
作者&投稿:闳底 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. 一般疑问句改成宾语从句时,先在从句前加上if/whether,然后把它变成陈述句序即可,当然也要注意时态的变化和some/any的变化.
如:Can you play football?
→ I don't know if/whether you can play football.
2. 陈述句改成宾语从句时,先在从句前加上that(也可以不加),照抄即可,当然也要注意时态的变化.
如:She is a student.
→ He said (that) she was a student.
3. 特殊疑问句改成宾语从句时,疑问词不变依然放在从句句首,其后变成陈述句序,当然也要注意时态等变化.
如:How old is he?
→ I wanted to know how old he was.

英语造宾语从句,一般疑问句,陈述句,特殊疑问句,各一个,带翻译,拜托你 ...
1. 一般疑问句改成宾语从句时,先在从句前加上if\/whether,然后把它变成陈述句序即可,当然也要注意时态的变化和some\/any的变化。如:Can you play football?→ I don't know if\/whether you can play football.2. 陈述句改成宾语从句时,先在从句前加上that(也可以不加),照抄即可,当然也要...

1、宾语从句:宾语从句,是名词性从句的一种。在主从复合句中充当宾语,位于及物动词、介词或复合谓语之后的从句称为宾语从句。宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。例句:He told that he would go to the college the next year 他告诉我他下一年上大学.2、陈述句...

宾语从句是由句子陈述主句动词所涉及到的已知或未知情况,因此它是陈述语气,不属于任何疑问句。宾语从句包括三大类陈述语气。用连接词 that 引导,以肯定语气陈述已经知道的情况。如:He said (that he will come tomorrow). 他说他明天会来。I told him (that there was something had happened the ...

有没有知道英语宾语从句时态造句地啊 ~~~
一般现在时:She tells me that she is a student now.一般过去时:She told me that she went to that park yesterday.一般将来时:She tells me that she will go abroad next year.现在进行时:She tells me that her brother is doing homework now.过去进行时:She told me that she was doi...

10个宾语从句 :主句是一般现在时,从句可以为:一般现在时,现在进行时...
时态:1·主句用一般现在时,从句可用任意时。 2·主句用过去时,从句用过去某个时态。 3·主句用过去时,从句是真理时,只用一般现在时。 1.宾语从句的连接词 从属连词 连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that,if,whether. that引导表示陈述句的宾语从句,而if和whether引导表示“是否”的宾语从句. He told that he would...

在宾语从句中,可以通过以下两点判断从句是陈述句还是一般疑问句:1. 从句中是否有助动词(如be, do, have等)。如果有,则很可能是一般疑问句。例如:I don't know what he is doing. \/ I don't know who did that.2. 从句中的主语和助动词的位置。如果主语在前,助动词在后,则是陈述句。如果...

宾语从句的语序 一般疑问句和特殊疑问句作为宾语从句时的语序什么的,求...
陈述语序包括连接词+主语+谓语+其他成分或:连接词+主语+系动词+表语+其它 这里的who is the fattest girl 就是主系表结构的陈述语序 ,who在这里作主语 请采纳.

2.陈述语序:第一个:Please consider what do you want carefully.第二个:I wish you will have a good future.第三个:We are talking about whether we admit students into our club.(介词的宾语)3.时态:主句用一般现在时宾语从句用一般将来时 I do hope that you will have a good ...

1、宾语从句中主句是过去时态,宾语从句必须是一种过去的时态。例如:She asked me if I knew whose pen it was.她问我是否知道这是谁的钢笔。He said that he could finish his work before supper.他说他会在晚饭前完成工作。2、当表示客观事实或普遍真理的句子做宾语从句时,任何时候都用一般...

主语从句用作主语,如::That the earth is round is true. 地球为圆的是真实的。宾语从句用作宾语。如:Do you know where he lives?表语从句用作表语,如:My opinion is that you should not go alone. 我的意见是你不应单独前往。同位语从句用于解释说明前面的名词。如:The fact that the...

平南县18517845825: 英语造宾语从句,一般疑问句,陈述句,特殊疑问句,各一个,带翻译, -
第皆拉西:[答案] 1. 一般疑问句改成宾语从句时,先在从句前加上if/whether,然后把它变成陈述句序即可,当然也要注意时态的变化和some/any的变化. 如:Can you play football? → I don't know if/whether you can play football. 2. 陈述句改成宾语从句时,先在从句前加...

平南县18517845825: 英语的宾语从句 -
第皆拉西:[答案] 一.宾语从句的定义置于动词、介词等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句.宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序.谓语动词、介词、动词不定式,v.-ing形式后面都能带宾语从句.有些形容词(afraid,sure,glad等)之后也可以带宾语从句. 二.宾语从句中引导...

平南县18517845825: 陈述句如何变宾语从句,一般疑问句如何变宾语从句,特殊疑问句如何变宾语从句?急!!!!! -
第皆拉西: 陈述句如何变宾语从句加that. We know (that )your are clever 一般疑问句如何变宾语从句 用这里whether 与 if区别是:如果有or not ,用 whether.介词后用 whether. whether+不定式.例如 1)We wonder whether go there or not . 2)We wonder whether to go there . 3)It depends on whether you like English 特殊疑问句如何变宾语从句仍然用原来的疑问词.例如:Do you know how long he will stay here?

平南县18517845825: 求英语宾语从句造句,陈述句一个,一般疑问句一个,特殊疑问句一个,带翻译 -
第皆拉西:[答案] 一般疑问句,特殊疑问句

平南县18517845825: 带有陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句的宾语从句的规则 -
第皆拉西:[答案] 人教必修一Unit 1的语法项目是直接引语(陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)和间接引语的转换.其规则如下: 1.直接引语是陈述句时,间接引语由连词that引导的宾语从句,that常省略.主句中的say to sb常根据需要改为tell sb.如: She said to me,“I...

平南县18517845825: 英语宾语从句例句否定句,肯定句,疑问句,陈述句各2句, -
第皆拉西:[答案] 话说,否定句和肯定句不都是陈述句么……He is the man who ate an apple.He is the man who did not eat an apple./ He is not the man who ate an apple.Is he the man who eat an apple?She is the one who is a B...

平南县18517845825: 陈述句和一般疑问句的宾语从句 -
第皆拉西: 一般疑问句变成宾语从句方法:由if或whether引导,后面加上陈述句语序.例如:一般疑问句:Doeshegotoschoolateight?变成宾语从句:Doyouknowifhegoestoschoolateight?或:Doyouknowwhetherhegoestoschoolateight?

平南县18517845825: 怎么把一般疑问句改成宾语从句? -
第皆拉西: 加上连词whether或if ,把疑问句变为陈述句.

平南县18517845825: 疑问句怎么做宾语从句? -
第皆拉西: 两种情况.1 一般疑问句whether/ if + 一般疑问句的陈述语序,如:Are you a student?------ whether you are a student 2. 特殊疑问句wh- + 陈述语序, 如: When will they come? ------ when they will come

平南县18517845825: 请大家帮我造几个宾语从句的句子(英语) -
第皆拉西: He said he was a math teacher. He doesn't know if it will rain tomorrow. He wants to know when the party will begin.

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