
作者&投稿:颜亲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  【The Origin of Halloween】

  While there are many versions of the origins and old customs of Halloween, some remain consistent by all accounts. Different cultures view Halloween somewhat differently but traditional Halloween practices remain the same.

  Halloween culture can be traced back to the Druids, a Celtic culture in Ireland, Britain and Northern Europe. Roots lay in the feast of Samhain, which was annually on October 31st to honor the dead.

  Samhain signifies "summers end" or November. Samhain was a harvest festival with huge sacred bonfires, marking the end of the Celtic year and beginning of a new one. Many of the practices involved in this celebration were fed on superstition.

  The Celts believed the souls of the dead roamed the streets and villages at night. Since not all spirits were thought to be friendly, gifts and treats were left out to pacify the evil and ensure next years crops would be plentiful. This custom evolved into trick-or-treating.


  One of the oldest Halloween traditions comes from the ancient Celts, who lived in western and central Europe long ago. The Celts celebrated a holiday

  y called Sa amhain on October 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The Celts made offerings of food and drink to keep the spirits away.

  Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Empire conquered many Celtic peoples. But Celtic traditions, including Samhain, remained strong in areas such as Ireland and Scotland, even after the Roman conquest.

  The Roman Catholic Church tried to replace Samhain in 835 with All Saints' Day, a day to honor saints of the Church. The eve of All Saints' Day is October 31. It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.


  Halloween first came to America with early settlers from Celtic areas in Europe, such as Ireland and Scotland. But other American settlers with strict religious beliefs, including the Puritans from England, rejected Halloween. The arrival of many Irish immigrants during the 1800s helped spread Halloween's popularity.

  But by the late 1800s, fewer people believed in ancient superstitions of ghosts and witches. Halloween became more a holiday for children to receive treats and dress in costume.

  【The History Halloween】

  Halloween is on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar. It was originally a pagan holiday, honoring the dead. Halloween was referred to as All Hallows Eve and dates back to over 2000 years ago.

  All Hallows Eve is the evening before All Saints Day, which was created by Christians to convert pagans, and is celebrated on November 1st. The Catholic church honored saints on this designated day.


  Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.

  The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o'-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.


  Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witch's pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.

  But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!


  Once in costume, children go from house to house saying “Trick or treat!” In the past, children might play a “trick” on people who did not give treats. They might pelt houses with eggs or old tomatoes, or play other pranks. Today, children's cries of “Trick or treat!” are usually rewarded with candy.

  【拓展】 万圣节英文故事


  One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.

  Well, Irish children made Jack's lanterns on October 31stfroma large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they wentfromhouse to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was Jack with the lantern or Jack of the lantern, abbreviated asJack-o'-lantern and now spelled jack-o-lantern.

  The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children's fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.

  Children would make Halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns. Andfromblack paper you'd cut scary designs ---an evil witch with a pointed hat riding through the sky on a broomstick, maybe with black bats flying across the moon, and that meant bad luck. And of course black cats for more bad luck. Sometimes a black cat would ride away into the sky on the back of the witch's broom.

  And on Halloween night we'd dress up in Mom or Dad's old shoes and clothes, put on a mask, and be ready to go outside. The little kids (children younger than we were) had to go with their mothers, but we older ones went together to neighbors' houses, ringing their doorbell and yelling, Trick or treat! meaning, Give us a treat (something to eat) or we'll play a trick on you! The people inside were supposed to come to the door and comment on our costumes.

  Oh! here's a ghost. Oh, there's a witch. Oh, here's an old lady.

  Sometimes they would play along with us and pretendto be scared by some ghost or witch. But they would always have some candy and maybe an apple to put in our trick or treat bags. But what if no one come to the door, or if someone chased us away? Then we'd play a trick on them, usually taking a piece of soap and make marks on their windows. .And afterwards we would go home and count who got the most candy. One popular teen-agers' Halloween trick was to unroll a roll of toilet paper and throw it high into a tree again and again until the tree was all wrapped in the white paper. The paper would often stay in the tree for weeks until a heavy snow or rain washed it off. No real harm done, but it made a big mess of both the tree and the yard under it. One kind of Halloween mischief.



  在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和罗卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。这种灯笼的`爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为Jack-o‘-lantern 现在拼写为jack-o-lantern。








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鞠柴脑心:[答案] Halloween is celebrated on October 31.On Halloween,American children dress up in funny or scary costumes and go "trick or treating" by knocking on doors in their neighborhood.The neighbors are expected to respond by giving them small gifts of ...

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鞠柴脑心: Halloween means Hallows' Evening. It is the evening before All Hallows' Day (now called All Saints'Day) , a Christian holiday, celebrated on the November 1st.History traces Halloween back to the ancient religion of the Celtics. The Celts were the ...

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鞠柴脑心:[答案] Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year.It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31,the evening before All Saints' Day.However,it is not really a church holiday,it is a holiday for children mainly. Every autumn,...

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鞠柴脑心: Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. From the Roman's Pomona Day, to the Celtic festival of Samhain, to the Christian ...

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鞠柴脑心: 1、In the November 1 each year is the Western tradition of "Halloween" - ... the joke.2、在每年的11月1日是西方传统的“鬼节”——万圣节.10月31日是万圣节前夕.通常...

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鞠柴脑心:[答案] Next to Christmas,Halloween is the most commercialized celebration in the United States and Canada.This ancient festival ... 他们会问恶作剧还是糖果?”人们就会把准备好的糖果拿给他们.否则,孩子就会在他们身上做一些恶作剧.记住,万圣节是在...

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鞠柴脑心: Halloween is in September or October .People usually dress up in costumes and go to parties. It was fun!

那曲地区15825323090: 万圣节的英文介绍谢谢!介绍来的 -
鞠柴脑心:[答案] Halloween Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year.It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31,the evening before All Saints' Day.However,it is not really a church holiday,it is a holiday for children mainly. Every ...

那曲地区15825323090: 关于万圣节的英文由来最好是双语的,短一点. -
鞠柴脑心:[答案] Halloween,is an international holiday celebrated on October 31.Halloween activities include trick-or-treating,ghost tours,... official holiday takes place on the first Saturday of November. 万圣节,是国际性节日庆祝10月31日.万圣节的活动包括糖果、鬼怪...

那曲地区15825323090: 最简单的70个单词英语介绍万圣节(及翻译) -
鞠柴脑心: 万圣节前夕(10月31日晚,传说此时可见鬼巫.当晚儿童常化装成鬼巫尽情玩闹)Halloween is the night of the 31st of October and is traditionally said to be the time when ghosts and witches can be seen. On Halloween, children often dress up as ghosts and witches.

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