you've got a mustn't swim.用when连成一句话

作者&投稿:卜科 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
when you've got a …you mustn't…造句~

you must finish your homework before tonight.we must hurry since we are running late.Tell them that they must get this done in order to receive credit.To understand the DCF models is a must for banking industry.I must do this however hard it is.You mustn't cross that line.We mustn't irritate him, otherwise we would pay for our impudence.She mustn't marry him, for they are brother and sister.Mustn't we write this down to let them know the information beforehand?I mustn't fall into the temptation.

You've Got a Cold!
You feel tired and you have no energy. You can't breathe out of your nose and your throat hurts Don't be afraid. you have probably just got a 56 . Every year, many kids experience this sick feeling Some kids have up to eight colds
every year. So, what_57 is a cold?
Well, a cold is an infection(传染. It affects(影响) your nose, ears and throat and makes you feel sick and weak. It's very 58 to catch a cold. When someone sneezes or coughs near you, bacteria (细菌) travel through the air and 59 your body and then make you sick.
Also, if you touch your nose or eyes after touching something that has bacteria on it, 60 a door or your desk at school, you can get sick.
Some of the symptoms(症状) of a cold _61_ a fever, a sore throat and a cough. If you sneeze, or if your nose is runny and your _62 are watery, you've probably got a cold. Most people who have got a cold feelvery tired and don't have much energy to do anything.
A cold is not a pleasant thing to 63 . However, there are some things you can do to feel better. You should have hot drinks 64 you've got a sore throat and cough.
You should eat healthy foods and get a lot of rest so your body can be strong enough to fight your cold. If you've got a fever, or if you aren't feeling better within a few days, you should visit your doctor and take some medicine.
A cold can be frustrating, 65 just remember that there are many things you can do to feel better and get stronger. Take care of your body and stay healthy.
56. A. cough B. headache C. fever D. cold
57. A. exactly B. nearly C. clearly D. firstly
58. A. difficult B. necessary C. easy D. helpful
59. A. build B. enter C. feel D. find
60. A. like B. on C. behind D. with
61. A. take B. catch C. tum D. include
62. A. legs B. arms C. eyes D. ears
63. A. do B. make C. pass D. experience
64. A. until B. so C. if D. unless
65. A. then B. but C. and D. or

you've got a mustn't swim
you mustn't swim when you get a cold
英 [kəʊld] 美 [koʊld]

You mustn't swim when you've got a cold.


ou拼音读ōu,ou在读的时候,先发o的音,嘴唇渐收拢,舌根抬高,口型由大圆到小圆。ou的常见字为讴、欧、殴、鸥、偶、呕、藕。ou的拼音字形如下 1、cou:凑。2、dou:兜、斗、抖、陡、豆、逗、痘、斗。3、gou:勾、沟、构、钩、苟、狗、垢、购、诟、够。4、kou:抠、叩、扣、寇、蔻...


ou怎么读:英音[əʊ],美音[oʊ]。释义:abbr.开放大学(Open University),牛津大学(Oxford University);n.(Ou)人名,(中)欧(普通话·威妥玛),(老)乌。ou的例句:1、You were expecting college to be the happiest time of your life, but it turns ou that ev...


ou的音标发音为\/d͡ʒaʊ\/。音标解释 ou是英语国际音标中表示一个特定音素的符号。它表示的是一个双元音,由两个音位组成:\/aʊ\/。其中,\/a\/是一个开后不圆唇元音,如在单词"father"中的音素\/ɑː\/;\/ʊ\/是一个短、无圆唇和半高元音,如在单词"put"中的...

1、ou:柔、兜、溜 、流、柳 2、iu:游、友、 忧、油、 幽 一、柔拼音róu 1、植物初生而嫩。2、软,不硬。3、软弱,与“刚”相对。二、流拼音liú 1、液体移动。2、像水那样流动不定。3、传播。4、指江河的流水。5、像水流的东西。三、柳拼音liǔ 1、落叶乔木或灌木。2、星名,二十...

OU的读法是:英 [ˌəʊ'juː]  美 [ˌoʊ]1、abbr. [英]开放大学(=Open University);函授大学;电视大学 2、abbr. 牛津大学(=Oxford University)短语:1、look ou 看看 ; 当心 2、Ou Sweet 欧甜 3、OU PONT 杜邦 4、Inside Ou 头脑特工队 5、Caroline...


一、ou的记忆诀窍 1、读音记忆 ou的发音类似于“欧”,但嘴唇稍微向前突出,舌尖抵住下齿。ou的发音可以想象成一只小松鼠在跳跃,小松鼠跳的时候嘴巴是向前突出的,就像ou的发音。舌尖抵住下齿,这是ou发音的关键。2、寻找规律 ou是单韵母o自成的音节,也是ou自成的音节。ou是由o自成的音节,因此...

大连市19519571225: - ------ - you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. -
枕汤五羚: 答案A now that中的that可省去.如:Now(that)John's arrived,we can begin既然约翰来了,我们就可以开始了.

大连市19519571225: 用适当的情态动词填空you ()go and see a doctor at once because you 've got a fever.the man in the office()be Mr Black,because he went home just now.may l ... -
枕汤五羚:[答案]should can't must may can 不明白请及时追问,/>

大连市19519571225: 几个英文知识.There is all kinds of ,这里不是用There are 么.2.You've got to be kidding me,.,这里got to 表示什么.还有.动词过去式的发音是/t/ 和/d/ 列举一... -
枕汤五羚:[答案] 1 There is all kinds of ,是错误的表达.is应该换成are. 2 You've got to be kidding me是不规范的表达.'ve got to应该变成must,must在这里表达“猜测”. 3 结尾是/p/,/k/,/f/和/s/的动词原形加上ed后,这个ed发/t/: park---- parked ,laugh-----laughed,stop------...

大连市19519571225: You got a good deal. 和 You've got a good deal.区别?
枕汤五羚: 根据时态来进行判断: 一般过去时,通常表达四种意义: 1、已完成的动作,即通常表示过去发生的而现在已经结束的事件、动作或情况;通常指动作何时发生,而不指动作持续多久; 2、过去的习惯性动作; 3、刚才,刚刚发生过的事情,不...

大连市19519571225: 谁有“you've got a message”的短信音啊?
枕汤五羚: 谢谢少杰督察,就是这个,非常感谢ing ~~

大连市19519571225: I've got的中文意思 -
枕汤五羚: I've got 现在完成时,直译的意思就是:“我有(某人或物)”. 从现在完成时本身的意义上讲,这个I've got包含着的信息是:我以前就拥有这个东西,现在依然有.

大连市19519571225: You've got a point there. there在这里是什麽意思 -
枕汤五羚: 这个是个口语句子,意思是说,你说得有道理.There ,在那里得意思.也就是强调刚才所说的有道理.

大连市19519571225: you've got the touch you've got the power这是哪首歌里的歌词? -
枕汤五羚: 你确定是这2句么? 我找到只有 stan bush - the touch you got the touch 你燃起动力 you got the power 你发动力量 yeah after all is said and done 毕竟说过,做过 you've never walked, you've never run,你从不曾退缩,你从不曾逃脱 you're a winner ...

大连市19519571225: You've Got A Way怎么翻译好 -
枕汤五羚: 这是电影里的一句台词吧 You've got a way 你真的找到了 电影《诺丁山》插曲 You've Got A Way也可译为:你选的路

大连市19519571225: 英语中I got to go 和 I've got to go的意思有和不同? -
枕汤五羚: 不是got 是gotta gotta=have got to 必须的意思 I gotta go= I have got to go

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