
作者&投稿:在固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语题 麻烦告诉我下答案~

1~5: DAAAC
6~10: CXDAB
11~15: BCCXB
16~18: DBB
其中第7和第14题答案不全, 其他答案也不对, 所以我用X表示.

1.to please 不定式做目的状语
2。doing 动词ing形式做状语

In our school,the students from higher grades __take____ turns to be traffic guards.They __help____the students to get safely __across____ the busy road in front of the school.Of course,they have to __keep___ the traffic rules.
Today is my __turn___ for the morning traffic __duty___ .I leave home for school an hour earlier than usual .I wear my brightly-colored armband,and __stand___ at the crosswalk .When several students are __waiting___ to cross the road,I hold out my yellow flag .The trucks,cars and bikes __stop___.The boys and girls cross safely.
It is a __burdensome___ responsibility to be on traffic duty,but I like it.
Mr Wang is _considering____ __in___ having a meeting.
Finally,she _decided___ _for___ a white dress.

我的 哪位高手能给我一些茶馆的常用英语呀? 网上的极为有限!我在茶艺馆工作,有时候遇到老外,交流是个问题.有谁能帮帮我!... 网上的极为有限!我在茶艺馆工作,有时候遇到老外,交流是个问题.有谁能帮帮我! 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 职场上受委屈要不要为自己解释? 百度网友9f030f08 2008-...

3.Though my aunt pursued what was, in those days, an enlightened policy 这句话,你理解时可以把 “in those days” 先撇去,因为它是插入,不影响语法。这里, pursued 的宾语是 what, 而what代替的是“an enlightened policy”,直译是说,虽然当时我姑妈所追求的是 在那个时代算是开明的...

Hello, everyone, I call Shao Rong.My English nameds Lisa.I am a 12-year-old and bright girl.I come from Huzhou.I at the eighth high school.Grade seven 4 classes.My a fondness for is very extensive.I like to sing a song, English, sport etc..I like English very.Although...

5,did表示强调,有一种“确实”的含义;the conflict是前面join hands in的宾语,只是被中间的介词短语隔开了 6,still do后面应有省略部分,省略部分应该在前文提到过,后面的动名词短语是解释说明这种感觉 7,to live by为不定式短语,修饰code,或者说习惯上写成这样更符合英文的形式 8,就是种类,...

18、他拼命学习以便在这次考试中能够取得好成绩。he spares no effort to study in order to get a good score in the exam.19、由于下雨,史密斯不得不放慢了车速。Smith had to slow the car because of the rain.20、我期待着我能够独立的那一天。I'm looking forward to the day when I ...

是it is+形容词+for+sb+to do的结构(这里用was是因为过去)翻译就是:对某人来说,做某事是...的 比如原文就是:监视她对于侦探来说是简单的。为了让人好理解,翻译成:侦探比较容易监视她,也行只要意思对即可 其实我昨天还背到这篇课文 说来也巧了 愿楼主能懂 ...

哪位英语高手帮我看看下面的作文怎么写好吗 谢谢
感谢信 开头:表达谢意,提及受到的帮助。正文:回忆该帮助,高度评价\/赞扬对方,表达当时的心情感受。结尾:再次表达谢意,提出回报希望。常用句型:I am grateful\/thankful to you for…I am much obliged to you for your help.I shall always appreciate the assistance you have given me.I am ...

just need you to know 我想要你知道 I don't want to live this life 我真的不想要把余生过完 I don't want to say goodbye 我不想要说再见 with you i want to spend 只想要和你共度 the rest of my life 我所剩下的生命 what can i do to make it right 谁能告诉我我怎么...

小女明天期中考试(英语)可是句型转换不懂有没有什么技巧?有的话,请告诉我小女万分感谢不过没有分分拉,偶是新手!!... 小女明天期中考试(英语)可是句型转换不懂有没有什么技巧?有的话,请告诉我小女万分感谢不过没有分分拉,偶是新手!! 展开  我来答 ...

这不只是个关系代词的问题,这是个定语从句。定语从句要拆为主句和从句,比如这个句子。I live in an very old town 主句 The town is surround by beautiful woods.从句 翻译就是:我住在一个古镇,这个古镇被树林环绕。你可以这么理解,然后整合翻译就是:我住在一个有美丽树林环绕着的古老小镇。希...

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郅向复方:[答案] 一,单项选择 1:how,how通常用来询问他人对某物的看法 2: did 是过去式,所以选答案last weekend 上周 3: yesterday昨天,... to the music in hallways 14.,we have,some great specials 15. I showed,each student six,things . 大学英语六级水平亲情手打,...

眉山市13913231855: 哪位英语高手来教教我这几道英语题? -
郅向复方: 一,单项选择 1:how,how通常用来询问他人对某物的看法2: did 是过去式,所以选答案last weekend 上周3: yesterday昨天,所以用过去式Did开头 C4:spend on sth.固定搭配5:A...

眉山市13913231855: 哪位英语高手能告诉我几个英语题,我很急,麻烦快点!!! -
郅向复方: In our school,the students from higher grades __take____ turns to be traffic guards.They __help____the students to get safely __across____ the busy road in front of the school.Of course,they have to __keep___ the traffic rules. Today is my __turn__...

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郅向复方: 1.我们班学生人数比学校任何一个班人数都多.the studrents of our classis much ... Can you tell me in another way?你可以以另一种形式告诉我吗 3.Here are I flowers one...

眉山市13913231855: 哪位英语高手能告诉我一下这几道题怎么答?速度!急!!
郅向复方: not so as at the age of What's like Though because When What dose are luckier When she was four The question is so difficult so that we can not answer it. have been out for Although 请不要关闭,欢迎追问,我们一起交流,就是辛苦我的眼睛了

眉山市13913231855: 谁能告诉我几道英语题?(高分)
郅向复方: 我来帮忙. 1 He does homework every night. 2 He gets dressed at 6:30. 3 I have many interests like other children. 4 his birthday is on September 20th. 5 What time do you wake up on Sunday? 6 sometimes he goes to school by bus. 7 Melissa ...

眉山市13913231855: 求哪位英语高手来做!这些英语题初一的!
郅向复方: 1.It's on your desk 2.It's on your pencilcase

眉山市13913231855: 几道英语题,英语高手进 -
郅向复方: 第一题A,可以看上下文,它强调丢了这件事,下文用的是did,所以应该用lost第二题B,没有上下文,看语境应该是告诉妈妈自己ring丢了的状态,用have lost

眉山市13913231855: 英语问题,那位英语高手告诉我
郅向复方:cook supper

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