
作者&投稿:江卞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 英语中make一词用法甚多,是使用频率最高的动词之一,而make作使役动词的用法也很常见。意思是“使成为”、“使作为”、“使变成”, 其后的复合宾语(即宾语+宾语补足语)有以下表达方式:\x0d\x0a  1. make +宾语+名词(作宾语补足语)\x0d\x0a  Most pop singers make music their career.\x0d\x0a  大多数流行歌手把音乐当作他们的职业。\x0d\x0a  Bill Gates’ Microsoft makes him a phenomenon in the business world.\x0d\x0a  比尔·盖茨的微软使他成为商界的一个奇才。\x0d\x0a  What makes the ocean such a great place to live?\x0d\x0a  究竟是什么东西使大海成为如此优越的生活场所呢?\x0d\x0a  European football is played in 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world.\x0d\x0a  80个国家踢欧式足球,使它成为世界上最受欢迎的运动。\x0d\x0a  After all, what makes a new invention such a wonderful thing is that it allows us to do something we could not do before.\x0d\x0a  毕竟, 一项发明之所以成为如此奇妙的事情就在于它可以让我们做以前不能做的事。\x0d\x0a  2. make +宾语+不带to的不定式(作宾语语补足语)\x0d\x0a  Nobody made us go to bed at a certain time.\x0d\x0a  没有人让我们在某一固定时间就寝。\x0d\x0a  Pop music makes people feel easy and forget about the real world; rock music makes people think about the world and how to make their life better.\x0d\x0a  流行音乐令人松弛安心, 忘记这真实的世界, 而摇滚乐使人思考这个世界和如何改善自己的生活。\x0d\x0a  Nothing can make me turn against my country.\x0d\x0a  什么也不能使我背叛我的祖国。\x0d\x0a  Love may create the wonder, and may make people become satisfied and optimistic.\x0d\x0a  爱可以创造奇迹, 可以让人变得满足和乐观。\x0d\x0a  但改成被动语态时, 则要加to。\x0d\x0a  Children should be made to understand the importance of saving water.\x0d\x0a  应该让孩子们理解节水的重要性。\x0d\x0a  3. make +宾语+形容词(作宾语补足语)\x0d\x0a  But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal.\x0d\x0a  但是我乐于帮忙, 因为我知道, 这是为了实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。\x0d\x0a  The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.\x0d\x0a  新技术的目的是使生活变得更加容易, 而不是变得更加困难。\x0d\x0a  Internet makes our lives easy and convenient.\x0d\x0a  互联网使我们的生活变得容易和方便。\x0d\x0a  The chemical structure of water also makes it different from almost every-thing else on earth.\x0d\x0a  化学结构还使水不同于世界上几乎所有的其他物质。\x0d\x0a  Unfortunately, this function also makes estuaries very sensitive to enviro-mental pollution.\x0d\x0a  不幸的是, 这个作用也使河口对环境污染很敏感。\x0d\x0a  Harry learns the truth about his past, a dark secret that will make his life and choices more difficult.\x0d\x0a  哈利了解了自己的真实身世, 隐藏其中的秘密使他的生活和选择面临更大的困难。\x0d\x0a  4. make +宾语+过去分词(作宾语补足语)\x0d\x0a  The teacher raised his voice so that he could make himself heard.\x0d\x0a  那个老师提高了嗓门以便别人能听到他。\x0d\x0a  Can you easily make yourself understood in English?\x0d\x0a  你能用英语轻易地表达你的思想吗?\x0d\x0a  His actions made him universally respected.\x0d\x0a  他的行为使他处处受到尊敬。\x0d\x0a  5. make +宾语+介词短语(作宾语补足语)\x0d\x0a  You made him into an honest one.\x0d\x0a  你使他成为一个诚实的人。\x0d\x0a  “Make yourself at home,” the hostess said to me as soon as I entered the house.\x0d\x0a  我刚一进门, 女主人就对我说:“别客气, 就像在你自己家一样。”\x0d\x0a  6. make +宾语+从句(作宾语补足语)\x0d\x0a  What has made China what she is today?\x0d\x0a  是什么让中国变成今天的样子?\x0d\x0a  We will soon make our school what your school is now.\x0d\x0a  我们不久就要把我们的学校发展成你们学校目前的那个样子。\x0d\x0a  7. make +形式宾语it +形容词或名词(做宾语补足语) +带to的不定式作真正的宾语\x0d\x0a  This makesit possible for agriculture and industry to develop quickly.\x0d\x0a  这使工农业有可能很快发展。\x0d\x0a  People in the West make it a rule to buy Christmas presents for their rela-tives and friends.\x0d\x0a  西方国家的人常在圣诞节时购买礼物给亲属和朋友。\x0d\x0a  Pedestrians, both old and young, should make it a habit to use overhead bridges.\x0d\x0a  行人, 不论老幼, 都该养成走人行天桥的习惯。\x0d\x0a  8. make +形式宾语it +形容词或名词(作宾语补足语) +从句(作真正的宾语)\x0d\x0a  They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job.\x0d\x0a  他们要向公众表明, 他们所做的工作不但重要, 而且是必不可少的。

