Obviously,he( )a bad cold. He seneezes so often A.has B.has been C.had D.was

作者&投稿:舒宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Ⅱ.选择题.72 According to the time table, the train for London ___ at seven o'clock in the evening.~

72.c 73.b 74. c 75.b 76. a 77.c 78.b 79.b 80.c 81.a 82.b 83.d 84.a 85.a 86.c 87.c 88.b 89.d 90.b 91.d 92.b 93.a 94.d 95.a 96.a

1、He _______ in Beijing since he was five years old.
B、has been 现在完成进行时态
2、For me, it is not __________ for the bus for half an hour.
A、worth waiting固定搭配
3、He had very little ______.
4、When she was in America, she _______drive to her office.
A may的过去式表可能

5、The planes are running behind _______ because of the strike.
1、It will be wise for him to begin learn about the computer.
2、He spends more than ten hours a day in the computer games or chatting.
错误on something,in doing sth
3、Finally, he gave up his major and sought a new way for his life.
错误 for改成to
4、It is very hard for the person who is addicted to the Internet to abstain completely to Internet usage.
错误 to改成from...固定搭配
5、He was used to watch TV with a cup of tea, but now he’d like to have a cup of coffee.
错误去掉was 表示过去喜欢

选择 A.has
首先He seneezes so often,他经常打喷嚏,这里是一般现在时态。前面可以是一般时态,他得了感冒,也可以是完成时态,他已经得了感冒。因此可以先排除CD两个选项了。
另外B选项的has been不对,缺少一个动词,改为has been got a bad cold 才是对的,因此只有答案A是对的


Obviously: [ 'ɔbviəsli ]ad. 显然地 例句与用法:1. Obviously, she needs help.她显然需要帮助。2. He was obviously drunk.他显然是醉了。3. A friend of his happened to be sitting in a railroad-coach next to a young man who was obviously depressed.他的一个朋友碰巧...

Obviously 意思是“明显地”,可以放在句首,句尾,或主语于实意动词之间。见以下例子:Obviously he dances well.He dances well, obviously.He obviously dances well.

apparently 和 obviously 的区别
apparently [ə'pærəntli]adv.表面上;似乎;显然 obviously ['ɒbviəsli]adv.显然地 也就是说apparently包含obviously的意思 ,但是apparently也有表面上、似乎的意思,apparently的语义更多。

显然,"Obviously"这个词汇的读音为[ 'ɔbviəsli ],它是一个形容词,用于表示明显的事实或情况。在英语中,它被广泛使用来强调某个观点或状态的清晰可见。例如:在表达需求时,我们会说 "Obviously, she needs help.",意即她显然需要帮助。 当你想描述某人状态时,可以说 "He was ...

在修订《雅思词图精选》时,我发现"obviously", "apparent", "evidently"这三个看似相似的词在副词形式下有着显著差异。obviously强调事实易于察觉或理解,相当于中文的“明显”;而evidently虽然也有这个含义,但较为正式,剑桥高级词典推荐优先使用obvious。最令人困惑的是apparently,它不仅与apparent不同,...

表达“很明显”用哪个单词? obvious还是obviously?


obviously absolutely definitely certainly这四个词怎么区分?
答案是:absolutely obviously 明显地;显然 absolutely 完全;彻底 definitely 毫无疑问;肯定 certainly 当然 这几个词从意思上看都差不多,但最佳搭配是“absolutely no” (完全没有),它也是程度最高的。

Obviously think you 什么意思
Obviously = 很显然地 think = 想,思念 you = 你 如果直译是说“显然地是在想你”的意思,不过完整的句子应该是:Obviously, I am thinking of you.显然地,我是在想你。

apparently 和 obviously 的区别
apparently 表面上看起来... 隐含的意思是 内在其实不是 obviously 很明显的..表示非常明显, 人人都应该看到的.

长清区18587807336: 英语翻译obviously这个副词应该放在什么位置 -
哀邢甲硝: Obviously 意思是“明显地”,可以放在句首,句尾,或主语于实意动词之间.见以下例子:1. Obviously he dances well. 2. He dances well, obviously. 3. He obviously dances well.

长清区18587807336: Obviously,he( )a bad cold. He seneezes so often A.has B.has been C.had D.was -
哀邢甲硝: 选择 A.has 首先He seneezes so often,他经常打喷嚏,这里是一般现在时态.前面可以是一般时态,他得了感冒,也可以是完成时态,他已经得了感冒.因此可以先排除CD两个选项了.另外B选项的has been不对,缺少一个动词,改为has been got a bad cold 才是对的,因此只有答案A是对的 有疑问请追问

长清区18587807336: 英语时态题
哀邢甲硝: 1.She _____ her pen in her room now. A.finds B.is finding C.looks for D.is looking for 2 According to(根据) the time table,the train for London ___ at seven o'clock in the evening. A.was leaving B.has left C.leaves D.will leave 3 You should visit ...

长清区18587807336: 英语翻译 副词放在not 什么位置 -
哀邢甲硝: 应该是 I am probably not a good person.I probably am not a good person 也可以,但没有上面那么常用.这个句子其实不是not放在哪里,而是probably放在哪里.not是跟在am后面的,副词回probably的位置比较灵活答,可以是:Probably I am not a good person.I am probably not a good person.I am not a good person probably.

长清区18587807336: 用obviously造个英文句子 -
哀邢甲硝: She obviously loves you so much! 很明显地,她好爱你!He is the one who helped you obviously. 很明显是他帮助了你.Obviously you are a good student. 很明显你是个好学生.纯手写,望采纳

长清区18587807336: 时态练习题 -
哀邢甲硝: 一) 1 According to the time table, the train for London ___ at seven o'clock in the evening. A. was leaving B. has left C. leaves D. will leave 2 You should visit this part of the country when ___ A. spring will com B. spring comes C. It has been spring ...

长清区18587807336: Obviously,he - ---a bad cold.He sneezes so often. a.has B.has been c.had d.was -
哀邢甲硝: 选A.选项要译为“有”,而B和D都译为“是”,时态从后面能看出是现在.

长清区18587807336: 英语改错题It's observe he is a liar. -
哀邢甲硝: 两种改法1. It's obvious that he is a liar.2. Obviously, he's a liar.

长清区18587807336: 英语现在分词的用法 -
哀邢甲硝: 现在分词的基本用法: 现在分词表示主动的意义;表示一般性的或正在进行的动作;在表现形式上有“一般式”和“完成式”与“主动式”和“被动式”之分, 1)作表语 现在分词作表语通常表示主语所具有的特征.例如: This story is quite ...

长清区18587807336: 很明显他犯错了英文 -
哀邢甲硝: 你好很高兴回答你的问题很明显他犯错了 Obviously he made a mistake. 望采纳谢谢

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