
作者&投稿:钟昏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 克服困难的英语作文(篇1)
How to Face up to Your Difficulties
Life is not always full of smiles and flowers. Every person has his own difficulties no matter how high his position or how great his achievement is. So it is of vital importance to have a correct attitude to face up to difficulties.
Some people feel so dejected about their difficulties that they fall into pessimism; others resort to putting the blame on others, the society or circumstance; still others are frightened by difficulties and give up halfway. All these people don’t use their abilities to overcome difficulties. So their attitudes are negative.
The positive method is to utilize your ability to clear away your difficulties that appear in your way of life rather than run away from them. Confront difficulties with joyful energy and enthusiasm , and you will find the difficulties are really not so hard as they appear and they will disappear in due course.
I have had many difficulties since I started to learn English. Since I come from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect. Thus, I had a hard time telling “night” from “light” at the very beginning. My poor memory also added to the difficulties when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary. English words were so elusive that I could only remember them for a while.
I have spared no efforts to overcome the difficulties and finally succeeded. In order to tell the slight difference between nasal sounds and non-nasals, I forced myself to speak mandarin everyday. Whenever I started to speak English, I reminded myself the difference between “night” and “light”. At first I felt it rather unnatural, but as I went on I was gradually accustomed to speaking in this way. As for my wretched memory, I gave up mechanical memorization and tried many other new ways. At last I found a most efficient way for me: memorizing English words by their stems and affixes. This is how I have overcome some difficulties in learning English.
We can't have good luck forever,so learning how to face difficulities is important.
Some people feel upset when they meet difficulities,and they don't want to try to let their dreams come ture anymore.
They just want to find a place and stay at there for a long time.
So they won't have a great success in the end.
But others are different,some people don't think difficulities are troubles,they believe " Difficulities is the mother of the success'' and "Believe in myself and I will win '',they are confident and
brave,and they choose to face the difficulities with a smile.
They try their best to solve their problems and if they don't feel well,they'll talk to their friends or family members,so that they can be happier and more confident.And they don't mind what others say about them,they can always find a good way for themselves to relax.
I think if you can have a good psychology when you meet difficulities in your life,and be more confident and brave, try to find a good way to relax,maybe talk to others or have a rest,and then think it over,make a plan to solve your problems.If you do so, you'll find that your difficulities are not as difficult as you think before!
We can't have good luck forever,so learning how to face difficulities is important.Some people feel upset when they meet difficulities,and they don't want to try to let their dreams come ture anymore.They just want to find a place and stay at there for a long time.So they won't have a great success in the end.But others are different,some people don't think difficulities are troubles,they believe " Difficulities is the mother of the success''and"Believe in myself and I will win '',they are confident and breave,and they choose to face the difficulities with a smile.They try their best to solve their problems and if they don't feel well,they'll talk to their friends or family members,so that they can be happier and more confident.And they don't mind what others say about them,they can always find a good way for themselves to relax.
I think if you can have a good psychology when you meet difficulities in your life,and be more confident and breave,
try to find a good way to relax,maybe talk to others or have a rest,and then think it over,make a plan to solve your problems.If you do so, you'll find that your difficulities are not as difficult as you think before!

Title: Overcoming Challenges to Achieve Goals
In life, we often encounter various challenges and obstacles that can make it difficult to achieve our goals. However, it is essential to maintain a resilient mindset and a determined attitude. No matter how significant the difficulties may seem, they should not hinder us from reaching our aspirations. This essay discusses the importance of perseverance and determination in overcoming challenges and achieving our goals.
1. Embracing Challenges:
Challenges are a natural part of life, and they provide opportunities for growth and development. Rather than being discouraged by them, we should embrace challenges as stepping stones towards success. Each obstacle presents a chance to learn, adapt, and improve ourselves.
2. Setting Clear Goals:
To overcome challenges, it is crucial to have clear and well-defined goals. Setting specific objectives helps us stay focused and motivated, even when faced with daunting obstacles. By knowing what we want to achieve, we can create a roadmap and take the necessary steps to reach our desired destination.
3. Developing a Resilient Mindset:
A resilient mindset is the key to overcoming obstacles. It allows us to bounce back from failures, learn from setbacks, and persist in the face of adversity. Instead of giving up when faced with challenges, we should cultivate a positive attitude, viewing them as opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement.
4. Seeking Support:
It is essential to remember that we do not have to face challenges alone. Seeking support from friends, family, mentors, or professionals can provide valuable guidance, encouragement, and perspective. Sharing our struggles with others can help alleviate the burden and provide fresh insights and solutions.
5. Taking Action:
Overcoming challenges requires action. It is not enough to hope for success or wish for obstacles to disappear magically. We must take proactive steps, make strategic decisions, and persevere in the face of difficulties. By taking consistent action, we can gradually overcome challenges and make progress towards our goals.
In conclusion, life is filled with challenges that can hinder our progress and make it seem impossible to achieve our goals. However, by embracing challenges, setting clear goals, developing a resilient mindset, seeking support, and taking action, we can overcome even the most significant difficulties. Remember, no matter how tough the journey may be, with determination and perseverance, we can conquer obstacles and ultimately achieve our dreams.


在袁绍溃败以后许攸给袁绍建议,袁绍非但不听,还觉得许攸在害他,还要把许攸杀掉,许攸实在忍耐不下便投靠了曹操,曹操一听许攸来了鞋也没穿边去迎接,由于许攸的帮助,曹操大破袁军。 听了这个故事以后,我便憎恨袁绍的袁绍的多疑无知,称赞曹操的机智过人。 通过这场战役我学会了生活中即使有再大的困难,只要你肯动脑...



