
作者&投稿:充要 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Far out in the sea there was an island,on the rocky edge of which lived three
Sirens,the three sisters of magic song.Half human and half bird,the Siren
sisters sat in a field of flowers,singing in voices that excited the hearts of
men.The attractive songs were so sweet that ships were attracted to the island
and struck to pieces on the rocks.No sailor nor ship had ever been known to pass
the Island of the Sirens without being attracted to disaster .

Acting on the
advice of Circe,Odysseus took careful preparation against the Sirens.Before
their ships came to where they could hear the song,Odysseus had himself tied to
the mast ,stopped the ears of his men with wax and ordered them to ignore his
orders and gestures when they were passing the fatal island .

Soon they came in
sight of the rocky island,and the attractive song reached the ears of
Odysseus.It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to free himself and
shouted for his men to turn towards the rich and flowery grass land of the
singing sisters.But no one paid any attention to him.The sailors kept straight
on until they were completely out of。



The Wanderings of Dionysus Once he had grown to manhood Dionysus decided to wander far and wide, including areas outside of greece. Where ever he went he taught men how to cultivate vines, and the mysteries of his cult. He was accepted until he returned to his own country of ...

Chinese people believed that there existed ten suns that appeared in turn in the sky during the Chinese ten-day week. Each day the ten suns would travel with their mother, the goddess Xi He, to the Valley of the Light in the East. There, Xi He would wash her children in ...

关于神话故事的英语作文 带翻译 不要网上抄的 就算抄也得改几个词吧...
Pangu opened up a heaven and earth, with body made the stars, mountains and vegetation. The remaining in the world between oil and gas slowly into the insect fish birds and animals, for that the dead of world added angry.At this time, there is a goddess nuwa, in the vast ...

精卫填海 The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she ...

愚公移山 从前,有一个很老的人。在他家附近的两山。他们是如此高大,花了很长时间走到另一边。老人告诉家人,他们都应该帮助他移山。他们把它放进海里,大得足以容纳一切。虽然它是硬的,他没有放弃做它。最后,上帝被感动了,他派了两神把山移走了。这个故事告诉我们,你永远不知道什么是可能的...

英语80字的神话故事 翻译
在古时侯,太空中飘浮着一个巨蛋,在内部有一个名叫盘古的巨人,一直在用他的斧头不停的开凿,企图把自己解救出来,经过艰苦努力,盘古挥出最后一斧,只听一声巨响,头上的一半化为气体,脚下的一半则变为大地,开始有了天和地。In ancient time, a dome was floating in space with a man named ...


女娲 是中国上古神话中的创世女神。传说女娲用泥土仿照自己创造了人,创造了人类社会。又替人类建立了婚姻制度,使青年男女相互婚配,繁衍后代,因此被传为婚姻女神。是中华民族伟大的母亲,她慈祥地创造了我们,又勇敢地照顾我们免受天灾。是被民间广泛而又长久崇拜的创世神和始祖神。It is said that ...

1 At the first God made the heaven and the earth.1:2 And the earth was waste and without form; and it was dark on the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God was moving on the face of the waters.1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.1:...

Myths and legends。神话传说,是民间传说中不可思议或超自然故事的统称。举例:八仙过海,白蛇娘子,七仙女、女娲补天等。女娲补天:自从女娲创造了人类,大地上到处是欢歌笑语,人们一直过着快乐幸福的生活.不知过了多少年,一天夜里,女娲突然被一阵“轰隆隆”的巨大的响声震醒了。她急忙起床,跑到...

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中荣干舒: 神话故事 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [拼音]:shén huà ɡù shì [解释]:mystery story; 1.a fairy tale; a fairy story ; fairy tale [参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典

甘井子区19484594673: 谁有英文神话故事带翻译,快快快! -
中荣干舒: 古希腊时代,少年伊卡洛斯(Lcarus)和父亲狄德勒斯(Daedalus)为诸神惩罚,被囚禁在孤岛上.父亲是名巧匠,便利用岛上的蜡烛,制作了两副精巧的羽翅,一副给自己,一副给伊卡,可以藉此飞出孤岛,逃离囚禁的命运.在起飞之前,父...

甘井子区19484594673: 中国神话故事英文版 -
中荣干舒: 盘古开天:话说最早的天地本是合在一起的,宇宙本是一团混沌.在这片混沌中沉睡着一个人,他的名字叫做盘古.他的身边放着一把样子古怪的斧头.直到有一天盘古忽然醒来,但是觉得自己所在的空间是那么的压抑,于是拿起身旁的斧头对着周围的空间一气乱挥,也不知道挥了多久,反正是把天和地给明确的划分出来了.但是天与地分开没多久就又开始慢慢合拢,盘古就用自己的身体来支撑着天与地,就这样支撑了很久很久,天与地的位置已经被固定住了,但是伟大的盘古却因疲劳过度,累死了.他死后身体开始变化,骨骼变成了山脉和丘陵,肉身变成了平原和盆地,血和汗水变成了江海,毛发变成了森林,草原和沼泽.他的元神到了天与地的中心处,却因疲倦睡去.

甘井子区19484594673: 中国古代神话故事英文版 -
中荣干舒: The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat ...

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中荣干舒: Legend has it that Emperor Yan had a daughter called Nvwa, who was lively, lovely, smart and kind. One day, when she went swimming in the sea, she was engulfed by the wind and waves and sank to the bottom of the sea forever. The girl is not ...

甘井子区19484594673: 用英文概述出一个神话故事或童话故事.50words. -
中荣干舒: 伊索寓言里的:(狐狸和豹子的故事) The Fox and the Leopard argued which was the more beautiful of the two. The Leopard showed one by one the various spots which are on his skin. But the Fox, interrupting him, said, "And how much more beautiful than you am I, who am decorated, not in body, but in mind."

甘井子区19484594673: 中国古代神话故事全集用英语怎么说 -
中荣干舒: 这样说: Complete Collection of China Ancient Mythological Stories 中国 古代 神话 故事 全集

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中荣干舒: 凤凰山的传说:古时候,天帝有一个小女儿,她很贪玩,有一天,她想下人间玩儿,没等父亲允许,她就偷偷地变成一只凤凰飞出天庭,落在人间的大树上.这时,一个年轻的猎人看见了,便手持弓箭,把天帝的小女儿射伤了,凤凰跌落下来...

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中荣干舒:[答案] The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea(精卫填海)Once upon a time,the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan,legendary ruler of primitive China,went boating on the Eastern Sea.While she was enjoying herse...

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