
作者&投稿:凌贝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 .B
2 C
3 B
4 A
5 B
6 C
7 A
8 A
9 C
10 B

as well as 连接的是前面的health,health不可数名词,所以后面用that。

1. though 想不出来

2. teachers
-> teach (自由词根 free root)
-> teacher(+er构成名词,er为派生词缀)
-> teachers (再加-s,构成名词的复数,-s为屈折词缀)

3. geography
-> graphy (粘着词根 bound root)
-> geography (+geo构成同为名词词性的新词,-geo为前词缀)

4. meaningless
-> mean(原词素)
-> meaning(加-ing构成动名词,-ing为屈折词缀)
-> meaningless(加-less构成形容词,-less为派生词缀)

5. mistreatment
-> treat(原词素)
-> treatment(加-ment构成名词,-ment为屈折词缀)
-> mistreatment(+mis构成反义词,+mis为派生词缀)

1. though
-> though(自由词根 free root)

2. teachers
-> teach (自由词根 free root)
-> teacher(+er构成名词,er为派生词缀)
-> teachers (再加-s,构成名词的复数,-s为屈折词缀)

3. geography
-> graphy (粘着词根 bound root)
-> geography (+geo构成同为名词词性的新词,-geo为前词缀)

4. meaningless
-> mean(原词素)
-> meaning(加-ing构成动名词,-ing为屈折词缀)
-> meaningless(加-less构成形容词,-less为派生词缀)

5. mistreatment
-> treat(原词素)
-> treatment(加-ment构成名词,-ment为屈折词缀)
-> mistreatment(+mis构成反义词,+mis为派生词缀)

Though his teacher give a vivid expressed lecture in the geography class, he dozed off with the thought that the courses is meaningless to him . Angrily ,his teacher give him a good beat ,however ,what's unexpected and unforunate, it turns out to be a little serious,as a result, the teacher got punished for his mistreatment of his student . what a pity

free morpheme自由词素:though
inflectional morpheme屈折词素:teachers
derivational morpheme派生词素:meaningless mistreatment geography

c语言急救啊 c语言帝快来 救救小生啊!!!

数字暗语 急救!!!
对照手机键盘看看,24代表ai 爱 96代表wo 我 62代表ba吧\/爸 22代表ma 吗\/妈 249662 爱我吧\/爸 249622 爱我吗\/妈 望采纳!

\/\/--- include<stdio.h> include<stdlib.h> typedef struct LNode{ int number;int data;struct LNode *next;}LNode,*LinkList;LinkList end;void CreateList_L(LinkList &L,int n);int main(){ int n,m,i,j;LinkList p,q,r,L; \/\/LinkList p,q; LNode *p,*q;printf("...

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主要句型:What shoul;d I get for sb.--- Why don't you get her\/him a\/an sth.(Why don't sb do sth)--- How about sth\/doing sth --- What about sth\/doing sth --- Why not get her\/him a\/an sth (Why not do sth)--- That's too ……(大家可能会问为什么要用tha...

全身发麻并伴随行动障碍,急救解答~急! 前天晚上11点多洗澡,突然感觉手脚发麻,嘴发麻,而且麻得越来越厉害,后来麻的部位向手臂和大腿延伸,最后直至感觉肚皮发麻。我以为是洗澡闷热缺氧所至,于是就大口的喘气,结果症状... 前天晚上11点多洗澡,突然感觉手脚发麻,嘴发麻,而且麻得越来越厉害,后来麻的部位向手臂和大腿...


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以头(抢)地 古: 撞 今:硬夺 (利)尽南海 古:物资 今:便利 利益 引喻失(义) 古:公正合宜的道理或举动 今:意义 情义 遂(用)猖獗 古:因此,所以 今:用途 作用 (休)降于天 古:吉兆 今:歇下来玩 休息 (抑)亦人谋 古:表或许 推断 ...

一道6年级语文题 急救!!
短文向我们描绘了( 海水) (蓝天 )(白鸥 )( 椰树)(细沙 )说说文中 搔 这个字的表达效果 (用拟人化的手法,写出了细沙的调皮可爱 )文中运用了修辞手法,将椰子树的树冠比作(碧玉 ),突出了椰子树树冠(绿 )的特点,将沙滩的沙比作( 玉屑银末),突出了沙(白而亮 )的特点。本...

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强垂安内:[答案] First aid means giving others medical assistance before the doctor's arrival. 机器翻译被雷劈

诏安县17878948763: 英语(急救help!)1.The students - _______ - _______ - _______ - ________.(做运动有乐趣)2.Please - ______ - _______ - _________(向……问好)... -
强垂安内:[答案] 1.The students are having interesting sports.(做运动有乐趣) 2.Please say hello to (向……问好)KangKang for me. 3.It will keep you active in the daytime. 4.In the past days (在过去的日子里)the Olymp...

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强垂安内:[答案] 1Themselves repeatedly on the wound with soap and water thoroughly cleaned,so most of the invading virus washed away 2Injection of rabies vaccine as soon as possible to the health and epidemic prevention departments 3Bite wound should not be ...

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强垂安内:[答案] 第2个 是 final 第3个 是supper

诏安县17878948763: 急救 英语对话 2人 2分钟 题目是《Talk about your classmates and teacher> -
强垂安内:[答案] no mark.I have no idea .

诏安县17878948763: 急救英语,单词正确形式填空,1.It is almost impossible to___the future development of a very young child.(cast) 2.Some experts doubt that speed reading is ... -
强垂安内:[答案] 1 forecase 2 desirable 3 gravity 4 handful 5 professional

诏安县17878948763: 英语急救1.He_______his watch and walked away quickly.2.What will you do when you receive his - _______?Maybe I will reject it because I have been too busy ... -
强垂安内:[答案] 1 glanced at 2 invitation 3 employees 4 chance 5 impression 6 hesitated 7 looking forward to

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强垂安内:[答案] B.can是情态动词,所以C排除.A项regard一般和as连用,也排除.D项think一般也和介词about,of连用.所以答案是B

诏安县17878948763: 用英文简单介绍一下急救过程“FRIST AID” -
强垂安内:[答案] When we have given first aid,we should put the person in the recovery position.This is a way of placing a body so that the airway is clear and it is easy to breathe.Here is how it is done:1 Roll the p...

诏安县17878948763: something about first aid有关急救的知识,用英文回答最好 -
强垂安内:[答案] There are always a first aid box in the office.If there are somebody get hurt,then he or she should use the First Aid box.And,if the person need to call the Ambulance,let somebody do some first aid step,it can make that person better. If someone want to ...

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