
作者&投稿:狐狱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Ⅰ.(略) Ⅱ. 1. ruler 2. key 3. map 4. jacket 5. orange 6. pen 7. English 8. spell 9. what 10. please Ⅲ. 1. C I 和O都是元音字母。 2. B 字母I的笔划是三划。 3. C 题意:“这是一把钥匙吗?”“是的,它是。”问句是一般疑问句,应用yes或no来回答,B项中主语不能用that,D项前后矛盾,只有C项符合题意,故选C。 4. A 题意:“你的夹克真好看。”“谢谢。”对于别的赞扬,应该表示感谢,故选A。 5. B eye发音为[ai],与字母Ii同音。 6. B 题意:这用英语怎么说?介词in表示“用某种语言说”,故选B。 7. C 询问英文名称应该用“What‟s this in English?”,是固定句型。 8. B “Fine, Thank you. And you?”意为“很好,谢谢。你呢?”,回答一般是“I‟m fine, too.”,意为“我也很好。” 9. D 英语中元音字母一共有五个,分别是a, e, i, o, u, A项中的k,B项中的n和C项中的j均是辅音字母。 10. B 题意:我的名字是汤姆。my name是第三人称单数,故be动词用is。 11. A 题意:“这是什么?”“这是字母Q。”由答语可知问句是询问是什么东西,故选A。D
项语序不对。 12. C 题意:“早上好。”“早上好。”当对方打招呼用Good morning.时,回应也用相同的语句。 13. A 题意:“你身体怎么样,海伦?”“我很好,谢谢。”询问某人近况用How are you, 尤其指身体状况。 14. C 题意:“晚上好,辛迪。”“晚上好。”跟某人打招呼,直接在招呼语之后说出名字即可,之前不加任何介词。名字首字母要大写,故选C。 15. C 题意:“这用英语怎么说?”“这是bike。”It‟s 是It is的缩写,It指代问句中的this,以避免重复,is是谓语动词。 Ⅳ. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C Ⅴ. 11.in 12. an 13. a 14.it 15. Q-U-I-L-T Ⅵ. 1. B 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. D Ⅶ. 1. Good morning. 2. Good afternoon. 3. Good night. 4. I‟m sorry. 5. That‟s all right. 6. Thank you. 7. Excuse me. 8. Thank you. 9. What‟s this in English? 10. How do you do?


1、D B A E C F
2、zhangpeng:I climbed a mountain.
wu yifan:I took pictures.
Amy:I sang and danced.
Sarah:I learned Chinere.
Mike:I ate good food.




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俞类谷糠: Ⅰ. 1. They 2. math 3. can 4. room 5. desk 6.Bring 7. table 8. Where 9. under 10. know Ⅱ. 1.A 题意:“棒球在哪里?”“它在床底下.”根据答语underthe bed可知是提问地点,所以应是where;how是表示 “怎么样”; What是“什么”,提问事物...

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俞类谷糠: 38页1.zoo cinema postoffice bank school park supermarket hotel hospital mast 2(1)train piane car ship (2)pig dog cat duck (3)cake beef fish rice (4)sad happy excited angry (5)sister mother father grandma 3.river----village----house---mountain----...

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俞类谷糠: 36页--1happy come smaller younger there thinner shorter shorter2monday for apicnic mt grandpa got a cold wednerday my uncle my mather boought a new bag friday my brother saturday enjoyed my birthday party38页同求

路南区18850238974: 人教版六年级下册英语作业本32页答案 -
俞类谷糠: 1 1. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) C 2. 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) B 5)A 3. 1) traffic lights stop wait at a green light 2) south go to the north gate you want to buy a magazine go to the east gate 2 2. 1) √ 2) * 3) √ 4) * 3 1. 1) D 2)E 3) A 4)B 5) C 2. 1) east 2) park car 3) father magazines 4) fan bus

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俞类谷糠: shorter than.taller.went swimming. I didn't.played football.A building is taller than a house.A basketball is bigger than a volleyball.The Changjiang River is longer than the Huanghe River.An elephant is heavier than a tiger.A lamb is smaller than a sheep

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