也许为了生活,我们都无法免于奔波和忙碌,但无论遇到再大的困难、承担再大的压力,都要记得照顾好自己的身体。只有拥有健康的身体,才有强大的底气,去追求你喜欢去讨你想要的人生的生活去庇护你爱的人 2、人非生而有幸,却可以在努力中获得幸运每个人都会有一些感到疲惫和艰难的时刻。我们无法左右机遇和好运,但我们...


其实这只是单一的一方面,另一方面就是恋爱中的两个人互为对方的精神寄托。 何为精神寄托呢?精神寄托就是自己在这个世界上不单单是自己一个人在活着,还有另一个他会在生活中不断的鼓励自己,无论遇到再大的艰难困阻也能有信心去闯出一片天,因为他的存在而让自己觉得自己的生命是有意义的,自己的生活也是有意义...

而题主说的,缺乏走出厌弃、窘迫生活的勇气。笔者以为,关键在于首先不能“厌弃”,要对生活充满信心,充满理想,要明确生活的方向和目标。这便是走出厌弃、难以维继生活的首要条件。 4.一旦扬起了生活的风帆,生活中出现再大的困难,都会有信心去克服。生活起来,才会有滋有味。这样,“难以维继”的现象,就不可能出现。



鹤壁市18444896394: 关于生活中有再大的困难都要达到目标的英语作文 -
穆钥牛痘:[答案] 克服困难的英语作文(篇1) How to Face up to Your Difficulties Life is not always full of smiles and flowers. Every person has his own difficulties no matter how high his position or how great his achievement is. So it is of vital importance to have a correct...

鹤壁市18444896394: 关于生活中有再大的困难都要达到目标的英语作文 -
穆钥牛痘: 克服困难的英语作文(篇1)How to Face up to Your DifficultiesLife is not always full of smiles and flowers. Every person has his own difficulties no matter how high his position or how great his achievement is. So it is of vital importance to have a ...

鹤壁市18444896394: 经历磨难还得继续生活的句子 -
穆钥牛痘: 1、不管过去的美好和悲哀,它终将过去,也只能是过去,或许你从没想过要告别过去,但你必须要告别过去,请记住!明天还有你的美丽,明天也会成为你美丽的记忆! 2、人的成功也是如此,必须要经历磨难,要经历痛苦.没有人能一蹴而...

鹤壁市18444896394: 在面对困难时,我们应该采取什么样的态度呢 -
穆钥牛痘: 生活就是奋斗和收获,人生是短暂的,人生是应该有合适的目标,人总是要有点精神的,无论做什么总是要有所作为的.生活应该丰富多彩.应该是:不断的求索,不断的追求,不断的奋斗,尽管前进的路上有汗水,可能还有眼泪,但一定会在成功中获得快乐和享受. 时间会使你成熟.自信对一个人是重要的,适当的正确的选择是需要的,对过程的承受力是必要的.自我心理调整必须是经常性的,对成功的争取是需要不懈努力的.幸福和快乐在不断的成功中获得.

鹤壁市18444896394: 用“即使……我也要……因为”造句(关于生活方面的) -
穆钥牛痘: 即使天空没有太阳,我也要快乐的生活,因为我的心中有阳光; 即使生活抛弃了我,我也要坚强的挺着,因为我的身边还有年迈的老人和弱小的孩子; 即使我们老的哪儿也去不了,我也要陪在爱人身边,因为我们是互相依靠的肩膀; 即使明天我将一无所有,我也要给你一个温暖的微笑,因为你更加需要我的微笑带给你的希望; 即使我工作很累,我也要努力撑下去,因为路是自己选的,要勇敢地走下去. 即使再困难我也要努力达到目标,因为我要向他们证明自己! 即使所有人都不支持我,我也要继续我的理想,因为路是靠自己走出来的.

鹤壁市18444896394: 大家好,生活中如何面对困难? -
穆钥牛痘: 每个人都有自己想法,如何解决遇到的困难,对我来说困难让我觉得是一种挑战,我会通过一切方法来解决困难,哪怕受的伤在多,在累,也要坚持下去,世界上没有解决不了的困难,只要你想办到,其实都是能办到的.

鹤壁市18444896394: 即使我也要因为造句(生活中) -
穆钥牛痘: 即使上学路程再远,风雨再大,我也要坚持到学校去,因为坚持不懈是锻炼毅力最好的途径.即使生活再艰难,我也要鼓励自己努力,因为幸福并不是从天上掉下来的,都需要自己的勤奋才能拥有.

鹤壁市18444896394: 在生活上遇到挫折该怎么处理?
穆钥牛痘: 人生的道路曲折漫长,在人的一生中充满着成功与失败、顺境与逆境、幸福与不幸等矛盾.如工作上失败、生活的穷困、家庭的离散、身体的疾病伤残等等.当今青年人所遇到的挫折如竞争失败、恋爱失败、家庭矛盾等. 对挫折我们不能消极地...

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穆钥牛痘: 目标是一盏明灯,照亮了属于你的生命;目标是一个路牌,在迷路时为你指明方向;目标是一方罗盘,给你导引人生的航向;目标是一支火把,它能燃烧每个人的潜能,牵引着你飞向梦想的天空.罗曼·罗兰说:“人生最可怕的敌人,就是没有...

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穆钥牛痘: 世上本没有路,走的人多了便成了路——鲁迅走自己的路让别人去说吧——但丁大路无边,各走一边——俗语书山有路勤为径——古诗路遥知马力,日久见人心——谚语在人...

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