
作者&投稿:双孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ fast hard far straight dead high pretty tight well short
That is a very fast train.It goes very fast.
He is a hard worker.He works hard.
He has gone to the Far East.We didn’t walk very far.
It is a straight road.It runs straight for miles.
I saw a dead bird in the garden.He was dead drunk.
That is a very high building.The birds are flying high.
She is a pretty girl.That is a pretty good picture.
My shoes are too tight.Hold tight.
I’m afraid he is not well.(healthy) He can sing well.
This is the short way home.The teacher cut him short in the middle of the presentation.(interrupt)
He came late.I haven’t seen him lately.
The team played fair.He did fairly well in his examination.
My grandparents live quite near.I nearly made a mistake.
We had to work hard.They could hardly find their way.
The boy climbed high up the tree.She is highly interested in history.
He studied deep into the night.He is deeply grateful for our support.
The car stopped short at the gate.
(in an abrupt way; suddenly) He will come shortly (= soon).
Please be back at 6 o’clock sharp.The father spoke sharply to the boy.
You guessed wrong.He was wrongly accused of the crime

耐心看哦O(∩_∩)O哈哈~大部分直接加ly,以y结尾的把y改成i加ly,还有很多是形容词副词同形的,如best,better,bright,cheap,clear,close,deep,direct,early,fair,far,fast,full,hard,high,ill,just,late,long,loud,low,near,right,sharp,slow,soft,straight,well,wide,wrong 一般情况下加ly,1...

不是的。有些形容词是没有副词的,例如表语形容词,alone asleep awake await 等等。还有一些词本身没有变成副词的,但是有对应的同意思的副词,如good-well。还有形容词和副词同形的,fast, straight等等。

polite→politely safe→safely wide→widely 4.以元音字母+e结尾,去e加-ly,如:  true→truly 5.以辅音字母加-le结尾,去e加-y,如: terrible→terribly possible→possibly 6.形容词与副词同形,如: fast→fast early→early 7.形容词与副词异形,如:good→well ...

succeed(动词)、success(名词);successful(形容词),successfully(副词)1、succeed 继承;接替;继…之后 2、success 成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物 2、successful 成功的;一帆风顺的 3、successfully 成功地;顺利地 succeed的用法:1、succeed的基本意思是“成功”“获得成功”,指某人在...

4.He runs so fast that I cant catch up with him.(副词)他跑得太快我赶不上他。5.The workers put up a straight road last year.(形容词)去年工人们筑起了一条笔直的公路。6.The road runs straight for twenty miles.(副词)这条公路笔直地延伸了20英里。常见的同形形容词和副词还有:...

形容词加ly是变成副词的意思。例如:deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively等。英语单词里,有些名词+ly ,可以变成形容词,当修饰名词或做表语时可以用形容词;有些形容词+ly,变成副词,可以在修饰动词时使用副词。以下是形容词用法的相关介绍:性质形容词一般能受“不”和“很”的修饰。如“不大、...

副词:常用来限制、修饰动词、形容词性词语,表示程度、范围、时间等意义。表示程度:很、非常、极、十分、最、顶、太、更、挺、极其、格外、分外、更加、越、越发、有点儿、稍、稍微、略微、几乎、过于、尤其 表示范围:都、全、总、总共、共、统统、仅仅、只、光、净、一概、一律、一齐、单、单...

形容词表示某一事物或的特征,副词表示某一动作的特征。详解:副词可以作状语修饰中心语,形容词也可以作状语。二者的区别在于:1、形容词能单独成句,而副词一般不能单独成句。2、形容词能作谓语、定语、状语,副词一般只能作状语。副词的定义及应用 一、定义 副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词和全局...



西峰区17647831505: 英语中有哪些形容词与副词同形的单词? -
职贫了哥: 英语中的许多副词是由形容词加上后缀ly变来的,也有一部分形容词与副词同形,但它们的功能却不相同.凡是修饰名词的是形容词,否则就是副词.如:1.He is a hard worker in the factory.(形容词)在工厂里他是一位勤劳的工人.2....

西峰区17647831505: 形容词和副词形态相同的单词 -
职贫了哥: 就不一一罗列了.其实,学英语不能这样学的形容词和副词同形的英语单词常用的有best-best better-better both-both far-far fast-fast first-first hard-hard last-last late-late left-left right-right early-early more-more most-most much-much only-only straight-straight 还有很多

西峰区17647831505: 形容词和副词相同的单词有哪些? -
职贫了哥:[答案] much,late,early ,close,well,enough,hard,still,firm,direct,right ,high,sharp,pretty, 仅供参考,还有许多的.需要平时积累.

西峰区17647831505: 形容词和副词形式一样的英语单词有哪些 -
职贫了哥:[答案] 初中常见的有:fast,hard,enough,early,late,straight,high,far

西峰区17647831505: 形容词和副词同形的单词有哪些 -
职贫了哥:[答案] fast hard far straight dead high pretty tight well short 句子一并给出,如下: That is a very fast train.It goes very fast. He is a hard worker.He works hard. He has gone to the Far East.We didn't walk very far. It is a straight road.It runs straight for miles. I ...

西峰区17647831505: 【英语】初中常见的形容词和副词相同的词语 -
职贫了哥: daily a. They advertised for an engineer in several daily newspapers. (adj.) 他们在各种日报上登广告招工程师.b. The newspaper is published daily. (adv.) 这报纸每天出版. early, fast, dead, loud, half, long 和straight等词可用作形容词或副词.试...

西峰区17647831505: 形容词和副词同形的词 -
职贫了哥:[答案] hard/ striaght/ wide/ high/ sharp/ late etc.

西峰区17647831505: 形容词和副词相同的单词有哪些 -
职贫了哥: hard, pretty, much,late,early ,close,well,enough,still,firm,direct,right ,high,

西峰区17647831505: 形容词和副词同形的词 -
职贫了哥: fast.loud.slow.hard and so on.很多喔^-^

西峰区17647831505: 形容词和副词同形的词请多列举些.如bad - bad -
职贫了哥:[答案] high,wide,deep等形容词(另有highly,widely,deeply系列,前者多用于实意,后者多用于抽象义,如widely[广泛地]) tight(另有tightly,但一般都是用tight) fast,hard(adj.&adv.努力的[地]) . 想不起了...


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