
作者&投稿:蛮庾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


It is a sign of growth to question all the rules that exist in the world in order to establish the rules in their own minds.


The hidden rule is a lovely rule when it's good for you.


You have your rules, I have my choice.


This is true of everyone. People within the rules envy people outside the rules.


There are many rules in the world. If you can't break them, use them.


Do you know the rule of left hand holding right hand? No, you don't know, because that's a hidden rule.


Rules are made, but rules are broken.


To change the rules of the world, we must first adapt to the rules of the world.


To a large extent, human beings want others to abide by the rules, but they do not have to abide by the rules themselves.


The strong make rules, the weak keep rules, the brave break rules, and the wise play rules.


You know what? If that taught me anything, it was that we had to follow the rules of the game.


If a person wants to be able to control others, he must be able to control himself first. This rule applies to everything.


There are no rules in this world, even if there are, it is created by me.


In the name of rules, do the things of rules, follow the established path of rules, without fear!


Business model is to make the rules of the game by oneself, not to play according to the rules of other people's game.


Only those who do not understand the rules will follow them. People who know the rules, they jump.


Rules are one thing, bottom line is another thing, rules can change a person, but if there is no bottom line, there is nothing.


If the rules you follow bring you here, what's the use of the rules?


Rules are used to teach you experience. Empirical values allow you to break the rules.


The simpler things are, the more difficult they are to deal with. For example, Weiqi with extremely simple rules is much more difficult to play than chess with plex rules.


Is passivity a kind of politeness, or is it a kind of wandering around the edge of the rules?


The world has always been ruled by the strong. If you want to protect the people you care about, you have to bee stronger.


If you don't want to obey the rules, change them.


Every piece of land has so-called power beyond the rules, and the weak is always the one trampled before the rules.


The so-called rules, however, are accepted by most people. There are rules in the world, and more people identify with them bee rules.


Only by understanding the rules can we make better use of them.


The establishment of rules also represents non-freedom. Freedom is acpanied by anxiety. Human beings use non-freedom in exchange for the sense of reassurance in the establishment of rules.


It has always been felt that human interaction is the collision of every rule and rule, but most people are unwilling to kill the world they have built.


In this age of great change, we want to survive, either to bee like them, or to bee stronger and rule others without being ruled by others.


People do not hate latent rules, people only hate latent rules that are not good for themselves.


Don't blindly obey the rules. Learn to create the rules by yourself.


The rule of love is that there are no rules; there are no rules to create happy pictures.


I hate people who obey the rules without any doubt more than those who make them!


Every piece of land has so-called power beyond the rules, and the significance of rules lies in restraining the weak.


Weak person adapts to rule: wise person does not accept rule: strong person creates rule.


Rather than plaining about rules, use them.


Rules are dead, understanding is alive; rules will bee a kind of imprisonment, understanding will give you boundless sky.


There are no rules in the game. All the rules are set by the king.

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