
作者&投稿:称叔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
为生活而饮食,莫为饮食而生活 !英语翻译噢~

Eat for living rather than live for eating.

1、吃的方面 ①吃饭时挑食; ②买各种零食吃; ③常常跟随电视广告,向父母提出购买的要求。 可以看出在吃的方面,凡事多余的、不必要的、过高的需求均会带来浪费。
2、穿的方面 ①旧的衣裤不穿,总爱买新的衣服; ②互相攀比,追求新异穿名牌。 过分的攀比、打扮、追求时髦,是穿的浪费。
3、用的方面 ①这随意丢弃物品、破坏物品,买不适合小学生的高档文具和图书,也是一种浪费。 ②将铅笔、橡皮、书本、衣服、雨伞等经常丢失。 ③坐不端正,乱摇桌椅,用小刀刻桌椅,乱撕作业本。 ④乱买一些与学习无关的书籍、杂志,花钱大手大脚。 随意丢失物品、破坏物品、买高档文具和不适合小学生看的书籍,也是一种浪费。 4、玩的方面 ①买很多玩具,又不爱惜,几天就弄坏了。 ②过生日,大手大脚请客。 ③到公园时,玩这样那样。 不加以选择的贪玩,不爱惜物品等也是一种浪费。
5、资源方面 ①随便浪费水电。 ②时间的浪费,做事是磨磨蹭蹭,一边学习一边玩,有些应该做的事情,今日拖明日,明日拖后日等。 ③浪费纸张,不会节约用纸,环保用纸。 资源是有限,对各种资源不能合理利用也是一种浪费。


With the development of science and technology, people living standard rise, waste more and more serious

'With the development of science and technology, people living standard rise, the phenomenon of waste is becoming more common



with the development of science and technology

请看看这个能过关吗?随着科技的发展,重载运输的优势日益凸显,各国都纷纷开始发展重载铁路。而我国也据此提出了铁路跨越式发展战略, 积极的促进铁路运输的重载化,并决定在现阶段积极的发展25t 轴重货车。In light of the developments in science and technology, the significance of the advantages of ...

翻译成英文是With the continuous development of science and technology下图是翻译截图

英文翻译 随着科技的发展 在手机打车会更加方便 并且也会优惠很多 但是...
Nowadays, using handphones to grab a cab makes things easier, there's also a lot of offers, but there's still some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is too enpensive, people won't often use these type of choice.

高手翻译 随着科技的发展和网络的普及
with the development of technology and the network popularization 这种句子一般都用with 或者along with的介词短语

这句话的翻译如下。随着科学的发展,许多大学采用了高科技的教学仪器的翻译为。With the development of science, many universities have adopted high-tech teaching instruments。英语翻译,是指用英语来表达另一种语言或用另一种语言表达英语的语言之间互相表达的活动。英语翻译既包括中译英、英译中,...


收?收信?With the development of scientific and technological, the function of internet increasing, and the popularity of computers become widely. For example, we can use computer to link the Internet, consult the information...收···什么? = = ...

随着科技的不断发展,手机已是每个人必不可少的基本配置 With the continuous development of technology, the cell phone is the indispensable basic configuration for every one.


With the development of technology

万柏林区19361376370: 英语翻译随着科学技术的发展,人们生活水平的提高,人与人之间的交流越来越少,人们更习惯写邮件,发信息,人与人之间变得越来越陌生,人际关系很... -
革邦哌库:[答案] Communication between people become less with the development of science and technology and the improvement of ... a simple conversation can help us to alleviate this problem,it can not only help us to improve social skills,but also to relax and ...

万柏林区19361376370: 英语翻译随着xx技术发展,人们生活质量大大提高,但在人们享受便捷的时候,技术也可能带给我们不利,根据调查 越来越多的人遭受xx,造成这个原因有... -
革邦哌库:[答案] With xx technology development,people's life quality greatly improved,but when people enjoy convenient,technology may also bring us negative,according to the survey,more and more people suffer from xx...

万柏林区19361376370: 英语翻译随着科技的高速发展,人民生活水平的日益提高,人们出行的日益频繁和日益繁重的交通状况之间的矛盾逐渐激烈.因此,准确有效的为人们提供导... -
革邦哌库:[答案] With the rapid development of technology,people's living standards rising,people travel more and more frequent and increasingly heavy traffic conditions the contradiction between the increasingly fier...

万柏林区19361376370: 用英语翻译:、随着科技的发展,我们的生活越来越好,我们对每只世界的了解也更多,科技的发展在我们的生活中占有重要地位.科学给人们带来了很多... -
革邦哌库:[答案] Along with the technical development, our life is getting better and better,we are also more understanding of each of the world , the technical development holds the important position in ours life. S...

万柏林区19361376370: 英语翻译随着科技的快速发展和生活水平的不断提高,人们越来越注重自身的居住环境.在这种趋势下,智能家居的出现极大地满足了人们的这种需求.自诞生... -
革邦哌库:[答案] 100%手工译文见附件

万柏林区19361376370: 《随着科技的发展,我们的生活水平提高了》用英语怎么写? -
革邦哌库: With the development of science and technology, our living standard has improved.

万柏林区19361376370: 随着科学技术的发展和生活水平的提高,人们对生活质量提出了更高的要求.请用英语翻译这句话.(没有语病的)谢谢 -
革邦哌库:[答案] With the development of the science and technology and the improvement of the living standard,people require more things towards the living standard.

万柏林区19361376370: 英语翻译随着中国经济的不断发展,科技不断进步,网络日益发达,人们生活水平不断提高,人们的受教育程度越来越高. -
革邦哌库:[答案] With the development of china"s economy and technology,the internet is playing a more and more active role in our daily life.At the same time,people's living standard has been improved as well as the conditions of their education level.

万柏林区19361376370: 翻译成英文摘要:随着科学技术的不断发展,社会的进步,人们的生活水平不断地提高,在物质生活得到充分满足的条件下,健康成为人们最关注的话题.想... -
革邦哌库:[答案] Abstract: With the continuous development of science and technology, social progress, people's living standards improve, the material living conditions are fully met, the health become a topic of concern. Want healthy, reasonable diet is extremely ...

万柏林区19361376370: 随着科技的发展,生活水平的提高,人们开始注重对物质的追求.用英语翻译 -
革邦哌库: With the development of technologies, living standard has also risen and people are become more materialistic.

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