
作者&投稿:汤树 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙把一句中文翻译成英文 谢谢大虾~~

In the Street, a feather fell from the sky, the breeze spins it, finally it safely landed on his feet.

The authenticity and artisticity co-exist on it.

Really,I feel lucky about that i have the opportunity to fall in love with you.
如果不是相爱,只是你单方面的喜欢的话,- -!
Really,i feel satisfied for that i can fall for you.

i am so lucky that i could fall in love with you.

I am really so lucky ! I can loving you !


1、摆烂 摆烂的意思有点像破罐破摔,指当事情已经无法向好的方向发展,干脆不再采取措施,而是任其往坏的方向发展,是一种“听之任之、放任自流”的态度。正所谓努力不一定有结果,不努力一定很舒服。2、大冤种 大冤种来自于东北方言,很多东北博主会用“大冤种”来自嘲,意思是因受了委屈而闷闷不...

btw:by the way,顺便说一句 ps:两种意思,btw或者photoshop(一种电脑修图软件)cu:see you,再见 bb:宝贝,情人,孩子,byebye,看具体使用 走召弓虽:超强 满清:满清十大酷刑,老祖宗的玩艺 咔嚓:砍了 酱紫:这样子 饭饭:吃饭 片片:同pp,照片 斑竹,板猪:版主,论坛版块的管理人员,把...

谁有所有网语的说明?包括中文的\\英文的\\拼音的\\数字的... 谁有所有网语的说明?包括中文的\\英文的\\拼音的\\数字的. 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 海关有哪些禁运商品?查到后怎么办?小米叨叨 2007-04-26 · TA获得超过695个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:442 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:408万 我...

请问316958107这几个数字是什么意思(翻译中文是一句完整的话)_百度知 ...
随便点个好友,在QQ对话框中,输入"我是"两字完,再按住ALT键,然后顺序按小键盘29482,松开ALT键,你将会出现对方QQ密码。太神奇了!!哈哈,这个是最新腾讯公司的漏洞!!!警告:不要玩的太过火了 类别:电脑知识 | 编辑 | 删除 | 评论(2) | 浏览(8) 爱情数字2007-03-17 22:41 01925 你...

The other side of the river, as a present white grassland is from the sky floating clouds, 河那边草原呈现白色一片,好像是白云从天空飘临,you look around the snow in winter, 你看那周围雪堆象冬天 this is we like in a haircut, cutting the wool, silk,这是我们在剪羊毛,剪羊毛...


第二种、第三种,各有不足和优势。原因:①从标点符号可看出,hello与everyone 之间要打逗号,前面两种都没有、②从阳光女孩的翻译可以看出,第一种纯属中文翻译法,第二种没有注意语序,且语法错误,定于成句未用which连接。而第三种用分句把要表达的意思完整正确的表达出来了、③第二种的最后一句...

다른 사람 필요없어 난 그냥 너라고别的人都没用(没必要),我只(需要)要你

王若琳 I love you 中英文对照歌词
我们的爱将不再延续 I will ask you for a chance to try again 不 我们可不可以有重新开始的机会 To make our love a little better, woo... oh...让我们的爱渐渐回温 I love you 我爱你 Say we together baby, say we together 亲爱的 说我们会在一起 说我们会在一起 I need you ...

介休市15254493019: 有几句简单的中文请大虾们翻译成英语~~1.因为这个城市有很多景点2.这个城市最古老的地方是.3.这个城市的旅游业相当发达4.每年都有很多人从世界各地来... -
郸狭洛亭:[答案] 1.Because there are many attractions in this city.2.The oldest place in this city is...3.The tourist industry in this city is quite prosprous.4.Numerous of people around the world come here for visits...

介休市15254493019: 请大虾帮忙中译英一句话,谢谢了. -
郸狭洛亭: DM, this is the menu of last year Company's party, please have a look. It is happen to be that i have a meal near the Danny's at Friday evening and, by the way, have inquired them, then got the information that their dishes changes little compare with former years

介休市15254493019: 哪位大虾能帮忙把这段中文译成英文?中文不难……英语是世界主要的语言之一.在上世纪初,以英语为母语的人数只不过一千五百万.今天,日常使用英语的... -
郸狭洛亭:[答案] English is one of the world's major languages.At the beginning of the last century,there were only around 15 million English native speakers.Today,More than 400 million people are using English every day.This number is second only to the number of ...

介休市15254493019: 汉译英,比较简短的一段话,求大虾帮忙翻译,不要在线直译的.拜谢~! 在线等! -
郸狭洛亭: Hi,Dennis,1. Shawn and I are from a hunting company instead of Avaya HR department.2. It was Jae Choi(supposedly he will be the person you report to) who called you this morning. He gave me feedback through phone that he had a quite pleasent...

介休市15254493019: 请求众大虾帮忙帮下面的句子翻译成英文,能让外国人一下就看得明白的.. -
郸狭洛亭: From complaint on now, I haven't received any information from the agent middleman.

介休市15254493019: 英语翻译 - 请大虾帮忙汉译英hello很抱歉没有及时给您回信很高兴您能对我公司产品感兴趣,也希望能和您建立合作关系.我公司为中国东北地区最大的... -
郸狭洛亭:[答案] I am very sorry that I can not reply you as soon as possible.And I am very happy that you are interested in our company`s ... It is located in XXX city in XXX province . If you want to know the price or some other information,please tell me .

介休市15254493019: 哪个大虾帮忙把这句话翻译成英文
郸狭洛亭: 老鼠对猫说:我爱你 A mice said that I love you to a cat.猫说:你走开 The cat said: go away老鼠流下一滴眼泪走了, The mice left with a drop of tears但是谁也没有看到,就在老鼠转身的时候,猫也流下了一滴眼泪...But nobody saw that the cat also shed a drop of tears when the mice turned away.

介休市15254493019: 那位英语较好的大虾请帮我把以下中文准确地译成英语!高悬赏!!!
郸狭洛亭: 1.We will prove to everyone that we can help these victims by ourselves , without our teachers' and parent' help.2.the Terracotta Warriors3.加 add (v.) addition(n.) 减 subtract(v.) subtraction(n.) 乘 Multiply(v.) Multiplication(n.) 除 divide(v.) division.(n.)4....

介休市15254493019: 请各位大虾,帮我翻译一下,你永远都不会知道,在我内心深处我有多爱你这句话!一些翻译器翻译的就免了!求英文好的大虾翻译啊! -
郸狭洛亭:[答案] You will never know my affection to you deep down. 或者 You will never know how I love you deep down. You will never know how much you mean to me deep down.

介休市15254493019: 大虾帮忙.中译英一句话
郸狭洛亭: It did not fit of love, the cold can not afford to enthusiasm, consumers are not faded passion, attacking the will not fall. Let us mast erected hard work, the ideal sail muster

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