波士顿三一学院,Boston Trinity Academy这两天在看这个学校,有前辈或者了解学校那边具体情况的给讲讲?

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能具体讲下 boston trinity academy比thornton academy 好在哪里吗?~

Boston Trinity Academy (BTA) is a private Christian school in Hyde Park, Boston, MA, USA, that currently enrolls roughly 220 students (as of 2009-10 school year) in grades 6-12. Boston Trinity Academy was founded in 2002 with 54 students from grades 6-9 in a rented building in Brookline, MA[1]. Boston Trinity Academy has a very diverse student body that is 34% White, 30% Black, 19 % Asian, 10% Latino, and 7% Multi-Racial. Fourteen percent of the student body are also international students from several countries such as Korea, Serbia, and Canada[2].
Thornton Academy was first established in 1811, when Maine was still a territory of Massachusetts. It was founded under the name "Saco Academy" in response to a petition by citizens of southern Maine, most of them from Saco, to the Massachusetts legislature, which passed, in both houses, a bill founding the school in February 1811. The founding legislation also granted, as was common, six square miles of land (16 km²) in northern Maine (most of what is currently the southern part of Greenville) as an endowment so long as the trustees named in the founding charter raised USD $3,000 in funds. After successful fundraising and construction, Saco Academy officially opened on January 4, 1813.

The school was plagued for years by financial difficulty. The name was officially changed to Thornton Academy in 1821 in gratitude for the gift of $1,000 by Dr. Thomas G. Thornton, also the marshal for the Maine territory, which put the school on solid financial footing. Depending upon the economic indices used, the gift may have been worth up to $36 million in 2007 dollars.

The academy was destroyed by fire on July 28, 1848 in what was concluded to be arson, although no culprit was ever found. Almost all records were lost in the fire, and the academy was closed indefinitely. Although the board of trustees continued to meet and discuss the school's future, serious efforts to rebuild the school were not taken until 1884, when investments by trustee James W. Bradbury had more than quintupled the academy's financial endowment.

[edit] Current campus
In 1885 8 acres (3.2 ha) of land were purchased by the board at the corner of Main Street and Fairfield Street in Saco as the future site of Thornton Academy. On July 27, 1886, Thornton Academy became a legal corporation. The plans for the new school building were designed by H. G. Wadlin. It officially re-opened on September 6, 1889 and began its school year three days later with a class of 108 students. Today the original building is referred to as the Main Building.

Over the course of the next fifty years, several buildings were added to the grounds: the Charles Cutts Gookin Thornton Building in 1903, the headmaster's home in 1905, the George Addison Emery Gymnasium in 1913, and the Main Building Annex in 1931. Starting in the late '50s and continuing to the early seventies, a spurt of buildings were added because of enrollment increases related to the post-WWII baby boom: the John S. Locke Building, the William Linnell Gymnasium, the Edith Scamman Science Building, and an Industrial Arts Building. In 1996 54,000 square feet were added, linking the Main Building with the Scamman Science Building,and adding the Mary Hyde Library, the Helen Atkinson Dining Commons, the Harry Garland Auditorium,six arts classrooms and six math classrooms. Because the Academy has grown to nearly 80 acres (32 ha) and the buildings listed, it more resembles a university campus than a traditional American high school.

Thornton has recently built international dorms to house foreign exchange students, mostly from Asia, Ms. Corrigan is currently the Head of Dorms .

[edit] Middle school added
In fall 2006 a middle school was opened on campus in the completely renovated footprint of the Industrial Arts Building. The middle school houses grades 6–8. Free to children from Arundel because of a contract with that community, children from surrounding areas can pay a tuition to go to the middle school. The school consists of three sixth grade base teachers, who teach all core subjects except specials (art, band, P.E., guidance, and foreign language). The seventh and eighth graders start off by meeting with an advisory in one of the classrooms. The advisories are mixtures of both grades, and frequently do activities together. On Wednesdays the students meet in the commons, or cafe for a school assembly, and occasionally go to the Upper school to see plays and concerts performed by them. School days run from 7:30 am to 1:57 pm. Sports offered by the middle school are boys and girls soccer. basketball, baseball and softball. The school offers a yearly play put on by the drama department, and has a chorus and bands. Other clubs offered are the NJHS, Student Council, and Tech Team. The middle school is part of the Maine Learning Technology Initiative, which gives each student and teacher a laptop for use over the school year.

[edit] Administration
The academy is privately owned and governed by a board of trustees. Since 1889 the trustees have, like several other of the oldest academies in New England, contracted with local communities to serve their needs for education, as well as accepting students who do not live in these communities and whose parents pay tuition. Currently the trustees have contracts with the communities of Saco and Dayton to educate all their students in grades 9–12 and with the community of Arundel for educating grades 6–8. Arundel currently allows high school choice for grades 9–12 students and many of these students also attend Thornton Academy. The current headmaster of grades 6–12 is Carl J. Stasio, Jr. He is only the seventh headmaster since 1889, when the Academy moved to its current location.

