ---------?who you are waiting for和where you live in选哪个 -
战凌七厘: 两个答案都是宾语从句.who you are waiting for中who做for 的宾语,没有问题.where you live in 中where做的是地点状语,修饰live,确实与in重复了.

延长县13968082945: Where dou you live?和Where dou you live in?有什么区别? -
战凌七厘: Where dou you live? 指住哪个国家或城市(大地方) Where dou you live in? 指住哪个公寓或大楼(小地方)

延长县13968082945: where are you live in?这句话对吗?where do you live 你住在那里?问地区的对吗? -
战凌七厘:[答案] 对啊

延长县13968082945: which floor do you_____?A.live B.live in C.live on 选C,请问为什么不选A, -
战凌七厘:[答案] LZ把这句话还原成陈述句就知道问题在哪里了. 陈述句:you live on the floor. 问句只是把名词提前了,介词是不能省略的.

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