像这类的英语 举句子怎磨互相转换?、

作者&投稿:束林 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
像这类的英语 举句子怎磨互相转换?~

This is my pencil?(翻译:这是我的铅笔吗?)
This is my pencil. (翻译:这是我的铅笔。)
This is my pencil.(陈述句)这是我的铅笔。
This is not my pencil.(否定句)这不是我的铅笔。
This is not my pencil.(这不是我的铅笔。)
Is this your pencil?(这是你的铅笔吗?)

What do you want?
They don't like cucumbers.
Is there any beef on the table?
No,there isn't.
What do you want to eat?

You can ask in three ways.

Is this my pencil?, (you are not sure whether this is your pencil)

This is my pencil, isn't it? (in this case, you think this is YOUR pencil)

This is not my pencil, is it? (in this case, you think this is NOT your pencil).

Note the reverse use of(is / isn't) and (is not / is)

You can apply this format to ALL type of questions.

Similarly you can use his or her.

Is this her/his pen?
This is her/his pen, isn't it?
This is not her/his pen, is it?

English is fun but too much variation....

This is not my pencil.

Is this my pencil?

Is this her/his pencil?

陈述句this is my pencil.疑问句is this my pencil?都是把be动词提到句首

其实 基本英语的语法功能就是为了在日常沟通与交流中架起桥梁。。。
陈述句就是基本的 主谓宾的结构。然而,变成疑问句只是把句子中的be动词或者借助助动词do/does/did/have/has/had....提到句子的首位。。。。否定句就是在陈述句的助动词后接上 not就行了。。。

杭州市19841997620: 英语同义句转换怎么做 -
字盾亿希: 所谓同义句转换就是将一个句子用另一种形式表达出来,而且意思不变.因此,掌握的句型越多,做题就越方便、快捷、容易.但每种练习的方式总有一定的规律可循. 1. 用具有相同意思的词或词组进行转换.如: 例:She has a good time in ...

杭州市19841997620: 英语怎么转同义句 -
字盾亿希: 同义句转换,考察的就是同义句型:1.will(shall) do...(现在将来时,多表示自然规律) be going to do...(打算,计划,准备,多表示计划好的事情) 例句:(1)It will be Friday tomorrow.(2)They will have an exam in two weeks.(3)He is ...

杭州市19841997620: 同义句转换英语 -
字盾亿希: 一、运用同义词(组)进行转换 用同义词或同义词组对原句中的某些词或词组进行替换,注意转换后的词或词组的词形变化要与句子其他成分相适应.如: 1. That day we could see flowers here and there. That day we could see flowers __...

杭州市19841997620: 英语怎么改,同义句? -
字盾亿希: 两种方法:1. 用同意的短语来替代例. 例如:not any longer=no longer,I'm not a student any longer.=I'm no longer a student. be good at=do well in,I'm good at roller-skating.=I do well in roller-skating. 2. 意思解释法. 例如:Her father and mother ...

杭州市19841997620: 怎么改写英语句子(同义转换).
字盾亿希: 1.you must try your best to finish the work well. You must do your best to finish the work well. do one's best = try one's best Or You have to finish the work as well as possible. 2.the gril is frightened of mice. The girl has a fear of mice. have a fear of也是...

杭州市19841997620: 能举几个类似的例子吗?I am 8 years old.=I am a eight - year - old child.句子与句子之间转换的例子.就是选择题在什么情况下不选复合形容词 -
字盾亿希:[答案] 复合形容词 1.数词+名词(单数) 例:one-child独生子的 2.数词+名词(单数)+形容词 例:three-year-old 3.数词+名词+ed... hardly-conscious不自觉的 9.名词+现在分词 例:English-speaking讲英语的 10.名词+过去分词 例:hand-made手工制的 11....

杭州市19841997620: 英语句子变换的方法
字盾亿希: 把陈述句变成一般疑问句要看句子的类型.如果句子中有系动词be,情态动词can,may,might之类的,就把这些动词直接提前就可以了.如: 1.He is a student. Is he a student? 2.He can play the paino. Can he play the piano? 其他的句子,则需要...

杭州市19841997620: 有没有英语句型转换器 -
字盾亿希: 您好,世界上真没有这种东西,希望您多读多写多说,您自己就是一个句型转换器一般英语句型有:陈述句,疑问句(包括一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,附加疑问句)、祈使句举个例子来说明句子转换:I am a student.这是一个陈述句,变成下列疑问句:Are you a student?一般疑问句What are you 或者what do you so?特殊疑问句You are a student,aren't you?或者 You aren't a student,are you?附加疑问句变成祈使句Be a (good) student.希望对您有所帮助.

杭州市19841997620: 英语句子转换 -
字盾亿希: 一般疑问句1.将陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如句中有be 动词(am is are …)时,可直接将它们提至主语前.如主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称.如: I'm in Class 2Grade 1. → Are you in Class 2Grade 1? We're watching TV. → Are you ...

杭州市19841997620: 英语六年级句型转换只要举40个简单点的句子,不用你转换,只要原句,做英语句型转换(转换成否定句和疑问句)不是翻译 像2楼的句子一样 -
字盾亿希:[答案] 1.This is a book. 2.Lucy is playing football. 是类似这样的句子吗?

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