专业帮我翻译一下 急 谢谢 用软件翻译的就不用了

作者&投稿:驹眉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急急急 求专业人士帮我翻译一下文章 不要在线软件翻译的英文 谢谢了~

Static shock in the standard three-point bending test specimen, the specimen and the bearing between the contact force from start to finish for the three states. However, in the use of Hopkinson pressure bar dynamic test conditions, due to the higher loading rate, the specimen may ricochet off the bearings, emerging from the phenomenon. Therefore, the sample may deviate from the three-point bending condition. However, at present on the specimen and supports disengagement phenomena and understanding of the law is not yet uniform. This paper supports the paste through the method of the semiconductor strain gauges to monitor the sample and the bearing force moment of the beginning. Comparison, the sample contained in the subject is not an instant force in the three states,
Static shock in the standard three-point bending test specimen, the specimen and the bearing between the contact force from start to finish for the three states. However, in the use of Hopkinson pressure bar dynamic test conditions, due to the higher loading rate, the specimen may ricochet off the bearings, emerging from the phenomenon. Therefore, the sample may deviate from the three-point bending condition. However, at present on the specimen and supports disengagement phenomena and understanding of the law is not yet uniform. This paper supports the paste through the method of the semiconductor strain gauges to monitor the sample and the bearing force moment of the beginning. Comparison, the sample contained in the subject is not an instant force in the three states,




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五河县17610253553: 帮忙翻译一下!!!急!!!不要有用谷歌翻译工具的!!! -
孛阁特美: Stephen King was born in a poor family in Portland, Maine in 1947. King studied English literature at the University of Maine. After graduation, ...

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孛阁特美: 媒体含2、3、4和5%(v / w)甲醇随着控制,在糖水平的31.8克蛋白/ 100克干固体和75%的含水量,看看效果使用了甲醇在柠檬酸上线生产.结果显示在图5.给出了一些计算数据表4.柠檬酸生产甲醇质量分数的增加而增加,中4%.在甲醇浓度高于4%,柠檬酸生产就减少了.最大浓度的柠檬酸、拿下20.6克蛋白/ 100克干固体,产量和糖94.1%在册的消费得到了9天的发酵.甲醇降低生长真菌的菌丝生长量和糖,增加消费1.8-fold柠檬酸增产.增加的柠檬酸收率随甲醇是一个普遍的现象和一般用柠檬酸生产.挂使用Woodams 3%甲醇...

五河县17610253553: 急..请帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢;)请不要用翻译软件..拜托.. -
孛阁特美: First of all, please allow me, on behalf XXX to y...

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孛阁特美:[答案] I stayed home during the holidays. I didn't go out because we were moving. The place we're moving to is much bigger than the old one. My parents were busy moving things every morning, I wanted to help as well, so I decided to move this big box. But it ...

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孛阁特美: 翻译我是要把中文翻译成日文,要入学用的吗?翻译;私は中国语を日本语に訳し、入学用の 等等 英语 体育 スポーツ スポーツ 素描 スケッチ スケッチ 色彩 色彩 しきさい色彩 音乐 音楽 おんがく音楽 生活经济与就业创业 生活経済と雇用起...

五河县17610253553: 那位帮我把摘要翻译一下 ,急!谢谢了!不要用翻译软件! -
孛阁特美: This text has described the evolution of the petrol of methanol in detail, current situation prospect and physical and chemical performance of the petrol of methanol. Point out it as new developing advantage of clean fuel and have problem, ...

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