
作者&投稿:闾别 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语在线翻译 翻译短语~

1. A little penguin
2. Three shy of pandas
3. Four terror of tigers
4. Five friendly of elephants
5. Seven beautiful of giraffes
6. Eight cute of koalas
7. Nine smart of dolphins
8. ten ugly of lions

一点也不像 dosen't look like a little bit
与…相似 sth looks like sth
课外活动 after-school activities

1哪天有空 你是否愿意和我一起去吃顿饭
Would you like to eat out with me when you have time?
I think you are very humorous./ I think you really have a sense of humor.
3因为经常和你说话 我的英语水平比从前好多了 我会更努力的
Thanks to you, my oral English has improved a lot. I will try harder.
Here is a little gift for you.
5二楼现在没座位了 做一楼可以吗?
All seats on the second floor are taken. How about the first floor?
6现在没有座位了 你可以等一下吗?
All seats are taken/occupied. Would you mind waiting a little while?
How about going to KFC?
Where are we going now?
9我剪了新发型哦 很好看 不是吗?
I had a new hairstyle. I look great, don't I?
回答者:maryswallow - 榜眼 十三级 1-23 08:38

1哪天有空 你是否愿意和我一起去吃顿饭
Would you please have a dinner with me when you are free?
I think you are humorous.
3因为经常和你说话 我的英语水平比从前好多了 我会更努力的
Since I always talk to you,my English is much better than before and I will work even harder.
I have a little gift for you!
5二楼现在没座位了 做一楼可以吗?
Seats on the second floor are all occupied,what about the first floor?
6现在没有座位了 你可以等一下吗?
All seats are occupied now, would you please wait for a moment.
Let's go out to enjoy KFC.
Where are we going now?
9我剪了新发型哦 很好看 不是吗
I have my hair cut,it looks nice,doesn't it?

哪天有空 你是否愿意和我一起去吃顿饭
Would you like to eat out with me when you have time?
I think you are very humorous./ I think you really have a sense of humor.
3因为经常和你说话 我的英语水平比从前好多了 我会更努力的
Thanks to you, my oral English has improved a lot. I will try harder.
Here is a little gift for you.
5二楼现在没座位了 做一楼可以吗?
All seats on the second floor are taken. How about the first floor?
6现在没有座位了 你可以等一下吗?
All seats are taken/occupied. Would you mind waiting a little while?
How about going to KFC?
Where are we going now?
9我剪了新发型哦 很好看 不是吗?
I had a new hairstyle. I look great, don't I?

1哪天有空 你是否愿意和我一起去吃顿饭
Would you please have a dinner with me when you are free?
I think you are humorous.
3因为经常和你说话 我的英语水平比从前好多了 我会更努力的
Since I always talk to you,my English is much better than before and I will work even harder.
I have a little gift for you!
5二楼现在没座位了 做一楼可以吗?
Seats on the second floor are all occupied,what about the first floor?
6现在没有座位了 你可以等一下吗?
All seats are occupied now, would you please wait for a moment.
Let's go out to enjoy KFC.
Where are we going now?
9我剪了新发型哦 很好看 不是吗
I have my hair cut,it looks nice,doesn't it?

1哪天有空 你是否愿意和我一起去吃顿饭
Would you plase have a dinner with me when you are free/convenient.
I feel that you are a man of humor.
3因为经常和你说话 我的英语水平比从前好多了 我会更努力的
Owing to the usual talking with you,my English is better than before and I will work harder.
A gift for you!
5二楼现在没座位了 做一楼可以吗?
There is no seat on the Second floor,what about the First floor?
6现在没有座位了 你可以等一下吗?
Let's go out for KFC.
Where are we going now?
9我剪了新发型哦 很好看 不是吗?
My hairstyle looks nice,doesn't it?

1. When you're available, would you like to have dinner with me?
2. I believe you're a lady/man of humour.
3. Thanks to talking with you frequently, I've bettered my English a lot. I would work harder on that.
4. A little present for you!
5. Seats on the second story are all occupied, would you mind the ground floor?
6. No spare seats now, would you mind waiting for a while?
7. Let's go to eat at KFC!
8. Where should we go now?(如果刚去过某地方了,还可以用Where should we go next?)
9. I've had a new hairstyle. I look great on that, don't I?

如下:1、be able to do能够做 2、be about to do正要做 3、be afraid of害怕 4、go against反对 5、agree on达成一致 6、agree to do同意做 7、be angry with对……生气 8、be anxious about对……担心 9、apply for申请 10、take up arms拿起武器 11、arrive in\/at a place达到某地 ...

高中 agree vi.同意;持相同意见I cannot agree with you on this point.在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见。sb agree with sb 同意某人的话,意见 sth agree with sb 某物,某事适应某人 agree to sb 建议 agree on sth 在某一点上取得一致意见 agree up sth 在某一点上取得一致意见 agree to...