轴承后面加LR什么意思?比如22222EAKE4 LR是什么意思?

轴承后面加LR什么意思?比如22222EAKE4 LR是什么意思?

somuchtime 后跟动词的什么形式
在句子中充当除谓语以外的各种句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词(the Non-Finite Verbs)。非谓语动词有三种:不定式(the Infinites)、动名词(the Gerunds)和分词(the Participles)。 动词不定式的时态、语态 动词不定式的时态、语态动词不定式可以作以上各种成分,但它毕竟是动词,所以有动词的属性动词不...



路南区15542193510: make后面跟哪几种 -
汤妍福司: make +宾语 +do make +宾语 + done make +宾语 +形容词 make+宾语+名词 make it 做成某事

路南区15542193510: make后面跟什么可以作为其宾语补足语? -
汤妍福司: make用作及物动词,后接复合宾语,表示“使……成为……;使成为……”时,通常由形容词、名词、介词短语充当宾语补足语. 如:Loud music makes me uncomfortable.吵闹的音乐使我不舒服. The teacher tried his best to make himself a good friend of his pupils.那位老师尽力使自己成为学生的好朋友.

路南区15542193510: Make后面加什么词性的词语? -
汤妍福司:[答案] make 后面加动词不定式to do ,但是通常省略掉to ,意思是让某人做.make sth.done,此时的意思是某个东西被怎么样了,比如make the clothes cleaned,译为,洗衣服

路南区15542193510: make后面跟哪几种 -
汤妍福司:[答案] make +宾语 +do make +宾语 + done make +宾语 +形容词 make+宾语+名词 make it 做成某事

路南区15542193510: make当制作时后跟什么形式 -
汤妍福司: make取“制作”意思的时候,它就是一个行为动词、实义动词,后面接宾语,那能作宾语的词就只有名词(包括动名词)和代词.

路南区15542193510: “make”后面怎么接动词? -
汤妍福司: make后面一般跟的是动词原形,因为make是使役动词. 例子: 1、The boss made the workers working from dawn to dark. 老板让工人们从黎明一直工作到天黑. 2、He madehis bike repaired. 他让人帮他修理自行车. 3、The good news made us happy. 这个好消息使我们高兴. 4、They made us laugh. 他们让我们大笑起来. 5、The good news made us excited. 这个好消息使我们兴奋.

路南区15542193510: make后跟什么????? -
汤妍福司: up

路南区15542193510: make后跟什么动词 -
汤妍福司: make sb do sth /sb be made to do sthmake sb./sth doneHe made me laugh. He couldn't make himself heard above the noise of the traffic.

路南区15542193510: make后面加什么 -
汤妍福司: make sb (to) do sth

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