[edit] High school program
The school's scheduling system for grades 9–12 is one called block scheduling and is used throughout most of southern Maine's high schools. Rather than students taking all of their classes in a single day, classes are divided along a two-day cycle with four class 'blocks' in each day. This causes each class to meet for 80 minutes every two school days instead of 40 minutes every school day. The intent of this system is to allow teachers and students to be more thorough in each class meeting, with a smaller amount of time devoted every day to the transition between classes. The two alternating days are named "Maroon Days" and "Gold Days" after the school's official colors.

[edit] Sports
Thornton Academy offers a wide variety of sports in grades 9–12, with teams for both boys and girls in almost every sport fielded at the varsity, junior varsity and freshmen levels. Fall sports include football, field hockey, soccer, cross country, and golf. Winter sports include basketball, indoor track, ice hockey and swimming. Spring sports include outdoor track, lacrosse, softball, baseball, and tennis. With many of these sports founded at the school between 1889 and 1930, Thornton has an illustrious history holding state championships in most of these sports.

In 2009, Thornton won its first basketball state championship by defeating the Red Eddies of Edward Little in the state title game at the Augusta Civic Center. Over the years, the football program has been the most successful team at Thornton, winning numerous state titles. The golf program has been the most successful in the new millennium. They won the state championship in 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2009 and nearly had a 4-peat after finishing as runner-ups in 2008 and 3rd in 2006. The 2007 golf team shattered the state record team score with a 299. In 2008 the Thornton Boys Lacrosse team went a perfect 12-0 in the regular season, but lost in the first round of the playoffs to Kennebunk. Many other teams such as the track teams and baseball teams have been quite successful in recent years. Thornton has been arguably the most successful sports program of the four or five years.





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武城县13261817900: 英国有三一学院吗?怎么样
孛俗达霏: 我只知道剑桥有三一学院,是规模最大,名声最好的学院之一,牛顿,拜伦,查尔斯王储都是这个学院出身.. 不晓得有没有别的三一学院...

武城县13261817900: 英国有三一学院吗?怎么样 -
孛俗达霏: 利兹三一大学 Leeds Trinity University 欧洲,英国 | 公立 院校介绍专业详情申请要求留学费用校园图片 1、2017年泰晤士报英国大学综合排名第96名 2、是一所规模巨大(30000人以上)的公立大学教学型综合大学. 3、该校很注重提供高品质...

武城县13261817900: 美国的重点高中有哪些? -
孛俗达霏: 波士顿拉丁学校(Boston Latin School)安多弗菲利普斯中学(Phillips Academy in Andover)史蒂文森高中(Stuyvesant High School)格里诺贵族学校(Noble and Greenough School)菲利普斯埃克塞特学院(Phillips Exeter Academy)三一学校(Trinity School in New York City)列克星敦高中(Lexington High School) 这些学校都很不错

武城县13261817900: 三一学院为何叫三一 -
孛俗达霏: trinity 是(基督教)三位一体的意思. 三一学院是由英国国王亨利八世于1546年所建,其前身是1324年建立的迈克尔学院(Michaelhouse)以及1317年建立的国王学堂. 至今还保留着浓厚的宗教气氛.例如每天晚餐前全体师生都必须一起祷告.

武城县13261817900: 英国利兹大学和利兹大学三一学院有什么关系? -
孛俗达霏: 利兹三一大学2009年之前是属于利兹大学的一个学院, 但是自从2009年就从利兹大学分出来,刚开始因为人数不够所以虽然分出来但还是叫学院,但是现在已经被英国政府命名为大学. 它是正是的大学.而且这所大学的学生满意度和毕业之后的就业率比利兹大学要高.

武城县13261817900: 牛顿读什么大学 -
孛俗达霏: 1661年6月3日,牛顿进入了剑桥大学的三一学院. 在1665年,牛顿获得了学位,而大学为了预防伦敦大瘟疫而关闭了.

武城县13261817900: 去利兹三一大学学院留学怎么样 -
孛俗达霏: 这个学校还不错的,09年就独立出来了,名气和口碑都挺好的.但是话说回来,选择一家学校不仅仅看排名,还要看你的专业是否是该学校的热门专业,你可以去太傻论坛上面多查阅一些关于英国学校的信息,要求和利兹三一大学的一些信息,你自己心里也可以做个对比.

武城县13261817900: 牛顿的老师是谁? -
孛俗达霏:[答案] 1661年,19岁的牛顿以减费生的身份进入剑桥大学三一学院,靠为学院做杂务的收入支付学费,1664年成为奖学金获得者,1665年获学士学位. 17世纪中叶,剑桥大学的教育制度还渗透着浓厚的中世纪经院哲学的气味,当牛顿进入剑桥时,那里还...

武城县13261817900: 想在英国学习舞蹈专业,哪所学校好? -
孛俗达霏: 根据《英国卫报2012年最新艺术专业排名》显示,英国大学开设的音乐和舞蹈专业是深受热爱舞蹈和音乐的英国留学生青睐的专业.其中三一拉邦艺术学院、东安吉利亚大学、伦敦舞蹈与戏剧艺术学院、拉夫堡大学等的表演和舞蹈专业,在专业...

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