
作者&投稿:曹家 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语口语考试 1个问题1分钟的答案,在线等 答得好的加分~ 谢谢!~

1.getting married
2.Superstition: one on one thing with trust status, also lost convincingly, blind faith. " Superstition " meaning more inclined to " blind faith, not understanding that " therefore, in theory, of whatever may be the existence of " superstition " concept, even in the fields of science, there are also " science and superstition ". But science and superstition, belief or religion has the important difference. Science is the inherent requirement of skepticism, and in the practice of public advocacy of skepticism. Skepticism requirements analysis thinking and critical thinking, requirements to doubt everything, ie do not believe any unconfirmed. To have confirmed the things, also want to doubt its spatio-temporal limitation and the observation accuracy.迷信:专指人对事物的一种痴迷信任状态,也是迷惘地信服,盲目地相信。“迷信”的含义更多的倾向于“盲目的相信、不理解的相信”因此,理论上,人类对任何事物都可能存在着“迷信”的观念,即使是在科学领域,同样存在着“科学迷信”。但科学与迷信、信仰或宗教有着重要区别。科学在本质上要求怀疑主义,并在实践中公开倡导怀疑主义。怀疑主义要求分析型思维以及批评型思维,要求怀疑一切,即不相信任何未经证实的事物。对已经证实的事物,也要怀疑其时空的局限性及观察的准确性。
That does not accord with actual rumors.相信一些不符合实际的传言。
Because my heart desires.因为心里的欲望。
4.When dealing with people in western countries, if you do not want to make the communication breakdown, some Westerners superstition you have to know. For example, many countries in Europe, raised his hand to touch the hat is to be encouraged, because that will bring you happiness. However, if you don't have luck, his hat was upside down, the sign you will meet a lot of bad things in one day ... ...在与西方国家的人打交道时,如果不想使交往破裂,有些西方人的迷信你不得不知。例如,在欧洲的很多国家,抬起手来抚摸帽子是值得鼓励的做法,因为那样做会给你带来幸福。但是,如果你没有运气,把帽子翻了个底朝天,那就预兆着你在一天里要遇到很多倒霉的事了……



[1st section]
1. Yes of course. In China we treat helping others as our good moral of all times.
2. Yes I do like watching movies in my free time. In my personal opinion, movies is just another approach to new knowledge of our world.
3. I have been Beijing, the capital of China. It looks like amazing and I had a great time with my family over there. Local food is delicious, people is very kind to help me find out the interesting site that I want to visit. Speaking of interesting sites, there are a lot in Beijing, such as Great wall, Forbidden city, etc.

[2nd section]
1. My favourite teacher is the one who taught me Math in the junior school. Before him, I knew nothing about Math or even hated learning it. However he inspired me in the course of study. He saved my life indeed.
2. Well, actually I cannot tell you the happiest thing in my life. Because I just have too many previously. If you do insist on picking up the happiest thing, I would say the time of mine to prepare the college entrance test. I was suffering a lot in process, but only in this period of time I can sense the success just right ahead of me and every day during the revising is very precious and meaningful moment of mine.
3. Can I say no? Well, as you see, I am a high school student, and neither my parents nor I would think doing thing with unrelated to my study is appreciable now. So I don't listen song nor know any singer in my life. If you ask me which song is my favourite, then I would say our national anthem.

[3rd section]
1. Tiger! I like tiger since i was kid. I watched a lot of documentation about tiger life in forest. Tiger is the strongest, and the most dangerous predator in this world. I think this nature of tiger draw my every attention on it.
2. My practice is quite silly actually. Just keep talking, even in the situation that no one will practice with me. But I will keep talking with myself.
3. Obviously, Albert Einstein is my favourite scientist ever. He is so brilliant and created so many fundamental important principles and theories in his life. I wish I can become him one day in future.

四级口语考试主要考察以下内容:一、考生的语言应用能力 这是四级口语考试的核心内容。主要考察考生是否能够在日常交际中准确使用英语,包括发音、语调、语速、语法等方面。要求考生能够运用英语进行简单的交流,理解并回应不同的观点和情境。此外,还需要考生具备一定的词汇量和句子结构知识,以便能够表达更复杂...

考口语时,可以按照以下步骤进行准备和实施:熟悉口语考试的形式和要求 在开始准备口语考试之前,了解考试的形式和要求是至关重要的。不同的考试机构和学校可能有不同的口语考试格式,例如面试、对话、演讲等。了解考试的结构和评分标准可以帮助你有针对性地准备。扩展词汇和语法知识 丰富的词汇和良好的语法...



2.听得懂也很关键 口试考官的提问要听得懂才行,不然,就真的不知所云,更无法作答了。3.考前模拟一下考试场景 1)结组训练效果会比较好。三五个考生,相互出题,相互评判,提升速度快,效果明显。目前有两种模式,即“人人对话”模式和“人机对话”模式。“人人对话”模式是一种传统考试模式,考官以...

公司二面要求现场参加剑桥领思口语测试,想问一下口语都有哪些题型?_百 ...
口语考试题型 口语涵盖面试、大声朗读、陈述1、陈述2和交流活动五大题型,每个题型均占总分的20%。1 面试(8题)你需要回答关于自己的八个问题(前两个问题不计分)。2 大声朗读(8题)你需要大声朗读八个句子。3 陈述1(1题)你需要就给定的某个话题进行一分钟的陈述。准备时间为40秒。4 陈述2(...

作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 雅思口语考试流程雅思口语考试的流程是怎么样的呢,有兴趣了解的朋友赶快来了解一下吧!以下是YJBYS小编为大家整理的关于雅思口语考试流程,希望大家喜欢!雅思口语分为3个阶段,每个阶段各有...


一、四六级口语考试时间 每年四六级考试有两次,六月一次,十二月一次,口语考试要在笔试之前。本次2018年下半年大学英语四级口语考试(CET-SET4)考试时间为11月17日;大学英语六级口语考试(CET-SET6)考试时间为11月18日。二、口语考试报名资格 凡参加本次笔试报名成功的考生均可参加本次相应级别口语...


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卢怖马来:[答案] ccec,because i learned there! a bad man! city, because it's very convenience

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