1、…的结局 the result of 2、在20世纪30年代早期 in the early 1930s 3、与众不同,有所作为 be exceptional 4、发现,探索 find out 5、作为…而知名 be noted for 6、达到目标 achieve goals 7、敦促某人做某事 urge sb to do sth 8、上台执政 be in office 9...

refer to...as... 的用法。此短语意为“把……称作……”。例如:He is referred to as a living Lei Feng. 他被称作是一个活雷锋。三 as it is(两种翻译)1.as it is = 实际上;副词as it is:2.就以现在这个样子 或者 根据现在情况看 例句与用法:1.I hope things would get ...

1. as free as a bird 像小鸟一样自由 2.a poor fish 愚蠢而又可怜的家伙 3. a big fish 一直大鱼(意思同 “一只肥羊”有比喻义)4. a cool fish 冷静而大胆的家伙 5.talk big 吹牛 6. as weak as a cat 喝的大醉 7. work like a tiger 疯狂工作 8. eat like a ...

良好的国家。2。像他的父亲,汤米选择了一个在军队的职业生涯 3。我们可能永远不会知道是什么促使他要杀死他的妻子 4。请告诉我如何删除和重命名文件或文件的备份副本 5。我的父亲总是告诉我该怎么做,但我通常不理会他 6。 10岁以下的儿童必须由成人陪同 7。他或他的员工设定明确的预期,这是管理...

in the kitchen.21. There are several thousandspecies of trees here.这里有上千种不同品种的树。22. The future of the peace talks is in doubt.和平谈判的未来存在疑问。(和平谈判的未来值得担忧)有些是照字面翻译,有些有所变动,你可以参考,毕竟语言在不同环境下有不同的意思。

1.八岁男孩 a eight-year-old boy 2.一个小男孩 a little boy 3.乐于帮你 glad to help you 4.坐这个座位 take this seat 5.在医院工作 work in hospital 6.在校学校 at school 7.沙发上的那个人 the person on the sofa 8.跟妈妈生活 live with mum 9.找到工作 find a job 10.想...

1.English phrases 2.be used to doing sth.3.look like 4.be strict with...5.by reading 6.listen...7.take the place of 8.Back down from doing sth.9.get into trouble 10.allow sb. to do sth.11.improve ability 12.pronounce this word 13.worry about 14.care 一,三,四,五...

英语翻译短语及常用句型 导读: If Bernard wants to call me or anything, I’ll be here all day.如果伯纳德要找我或什么的,我整天都会在这儿。 have none of: 不参加;不准;不接受 I will have none of your stupid ideas! 我才不接受你那愚蠢的想法!He was offered a job but ...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州18884213376: 来个英语高手帮忙翻译下短语,谢谢了! 急需!1、和...有共同之处 2、与...一样 3、把...分开 4、对某人有影响5、与...不同 6、两个,一对 -
漫厕格列:[答案] in common the same as separate from have an influence on sb have an effect on sb be different from a couple of

红河哈尼族彝族自治州18884213376: 翻译英语短语 -
漫厕格列: 1 get sth . from sb 从某人哪里得到某物 11 not bad 还不错 2 school play 学校游戏(直译)?应该不对 12 some、、others、、、其他的(一些) 3 thanks for、、为...而感谢 13 be of medium height 中等高度 4 have a good time 玩得开心,过的愉...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州18884213376: 初一英语,翻译一个短语.
漫厕格列: SWEATEAs in all colors

红河哈尼族彝族自治州18884213376: 求英语短语翻译
漫厕格列: Come about 发生 Many a quarrel has come about through a misunderstanding. 许多争执都是由于误会而产生的. come across 出现在脑海中, 留下印象 A good idea came across my mind. 我忽然想到一个好主意. come along 取得进展 I began ...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州18884213376: 用英语翻译几个句子和短语,谢谢 -
漫厕格列: 1. good afternoon everyone hi people good afternoon (slang)2. i'm glad to introduce myself thank you for letting me introduce myself3. someone makes me laugh He's/ She's hilarious 4. during the weekends during the holidays5. when we're free6. ...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州18884213376: 初三英语短语 翻译 谢谢 -
漫厕格列: 我们刚学这些 肯定正确.记在书上的笔记还热乎呢.1 keep...down2 put out3 find out4 have/has been to someplace5 encourage sb. to do sth .希望给点分.

红河哈尼族彝族自治州18884213376: 英文句子,嘿嘿.帮忙翻译一下,谢谢
漫厕格列: At 0:33 on June 15 minutes for many years has kept the tears streaming down, why be so sad, it really so difficult with you? Distance? Age? Really hinder you? 在零时33分在6月15分钟多年来一直保持的眼泪流下来,为什么这么伤心,真有那么难吗?距离?年龄?真正妨碍你吗?

红河哈尼族彝族自治州18884213376: 麻烦大家帮我翻译点英语词组,谢谢 -
漫厕格列: 1、越来越多 more and more / A growing number 2、上上下下 up and down /uphill and downhill 3、征求意见 take advice4、以做…为主 mainly / mostly 5、擅长干… be good at /be expert in / specialize in6、交通灯 traffic light7、发展成 be ...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州18884213376: 翻译以下为英语短语!谢谢大家了!1、优点2、追寻接某人的梦想
漫厕格列: 优点:strong point或者advantage 追寻某人梦想:chasing down one's dream 或者 follow one's dream

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