
作者&投稿:贡放 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)









The film stars a panda named Po (voice of Jack Black), who is so fat he can barely get out of bed. He works for his father, Mr. Ping (James Hong) in a noodle shop, which features Ping's legendary Secret Ingredient. How Ping, apparently a stork or other billed member of the avian family, fathered a panda is a mystery, not least to Po, but then the movie is filled with a wide variety of creatures who don't much seem to notice their differences.
They live in the beautiful Valley of Peace with an ancient temple towering overhead, up zillions of steps, which the pudgy Po can barely climb. But climb them he does, dragging a noodle wagon, because all the people of the valley have gathered up there to witness the choosing of the Dragon Warrior, who will engage the dreaded Tai Lung (Ian McShane) in kung-fu combat. Five contenders have been selected, the "Furious Five": Monkey (Jackie Chan), Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu) and Crane (David Cross). Tigress looks like she might be able to do some serious damage, but the others are less than impressive. Mantis in particular seems to weigh about an ounce, tops. All five have been trained (for nearly forever, I gather) by the wise Shifu, who with Dustin Hoffman's voice is one of the more dimensional characters in a story that doesn't give the others a lot of depth. Anyway, it's up to the temple master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim), an ancient turtle, to make the final selection, and he chooses -- yes, he chooses the hapless and pudgy Po.
The story then becomes essentially a series of action sequences, somewhat undermined by the fact that the combatants seem unable to be hurt, even if they fall from dizzying heights and crack stones open with their heads. There's an extended combat with Tai Lung on a disintegrating suspension bridge (haven't we seen that before?), hand-to-hand-to-tail combat with Po and Tai Lung, and upstaging everything, an energetic competition over a single dumpling.
"Kung Fu Panda" is not one of the great recent animated films. The story is way too predictable, and truth to tell, Po himself didn't overwhelm me with his charisma. But it's elegantly drawn, the action sequences are packed with energy, and it's short enough that older viewers will be forgiving. For the kids, of course, all this stuff is much of a muchness, and here they go again.

the dream factory has always been the high standard,the screen exquisite detail,vivid characters vivid,touching story twists and turns,the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token,that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats,the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.
More do not want to repeat the story,because it really well.Look at the process,appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh,the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go.This film has done very authentic,a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling,no matter which story or convey the moods,whether the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern,such as,for example ok

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《功夫熊猫2》来临 跟阿宝在海词学英语
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龙港区19353691685: 《功夫熊猫》的英语影评 -
藏寿复方: I Love it! The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city. This original story is one of the best since Shrek. And the meaning behind the story may be even better! The story is about Po, an overweight ...

龙港区19353691685: 功夫熊猫英文观后感,初一水平,80词左右,带翻译 -
藏寿复方: The movie Kongfu Panda gives us a great deal of pleasure, beside, watching it improved my believings and broadened my mind. I learnt how important patient is from the panda. I'd love to watch it again!

龙港区19353691685: 功夫熊猫英语影评功夫熊猫,这是部有趣的电影.paul想成为一名武林高手(great master)用功夫去拯救那些处于危险之中的人,师傅教他怎样打斗,让他... -
藏寿复方:[答案] Kung fu panda,this is the interesting film.Paul wanted to become a wu3 lin2's ace (near master) kung-fu to save those who were in danger,teacher taught him how to fight,and let him go to save the worl...

龙港区19353691685: 《功夫熊猫》的英文影评150个词~~~~急~~~~ -
藏寿复方: 《功夫熊猫》只有可爱不行么 回头看这部《功夫熊猫》,从制作的角度讲毫无创举可言,依然是烂大街的“拟人化的动物(怪物)”,相比《超人总动员》探讨中年危机和自我认同危机、《赛车总动员》聚焦汽车文化和现代文明对传统的影响、...

龙港区19353691685: 英语作文:《功夫熊猫》观后感(200单词)? -
藏寿复方: Today is Saturday and I watched an interesting movie at home, Kung Fu Panda. It is an American computer-animated action comedy film, based on the theme of Chinese Kung Fu. The story is about a clumsy panda who determines to be a martial ...

龙港区19353691685: 用英语写功夫熊猫影评初一水平,速度跪求. -
藏寿复方: I love the movie Kungfu Panda very much. The Panda Po is lovely and funny. At the begining, the panda is lazy and can do nothing in Kungfu, after he is selected to be a warrior, the people in his hometown all laugh at him, but he is still confident. ...

龙港区19353691685: 功夫熊猫电影观后感(用英语写) -
藏寿复方: Kung Fu Panda "mainly tells the story of a simple ordinary panda dream become the dragon warrior, when the accident was chosen as the dragon warrior. We have shown a very surprised, including masters, the Furious Five, are of the view that ...

龙港区19353691685: 功夫熊猫英语观后感(影评) -
藏寿复方: It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, ...

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